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Persistence editing

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I've made a small tweak to my persistence file (to issue a Kerbal with the screwdriver she left in the lunch room before launch) and now I cannot reload that save.

On the Start Game screen I click on Resume Saved, the text changes colour but nothing else happens. I can start new games but even then I cannot load the new saves at all.

It's not a disaster because I can revert to an older version of the Persistence file but I really need that screwdriver!

Any thoughts?

The edit was made in TextEdit on a Mac running OS10.10 Yosemite but I can't seem to see anything to suggest it is not in the correct code/font/language.

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Short answer: Try a different text editor.

Long answer: Unix-based and Unix-like operating systems (like OS X and linux for example) use a different way to store line endings in text files than windows. I don´t know how Unity handles this, i would suggest looking for a text editor that can handle windows-style line endings. TextWrangler seems to be pretty good, but i don´t know if it will work since i don´t use Mac OS.

Edited by rudi1291
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