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MiG-29 Replica - 89 of the finest parts cobbled together...

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Introducing the MiK-29 - a purely aesthetic replica, she's a bit shorter than the real thing but is a docile thing to fly. Sometimes on loading the airbrake doesn't seem to work correctly. If it doesn't deploy properly just toggle the elevon back to inverted/normal, it's correctly set up in the SPH but on loading seems to forget this at times. Can't seem to consistently replicate it...

She behaves as one would expect of a fighter aircraft, nimble, yet will bite if you push it too. Can handle 9G. Unfortunately she's a bit on the slow side compared to the real thing, but pretty enough that one forgive such a heinous crime. She's much heavier than the real version, and does carry a lot more fuel. If you want to arm it with BDArmory you'd want to fit a 30mm cannon to the port side (squeeze it into the landing gear fairing thingy above the intake) and six missiles under the wings (2-4 AIM-120s in place of the R-77, and remaining AIM-9s instead of R-73s). It also has a single hard point along the centreline for a drop tank.

Feedback, comments and criticisms of all sorts welcomed and wanted!

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