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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited - Labs Division

This is the public discussion thread for ongoing development of SSTU parts and plugin code.



The latest versions may be found at: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/241283-sstu-shadow-space-technologies-unlimited

And are also available on Github: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/releases   (Github will always be more up-to-date than curse, as they are auto-published there; I have to manually update Curse; so please check the GitHub link if you are looking for the latest versions)

Please keep in mind that these are all testing releases. Things may break between releases. There will be bugs. Many things are unfinished and/or unoptimized.
The test versions are for ironing out bugs in new features and for testing out prototype parts before they are finished; as such they will always have bugs, often severe, and there will often be unfinished parts (no textures, missing features, etc).  Please only use these versions if you wish to contribute to testing and are comfortable with the state of the releases.


Wiki (WIP):



IVA Modeling:
SSTU could greatly use someone with interest and experience in modeling IVAs.  If you think you are that person, please contact Shadowmage through PM to work out the details.

If you would like to contribute to pre-release testing (and get to try things out in their pre-release state), please follow the link above; the most recent test version will be at the top. Please submit issue reports for any problems you encounter via the GitHub issues tracker: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues (If you do not report the issue there, it will not be resolved; issues posted in the thread or through PMs will be forgotten about and likely never fixed; so please, do the organized thing and use the bug-tracker).

I welcome pull requests and contributions for adding patches for mod compatibility, adding new part configs, or fixing issues in existing part configs. 

One very major part of the mod that could greatly benefit from public contributions is the Wiki:
While this is the 'dev version' wiki, I will be using it to form the basis of the public release wiki; so any/all information and details that can be filled in now will be transferred over to the public release repository and wiki when it is created.

Feedback, suggestions, comments, etc:
Please feel free to post feedback, suggestions, questions, etc regarding development releases and/or any posted previews. Even if you are not on the testing team, I still value your feedback and suggestions.  Please use the issue tracker for any 'official' feature requests; it may be found at:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues

Bug Reports:
Please submit issue reports for any problems you encounter via the GitHub issues tracker: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues.  No other method for submitting bugs will be supported; posts on the forum or through PM will be forgotten about before I can ever get to them.  Opening up a ticket ensures that your report does not get lost in the forum or forgotten about.  No ticket = no fix.


Enough with the disclaimers, and onto the parts!

The Parts:

The goal of SSTU is to provide low-part count, CPU-efficient parts for common uses. To this end many of the parts are designed with additional integrated functionality beyond the base functions, for instance integrating RCS ports and engine(s) into a fully fledged service module. I have tried to maintain a stock-compatible appearance, though as I am not an artist or modeler (at least not by training/profession), how well this has worked out is subject to opinion.

Master list of parts; current, planned, the whole lot:



Ship Core: Engines

A set of engines in many varieties, including pre-built engine clusters. Many more engines, mounting options, and cluster designs will be added over time.



Ship Core: Series A

A set of parts modeled after the Soyuz CSM stack.  Includes Orbital Module, Descent Module, Service Module, and LAS.



Ship Core: Series B

A set of parts modeled after the Apollo CSM stack.  Includes two command modules (one with integrated heatshield and parachutes), launch abort system, and Apollo-inspired service module.




Ship Core: Series C

A series of parts heavily inspired by and based on current NASA - SLS project. Includes representations of SLS upper stack initial configuration, and lifter parts designed in the vein of the lower/core portions. The upper stack is designed to allow for a low-part-count manned orbiter setup, while the lower-stack parts are intended for super-heavy-lift capabilities. Command module and upper-stack are 3.75m, while the lower-stack lifter parts are 5m.



Ship Core: General

A line of generic / utility parts.  Fairings, RCS, Science experiments, and procedural decouplers of various types.  Includes a full line of configurable/dynamic fuel tank parts in standard cylinder, sphere, R-7 booster (integrated decoupler), and upper-stage (integrated rcs) form factors.  Includes a full set of truss based cargo bay modules.   Also includes a full line of interstage fairings and petal adapters, and standard payload fairings.  (Many parts not shown in album)


Lander Core

A series of parts specially crafted to enable low-part-count non-atmospheric lander designs for use in the stock Kerbol system.



Station Core

A line parts for low-part-count station use.  Includes inflatable Bigelow-inspired inflatable modules, inflatable centrifuge modules, ISS inspired habitat and lab modules, and a line of TKS/DOS inspired single-part station cores (integrated solar, engines, rcs, docking ports, sas).  Also includes a full line of stand-alone solar panels and a 'welding' docking port.

(Album not yet available)



Craft Files

None currently available, will possibly start becoming available when the mod has reached a stable state (not for the foreseeable future).

Additional Addon Compatibility and Integration

RealPlume -- Optional but highly recommended.  SSTU includes a set of patches for RealPlume for all engines as well as most other engine-enabled parts.  More will be added over time.  Stock effects are also included, but options and configuration for those are much more limited.  If you want pretty-looking exhaust effects, get RealPlume.

MechJeb -- If MechJeb2 is installed, Command Pods (and some service modules) include a built-in MJ module.  The tech-unlocks for these are based on the default MJ tech-settings.

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement -- As of KSP 1.2+, KRJ is no longer necessary, as the stock Auto-Struts can eliminate most of the wobbles.  Might still have utility on extremely large craft designs, but should no longer be nearly-mandatory.

USI-LS -- Patches for most parts are included, and will be enabled when the requisite mods are installed.  These patches add a few days worth of life-support to each of the pods and some of the service modules. (WIP, needs updating)

TAC-LS -- Some patches are included.  Not up to date, and not all parts are patched.

ConnectedLivingSpace - A simple CLS patch is included to add CLS passability to all SSTU crewed parts.

FAR - Unsupported.  You are on your own if you choose to use FAR.  Any problems involving FAR needs to be brought up in the FAR thread.

RO/RSS - Unsupported.  Take any support requests regarding RO to the RO threads.

KR&D - Known to be incompatible.  Some config edits can be made to allow them to work in the same install, but KR&D cannot adjust stats on most SSTU parts.


Introductory video by MrMeeb



Known Issues


Future Timeline / Future Plans

Please see the Github Milestones and Issues Tracker to see future/current development plans.

Milestones (long-term plans): https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/milestones

Issues Tracker (current in-dev stuff): https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues



All source code and compiled plugin binaries for this addon are
distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0, except
where noted below, where that code is distributed under its own license.
The text of this license may be found at: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/LICENSE-SOURCE.txt

None at this time

Source code for plugins is included in all releases packs (source may also be found for the most current version at: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/tree/master/Source).

All Assets and Artwork in this addon are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except those areas noted below, which are distributed under their own licenses.  The text of this license may be found at https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/LICENSE-ASSETS.txt

None at this time

Module Manager is distributed under its own license (CC-SA). Source code and licensing details may be found at: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager

Community Resource Pack
Community Resource Pack is distributed under its own license (CC-BY-NC-SA).  Source code and licensing details may be found at: https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack

This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC.  If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin

KSPWheel is a dependency for the SC-E (shuttle) landing gear, and is distributed under its own license (GPL 3.0+ https://github.com/shadowmage45/KSPWheel/blob/master/License-GPL3.txt).  It may be found at: https://github.com/shadowmage45/KSPWheel

Textures Unlimited is distributed under its own license (GPL3).  Source code and licensing details may be found at:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited
Forum Page: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/167450-18x-textures-unlimited-pbr-shader-texture-set-and-model-loading-api/


The Team:


Shadowmage - Modeling, animation, texturing, plugin code, concept development, and most configs (balance).

And a special thanks go out to all others who are making this add-on possible:

JoseEduardo - Co-Conspirator, Testing and feedback, RO and RF Integration, Craft files, additional texture sets
blowfish - Testing, feedback, and concept development
MrMeeb - Intro video, testing and feedback.

StratoChief - RO and RF Integration
VenomousRequiem - Concept development and feedback.
MeCripp - Testing and feedback
_Augustus_ - Testing and feedback
drtedastro - Testing and feedback
riocrokite - Testing and feedback, concept development for part reduction
falken - Testing and feedback

martinezfg11 - LC-POD IVAs
Jimbodiah - Craft repository and testing

-if I missed you on this list, sorry! (feel free to send me a PM if you think you deserve a mention in the credits)


I work on this mod during my spare time, and use vast amounts of caffeine in the process.  If you would like to help contribute to my coffee fund, please see the link below.  This is purely optional, but can help keep me motivated and energized ( = more work getting done!).

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Edited by Shadowmage
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Oh, this is up now! Congratz, Shadow.

Edit - So I guess I'll be doing the talking on the bugs and such on here instead of PMs. Figured I'd mention the fact that I'm starting on actually looking at the Orion's ablator module.

Dude, Your parts... I drool. Please tell me there will be a beta release? And the IVA's? (Seriously- those parts are REALLY .....)

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Dude, Your parts... I drool. Please tell me there will be a beta release? And the IVA's? (Seriously- those parts are REALLY .....)

Well, I'm just a team member/tester, really. You should ask ShadowMage, but I don't think that'll happen.

They really are nice though, aren't they! And you're probably wondering, the Orion CM is currently the only pod with a finished, if it's even completely finished, IVA.

Oh, and a question to Shadow, do you want me to add the surface FX module to the lander engines? I feel like that'd be a nice touch. :P

And I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post pictures of content from the dev version, buuut~

Greetings from the greater flats of Minmus!


(Ignore the backwards flag, I have no real idea what I'm doing 90% of the time)

Edited by VenomousRequiem
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Thanks for the support guys :)

To those interested in testing: I'm working on cleaning up some module stuff before I can put out the next test release. Hopefully a day or two, and I will get you all links / instructions /etc. I'll see about sending out links to the current dev versions, but please keep in mind that there are a few known issues and that there will be many changes in the next update (save/part breaking changes).

IVAs - as noted, only the Orion CM currently has a finished IVA. The lander pods have blank/unfinished/basic geometry only IVAs, and the Series-C stuff has no IVA at all at the moment. I will be finishing up the lander part IVAs once the rest of the lander parts are finished (textures/coding/configs). Series-C IVAs will likely come after the lander parts are done (don't even have basic Geo on those, so will take a bit, don't want to needlessly delay other things).

On the Orion and Series-C stuff; they are mostly needing config tweaking and another balancing pass before they can be released. As the lander stuff is going to take longer than I had originally anticipated, I will see about putting together releases for the other (finished) parts series later this week/weekend. No reason to hold that stuff back as it won't be seeing too many/any changes. I guess I should get off my butt and do some config updates instead of coding all night ;)

Lander parts - have some cool ideas in the works. Currently working on coding a plugin that allows for partmodule swapping (works along-side a mesh-switch module) that will allow for some very interesting part-variant setups for the lander fuel sections (and cleans up some attach-node issues with the current setup). The next testing release is waiting for this to be finished/cleaned up, as the parts in their current-state are kind of a PITA to use and assemble (they do work, but it is not very intuitive).

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Oh, and a question to Shadow, do you want me to add the surface FX module to the lander engines? I feel like that'd be a nice touch. :P

Aye, if you felt like working out the settings for the surfaceFX modules that would be great; could save me a bit of time on the config end of things :)

Progress reigns on with the Orion CM's ablator balancing, but I'm having trouble understanding the way the .cfgs are set up! :P

These custom plug-ins are new to me, but I'll figure it out. Currently it's a liiiiittle less OP, but could probably still handle reentry in RSS. :D

If you want we can set up a time to do some chat/IM stuff regarding the config setups. As I wrote the code to the CM ablator/heat shield module, I can probably (hopefully) help figure out what numbers to tune to get it more in-line with the stock mechanics. I know there will be some pretty large changes to the default/current values, as the CM has a much different shape and mass characteristics than the stock heatshields; it has a much higher internal mass to skin mass ratio, and a larger surface area in general.

I would suggest making a default stock config and having that as the default values in the part.cfg file, and then have second set of configs for RSS/RO use through a MM patch.

General development update:

Sorry I've been a bit inactive; have had my head buried on code for the past few days. Trying to work out the mechanics for an in-editor PartModule swapping capability, but running afoul of KSP and C# limitations (I could do it if it was written in Java, as it allows you to mess with more things (that you probably shouldn't mess with...)). The game is setup in such a way that dynamic module swapping is very much unsupported, and there is no clean way to implement it (a couple of hacks could work, but I'de rather not go down that route). Ohwell, I have a backup plan for implementation that I know will work; it just requires custom coding any PartModules that are intended to be used by the moduleswitch mechanics (e.g. I may need to write custom Engine, RCS, SAS, and Light modules in the near future, at least if I want those usable with the moduleswitch/part variant mechanics).

Currently working on coding an externally controlled generic animation module - this should make it so that I don't need to recode animation control for every animated partmodule I make, and can rely on the generic animation module for the animation code/control. Should save significant time on future plugin coding that involves animation. Will likely have this finished up tonight and work on converting some of my existing animated modules over to use it (solar panels, landing legs).

As I have not made very significant progress on the plugins needed for the Lander Core series of parts (moduleswitching), I will work on cleaning up configs and bugs for the rest of the parts series (Series B and Series C) and see about getting those released (public beta) over the weekend. So, potentially Saturday for the initial releases, though I can make no promises at this point.

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Aye, if you felt like working out the settings for the surfaceFX modules that would be great; could save me a bit of time on the config end of things :)

If you want we can set up a time to do some chat/IM stuff regarding the config setups. As I wrote the code to the CM ablator/heat shield module, I can probably (hopefully) help figure out what numbers to tune to get it more in-line with the stock mechanics. I know there will be some pretty large changes to the default/current values, as the CM has a much different shape and mass characteristics than the stock heatshields; it has a much higher internal mass to skin mass ratio, and a larger surface area in general.

I would suggest making a default stock config and having that as the default values in the part.cfg file, and then have second set of configs for RSS/RO use through a MM patch.

General development update:

Sorry I've been a bit inactive; have had my head buried on code for the past few days. Trying to work out the mechanics for an in-editor PartModule swapping capability, but running afoul of KSP and C# limitations (I could do it if it was written in Java, as it allows you to mess with more things (that you probably shouldn't mess with...)). The game is setup in such a way that dynamic module swapping is very much unsupported, and there is no clean way to implement it (a couple of hacks could work, but I'de rather not go down that route). Ohwell, I have a backup plan for implementation that I know will work; it just requires custom coding any PartModules that are intended to be used by the moduleswitch mechanics (e.g. I may need to write custom Engine, RCS, SAS, and Light modules in the near future, at least if I want those usable with the moduleswitch/part variant mechanics).

Currently working on coding an externally controlled generic animation module - this should make it so that I don't need to recode animation control for every animated partmodule I make, and can rely on the generic animation module for the animation code/control. Should save significant time on future plugin coding that involves animation. Will likely have this finished up tonight and work on converting some of my existing animated modules over to use it (solar panels, landing legs).

As I have not made very significant progress on the plugins needed for the Lander Core series of parts (moduleswitching), I will work on cleaning up configs and bugs for the rest of the parts series (Series B and Series C) and see about getting those released (public beta) over the weekend. So, potentially Saturday for the initial releases, though I can make no promises at this point.

Take your time, man! I'm not sure my internet can handle an IM thing, but I can try. I maybe be a little busy today but other than that, I'll get to working on that damn ablator module!

I'm busy because today is my birthday! :D

Use IRC chat :P

Also the landers work surprisingly well, I use LC3 and 2 with the SLS Block IB and Orion and the missions are quite fun! (Except for the fact that half the time I have to abort the mission)

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No rush on that stuff, enjoy your birthday.

Nope! Just because you said that, I did a thing.



name = SSTUAblator

ablativeResource = Ablator

meshNames = SCBCMHeatShield

lossExp = -6000

lossConst = 1

pyrolysisLossFactor = 600

reentryConductivity = 0.01

ablationTempThresh = 500


Guess who just lost like 500 whole ablator! On a particularly boring and slow reentry, too. I think I fixed the OP heat shield issue! Give it a try!

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Sweet ;)

I'll give it a try later tonight and see how it does for my play-style. Probably much better than the default values either way :)

Maybe! :P

I just observed the values of the stock heat shields and balanced it to that system. I'll bet it works perfectly in KScale2.

Edited by VenomousRequiem
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Quick dev update:

Got an updated test version out for testers over the weekend; everything seems to be going well so far.

I've decided against doing any public partial releases (of the finished suff) for the time being, as there may be quite a few changes still on the plugin things that could break saves.

Currently working on finishing up geometry for the last couple of pieces now that all the plugin stuff is working well. That means more landing legs and leg-slot modules for the fuel sections, and reworking a couple of parts that changed functionality a bit (decouplers).

Heavy-duty landing legs (for 3m and 5m lander sections):


More info to come as more things get finalized.

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How do these go about reducing part count? It looks as if you still need a separate command pod, tank, landing gear, engine, and RCS thrusters at a bare minimum.

The pack looks really good, I'm just curious about that part.

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