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Odin Munar Progam - Odin 20 Part 1


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The best example was on Apollo 17 when Jack Schmitt found orange soil fairly early into the second EVA. They didn't have the option to scrub later stops and spend more time examining this new find because of the walk back constraint.

Will your version of the Skylab mission be underpowered like the original, or will you run it as it was intended? To reenact history or improve on it? Interesting dilemma :)

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Ah, yes, the orange soil - it's become rather famous for some reason ;)

I actually did spent ome time thinking about this dilemma. I though of extending the solar sails "by accident" during ascend, so than an engineer of the SL1 crew has to repair it. But Skylab will probably be inside a payload fairing, so I can't extend it during flight. So, I can either build the station broken or build it completely and pretend that a solar cell is broken, wich both strike me a lame alternatives.

Considering that, I will probably improve on history ;)

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I'm actually curious what they look like in a render. :D

Still, I think this movie sucks big time. How can they conceal a Saturn V (with a crew module up top) and how could ANYTHING survive up there.

PS: To all people who believe in multicellular aliens or civilizations (Mean no offense whatsoever, just something to think about), here's a thought. What are the odds that life evolved the same way as it did on earth on another planet. In this galaxy near 0, we would have heard of something by now, in the universe possible. But in the solar system ZERO!

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Yeah, but I think life on Mars and Europa is a big possibility, though you mean multicellular and civilized.

As for the Saturn V: Could be possible, you'd need a cover-up though. " Unmanned test launch to see the surviveable capabilities of an Apollo capsule."

And on that "how could ANYTHING survive up there." part: I keep telling people I know that life needs water to exist, and they always say "But how do we know that they'd have evolved like us and need water?" which gets me confused as well...

I'd REALLY love to see a Blender model of the rock crabs, and even better to have Xeldrak make a recreation of it in KSP, just use that mini-Mun mod thats in the add on subforum and attatch lights on, give it some I-beam legs and whulla!

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I'm talking about multicellular complex organisms, that's what's slim. On Mars and Europa, yes, I believe that life (Like Bacteria, maybe some complex micro-organisms), but an actual civilization capable of building spacecraft to reach earth. SLIM.

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"though you mean multicellular and civilized."

But you probably didn't notice that.

I like the idea of the film, it sounds 'good' but to me a good film is something thats cool reading about on wikipedia, not actually in terms of what it's like to watch, I hardly ever watch films.

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The eleventh manned mission in the Odin space program, the sixth to land on the Mun and the second to land in the munar highlands: Odin XVII

The last of the so-called "J missions," it was crewed by CDR Eugene A. Kerman, MMP Harrison H. Kerman and CMP Ronald E. Kerman. This was the first flight into space of the third Odin crew.


The proven Sleipnir V booster worked flawlessly as always during the ascend. After putting the spacecraft into an 99km x 109km orbit around Kerbin, the S-II stage and the shroud was jettisoned and the crew started system checks. By now all procedures were optimized and well tested, so the crew could fire the S-IVB stage just 39 minutes into the flight to put them on a transmunar trajectory. About ten minutes after completing the burn, the CSM separated from the remaining stack. CMP Ronald E. Kerman first turned the CSM around and docked it to the MEM and then extracted it, using the CSM RCS. With the S-IVB stage gone everything was set up for their cruise to the Mun. CDR Eugene Kerman had prepared some snacks while Ronald did the docking.

As usual, one day later the crew fired up the SPS to enter a munar orbit. Due to Odin 17's specific trajectory Kerbin was in view of the spacecraft for the first time during this maneuver. CDR Eugene Kerman and MMP Harrin Kerman didn't waste a lot of time and as soon as all post-burn checks were completed started to prepare the MEM. Once undocked and at a safe distance Gene fired the descend engine and lowered the MEM's orbit. Just fifteen minutes after undocking Harry and Gene started the final approach and a few minutes later the two Kerbonauts touched down safely at one end of the Litwack valley.

After their first snacks on the munar surface Gene an Harry donned their space suits and prepared to deploy the MRV. Once it's systems where checked, they deployed the OMSEPs at some distance from the MEM. Time for the obligatory PR picture. Harry set up the flag and the two kerbonauts posed for a few pictures in front of it. Now, that all the menial tasks around the MEM were complete, it was time for the fun part: Gene and Harry mounted the MRV and headed for the Litwack valley.

Two of the MRV's tires ruptured during the landing in the valley. So, while Gene repaired the wheels, Harry went out and collected several samples from the valley ground and walls. Once the MRV was again fit for duty, the two Kerbonauts drove to the far end of the valley. Having collected several more samples, they left the valley to head for Sherlock. The ascend was tedious and just like their predecessors Harry and Gene lamented the lack of torque of the MRV. Nonetheless they soon after entered the giant Sherlock crater. The first stop was near the central hill, where this time Gene would head out while Harry took care of the wheels. From there they headed to a ridge inside Sherlock, formed by a smaler, overlaping crater. Both Kerbals dismounted to inspect the soil befor they took the MRV to the far edge of Sherlock.

They left Sherlock through it's far side and headed back to the MEM following the craters curved rim. Harry, a professional geologist insisted to inspect two big indentations, one on the ridge of Shelock and the other one on the ridge of the neighboring Minkowski crater. So the two Kerbonauts stopped and took a few samples at both locations before they descended into the Minkowski crater and crossed it to return to the MEM. They made only a quicl stop inside Minkowski to collect samples and therefore made good time and soon left the crater, with the MEM comming into view.

Once Gene and Harry had arrived at the MEM, they took their collected samples and entered the lander. Here they spent some time bagging and labeling the diverse samples. With this done, they called it a day and munched a few snack before taking a good, long nap.





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Awesome! I could try my hand at making a simple Soyuz for you, stock. No promises though as I'm not amazing at replica's...

- - - Updated - - -

Well that didn't end well, The thing had about 600m/s and was built with Vens Stock Revamp, so If it went to stock it would look like rubbish...

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Just a small update - had university stuff to do



Gene and Harry woke up after several hours of napping and started to prepare for their second EVA. Their trip would lead them through the Arthur crater. Once they had eaten their breakfast snacks they donned their spacesuits and left the MEM. After a quick check of the MRV Gene and Harry set out toward Arthur. Since they planed to visit the central terrace of the crater, they drove uphill along Arthur's rim instead of heading right into it.

On their way to the highest point in the imediate surroundings, they stoped a few times to collect samples along the ridges of Athur, Emory and Cayley. Close to the top Harry insisted on a sample of a rather large rock that hung right on the edge of the cliff that the crater by now formed. So, while Harry took the sample, Gene stayed behind in the MRV. This way he could use it to recue his fellow kerbonaut if he should drop into the crater. At least that is what Gene said.

At the top of the mountain Gene gently and carefully drove the MRV over the cliff and into the crater, never losing contact to the ground. At mission control Valentina merely scoffed, dropped her headset and left the room. However, once over the edge the MRV started to accelerate to over 30 m/s, rolling down the almost vertical slope. On the central terrace Gene swung the MRV around and performed a power slide while stopping it. Just as they had planned Gene and Harry came to a halt right on the central terrace inside Arthur, where they dismounted to collect several samples.

Once done and back on the MRV it was time for the second drop. Gene approached the slope that lead into the base of Arthur carefully, once again sticking firmly to the ground. But once over the edge he put the pedal to the metal. When they dropped into a smaller crater in the base of arthur, the MRV lost it's front wheels. Therefore Gene balanced it on it's back wheels while he used the remaining momentum to get out of the crater.

When the MRV came to a stop outside crater the Kerbonauts replaced the tires and headed back to the MEM. On their trip they collected a few more samples along the ridges of Arthur and Emory. Back at MEM Gene and Harry packed their collected samples, transfered them into the MEM and called it a day. The trip was rather short, but uphill trips put a real strain on the MRV and they need some fuel left EVA 3.

Therefore Gene and Harry bagged the samples that they had and took care of a few more snacks.





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After a good, long nap Harry and Gene where ready for EVA 3. They planned to inspect the mysterious cluster of indentations nearby, the edges of Galahad, Lancelot and Klein, aswell as venture into the Pita Flats to collect samples. But first it was time for breakfast. The two Kerbonauts ate their morning snacks, drank some juice and then started to prepare for EVA 3. Once their spacesuits where donned and the MEM was depressurized, Gene opened the hatch and the two kerbonaut left the MEM. They straped themselves to the MRV and set out for the cluster.

It was just a short drive to the cluster, where Harry got off the MEM and started to collect several samples. He wanted to stay longer at this formation but time was an issue, therefore had to return to Gene, who was waiting at the MRV. Once back on the vehicle, Gene drove toward the thin ridge that separates Galahad and Lancelot. Having stopped right between the two big craters Harry dismounted again. The MRV batteries needed to recharge, so he used the time to collect more samples. As soon as the MRV was fully charged Gene and Harry moved on. They followed Galahands curvature toward the Pita flats. Thanks to the level terrain they got ahead quickly and could spend more time with some rocks on the Pita Flats. With several nice samples in their bags, they headed back towards the MEM. The path lead them to the rim of Klein where they collected their last samples. The trip back to the MEM went smoothly and with only 3.5% fuel left in the MRV upon return they really used it to all it's capacity on this mission.

With all their samples bagged and labeled inside the MEM, Gene and Harry prepared for liftoff. Once all checklists where completed and the CSM was in the right position, Gene stared the launch sequence. With all connections to the descend module cut the ascend engine fired and propelled them into the black, munar sky. Even with a maneuver to change the orbital plane, Gene approached the CSM mere 30 minutes after liftoff. Once the crew was reunited, they moved all the samples and experiments from the MEM to the CSM. With everything removed they jettisoned the MEM, leaving it to crash into the munar surface.

The final task of Odin 17 in munar orbit was the deployment of the subsatellite. Ronald had trained this extensively in the simulator. He opened the CSM instrument bay and launched the satellite. With a small push from it's engine it slowly drifted out of the bay into munar orbit. The satellite automatically extended it's antennas and started to transmit data. When Ronald was sure the satellite had successfully activated, the crew started to prepare for their burn to leave the munar sphere of influence.

During the burn the SPS worked flawlessly and put Odin 17 on it's desired path, back to Kerbin. With everything done the crew snuggled into their couch while they fell back towards Kerbin. When the capsule was close to Kerbin's amosphere the SM was dropped and the capsule plunged into the atmosphere. After a few minutes engulved in hot plasma the parachutes deployed and the capsule safefly splashed down soon afterwards.

This concludes Phase 1 of the munar exploration program. But the Odin team plans to revisit our distant comapnion in the near future.





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