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[WIP] [1.1.2] DIRECT - Super-Heavy Launchers - REVAMP RELEASE


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So some suggestions:

At first glance the SLT, Atmospheric and non-atmospheric DV, and ISP seem to be correct and fit to payloads of this lifters' class. Artwork on the ET need some cleaning up, but they are not terrible. I will report more as I play with the parts this week.

and photos:



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  • 2 weeks later...
EDIT: Okay, I've spent a few hours tearing my install apart trying to find out why pieces are missing, ect. I thought it might have been a RAM problem.

Well, in the log file, I'm getting a lot of errors that say something like: "Cannot compile part/Cannot clone model/Model doesn't exist" for every model included in this mod, however somehow it fixes itself as the models show up in-game.

The second part to this is that I was missing the SRB nosecone, and couldn't get it to show up. Turns out in the code, you have: "model = Benjee10/DIRECT_LV/Parts/SRB/SRBnoseCone"

But the directory given in the download doesn't include the first "Benjee10" folder, so the nosecone never shows up because KSP can't find the folder named "Benjee10."

Kinda blows because I spent a few hours frantically looking through my install of KSP, thinking there was something I screwed up or it was my computer, ect but in reality it was an "oopsie" in the config file.

Other than that, I'm having major issues getting a launch vehicle for a shuttle working. Not sure if it's a collision mesh issue or not but the physics upon loading up the launch pad are very strange, and it blows up immediately on throttling up. I've been using a stock shuttle strapped to the orange ET tanks and using two 5-segment SRB's from this mod. Edited by -ctn-
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Ah, sorry about that! Forgot I'd changed the directory in the middle of development, must have forgotten to change the .cfg for the nosecone.

I think 1.0.5 changed how part colliders work a little so I'll look into the exploding thing. Haven't tested with 1.0.5 yet.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Not a big deal.

I did try to replicate that obnoxiously huge Jupiter III-X rocket (two external shuttle tanks, four shuttle SRBs) and I had to scale the stock s-25 cluster up and change the thrust to 7000kN, empty half of the external tanks, and I still had a TWR ratio of less than 1.

So for anyone looking to try that with 5m parts, your going to need a stupid powerful engine on the first stage.

I did however get that design working with 3.75m parts, and I used the configs to rescale this mod's external tank nose cone and end cap, and that worked beautifully with no collision errors or problems of any kind.
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Just came across this and read through the thread. The large rocket parts look brilliant but personally I'm getting grabby hands for that pod, it looks properly awesome! I'm a massive fan of the Taurus HCV pod because a) it's huge and b) it's got lovely big windows and a great IVA - and from what I can tell your Fortuna pod very much fits that mold, except it's a 3.75m-2.5m pod instead of a 3.75m-1.25m pod like the Taurus is. Would be absolutely perfect to fill a niche for me! If I may ask, is it planned that the first release of the pod itself will include an IVA or will that come in a subsequent update?

This mod as a whole looks fantastic, can't wait to see more and to get said grabby hands of mine on it! :D
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Found out the fairing config file has that extra "Benjee10" folder in the directory path as well.

Other than that, everything looks good. Wish we had a 5m engine for upper stages or a Saturn V style engine for the bottom stages.
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Cheers for the feedback guys! Made some changes which should fix most issues and switched to using PorkJet's SSME model for the RS-25 engines (original Vector engine is still in place)
Also made an External Tank part which makes balancing shuttles a whole lot easier since the CoM doesn't shift during flight:


I've bundled the Shuttle craft file with the release. Flies pretty well. Can get into a 100x100km orbit pretty easily, haven't tested it with a payload yet though.

[SIZE=5][B][url=https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1280/DIRECT%20-%20Launch%20Vehicles]Download on KerbalStuff![/url][/B][/SIZE]
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So I have literally just this and the Squad folder in my GameData. Is there something else I need for the STS.craft? It says it can't open it because of locked parts.

Update- Also the boosters explode when I try to decouple them, but maybe it's a one time thing. Will continue testing. Edited by VenomousRequiem
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Forgive the basic question, but you are running sandbox mode and/or have everything unlocked in career mode? I personally haven't had time to check the update release out, so I can't confirm one way or the other.
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[quote name='benjee10']Welp, I found the problem, I copied the External Tank model file into the release folder without the .cfg to go with it because I'm an idiot :confused:

Don't you just love modding? I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten a line of code or misplaced a file.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 3/16/2016 at 12:57 AM, Stone Blue said:

Oooooo.... That 2.5m -> 3.75m capsule is DIVINE... :D


I second this!  When will we see that command pod and its matching service/propulsion module?  That picture is what really got me interested in this mod in the first place, I'm disappointed to learn that they're the ONLY things in that picture that aren't available yet.  :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a heads up, the current release seems to work with no problems with 1.1! I'll do a bit of a revamp soon since HabTech is nearing initial (non-alpha) release.

  On 3/16/2016 at 12:57 AM, Stone Blue said:

Oooooo.... That 2.5m -> 3.75m capsule is DIVINE... :D

  On 3/17/2016 at 7:15 AM, Neutrinovore said:

I second this!  When will we see that command pod and its matching service/propulsion module?  That picture is what really got me interested in this mod in the first place, I'm disappointed to learn that they're the ONLY things in that picture that aren't available yet.  :(


I'll include that with the next update. I'm going to have to recreate the .cfgs and everything because somehow I've managed to lose them in transitioning between computers, but textures/models/unity set ups are still there so it shouldn't be too much hassle. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/4/2016 at 3:24 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

Can you add KSP-AVC and or support for CKAN so we can be notified of updates as they happen?



Oh and a heads up:  your link to deviant art in your sig is broken.


Should be automatically added to CKAN via SpaceDock. I'll take a look next time I update to make sure that's working ok!

And cheers for the heads up ;) 


With HabTech in a released state now I'll do a rough outline of where I see DIRECT heading in future. Items in bold are things I anticipate happening soon. 

  • Revamp current parts. They're lagging behind a little in terms of visual style and I want to bring them in line with HabTech and the Porkjet style. For most parts that'll just mean tweaking some textures here and there and tightening them up, whereas for others (looking at you SRBs) I'll be doing a complete remodel (keeping nodes and everything in the same place). 
  • IVAs for credible parts.
  • Give Fortuna Command/Service Module a separate release. This pod doesn't really fit with my vision of the mod anymore but I'll be doing it up and releasing it on it's own. 
  • Finish original DIRECT plans. That means adding the massive fuel tanks for the Jupiter III and a couple of structural adapters. 
  • Spacecraft parts, starting with a 3.75m Porkjet style Orion and accompanying Altair lander. 
  • Heavy Duna lander parts. Something that can be used to ferry either crew or cargo and offload it.
  • Heavy habitat parts (think modern Skylab, centrifuges etc.).
  • Various Shuttle-derivative parts, e.g. allowing building Shuttle-C. 
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