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New planets and stuff.

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another gas giant that has rings (preferably asteroids) and tons of moons! (i will be the analog for saturn) and two other gas giants kinda boring ones with like 3 moons each (uranus and neptune) (and i know they have way more the 3 moons) and then move on to other solor syestem hopefully we will have a hole galexy (with a black hole in the middle please) and....ya.

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There were more gas giants in the works but they were put on hold indefinitely. Squad haven't made an actual official announcement on the matter yet but from what I've seen, they could be a possibility once the Unity 5 update rolls around and gives the game more memory to work with.

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There were more gas giants in the works but they were put on hold indefinitely. Squad haven't made an actual official announcement on the matter yet but from what I've seen, they could be a possibility once the Unity 5 update rolls around and gives the game more memory to work with.

Having more system resources to squander is not a solution to the problem. KSP is terribly inefficient with memory, processor cycles, pretty much anything. When the game can run and not run like a pile of steaming horse dung at times, then I will personally campaign to the ends of the earth for NovaSilisko's original planet concept to be added.

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There are some topics which have been discussed so many times that we've had to rule them off-limits for the sake of keeping forum discussions moving productively. Please review the list, and you'll find that additional worlds is one of them. Sorry, but this thread will be closed now.

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