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Scorch Marks and Decals

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When procedural craters were introduced the idea that a player could leave a mark was mentioned.

XilentDude suggested:

\\Also, we will have in the future craters made by explosions made by us or something like that ?

HarvesteR replied:

As for player-made craters, I'm afraid this system isn't very suitable for it, since to update the terrain we have to rebuild the entire quadtree, and that takes a while. It would be pretty lame if every time you crashed the game would halt for a couple of seconds to dig a little hole. Plus, the terrain resolution is far too low to do them like that.

I think a better solution there would be to do crater objects that we place, like bullet holes in shooting games. But that's another feature for another day. :wink:

It has been two years. Could this feature for another day arrive Soontm?

Scorch marks and seeing tracks/rubber on the ground/runway would build immersion.

That scorch mark over there is where brave Bartford was lost.

The decals could be removed when there is an facility upgrade or fade over time.

Now who wouldn't like to do some donuts etched into the lithospheres with the new wheels.

HarvesteR from Chugging Along:

Drive hard or burn donuts for too long, and you won’t have tires to keep driving with.
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I'd be happy about any additional means to interact with your environment, even if it was just 2D textures "printed" on the ground (e.g. footprints). Also, is there any chance that the boulders on planets and moons will become solid at some point? It's not a big issue, yes, but it sure feels silly to land with half your ship clipping through a rock...

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Footprints would also be very important.

It would be interesting if the programming could determine if the footprints could be set into the regolith and ignore the lithosphere.

Landing legs have feet/pads so those also could leave imprints.

The footprints also would enhance EVA activities leaving behind a record of where you have been.

The settings for decals could work similar to the debris and scatter settings and be adjusted to be removed after reaching an upper limit or disabled completely.

Welcome to the forums DowncastParadox

The terrain scatter is still labeled as WIP (work in progress) so perhaps someday landing on a boulder/tree will cause problems.

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