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I made the KSP theme in garage band.


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This would be a bit better suited for the Fan Works section.

That being said, this is nice!

A couple of pointers from a guy who's obsessed with music though:

• One of the things that makes the KSP theme so great (and so regal-sounding) is its use of the minor seventh chord made by the triplets and the high note: the "bum bum bum ba-da-da dee bum bum." (I wish I could type musical notes on a staff. It would help so much!)

Instead of playing a minor seventh chord, though, you just played an octave. Now, that's not a bad thing necessarily, and I've done it before too. It can detract from the music though, and it's a significant deviation from the original score. There were several other deviations from the main theme as well; I'm not sure how intentional or needed they were.

• The scoring seemed a little weird. In the game's theme, the score remained relatively triumphant, with very little dissonance. In your scoring, there were a bunch of instruments playing in the background that clashed a little. The clashing seemed to happen at the end of phrases, which is a real no-no. (You generally want the music to 'resolve' by the end of a phrase.)

• C'mon! If you claim to make the KSP theme in Garageband, you'd better finish the thing. Seventeen seconds' worth of music doth not a theme make, to misquote the Bible. Keep at it, my friend!


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