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Before They Were Orange [UPDATE: CHAPTER FOUR: Starting Uphill]


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Well, I'll be honest, I had forgotten where I stored the document containing this story. (If you didn't notice, the forum change screwed it up pretty bad)


But good news! I have found it, and have already gotten to work revising the first three chapters (expect dialect changes for Wernher, as well as a few word changes to help sentence flow) And I will finish up chapter four soon. :) 

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Chapter Four: Starting Uphill

    “You’re sure Bob’s not in trouble?”  Asked Donney Kerman, Bob’s father.

    “None at all, Don. In fact, the kerbal who is running the program asked that they come back. He said they seemed really interested in what they were doing, and that they could always use recruits for the future.” replied Edlie.

    “No way! There is absolutely no way they can train Bob to fly a rocket. That’s much too dangerous!”

    “Actually he wouldn’t have to. There are many important positions in the space program that don’t require flying a rocket.”

    “Like what?”

    “Well, I don’t know all of them by heart, but most of the space program is the kerbals who build the rockets. The engineers who put everything together. And then there’s the people who help fly the rocket from the ground, the ones who make sure everything is going to plan. And let's not forget the scientists who discovered how to make rockets work, the ones who discovered how to get things into orbit around Kerbin, the ones who are always working on their next big discovery. Bob would be perfect for that, wouldn’t he?”

    “Well...I supposed he was always a little scientist.”

    “So will you let him go back? I can give him a ride, it’s just outside of town.”

Donney sighed.

    “I guess that will be alright. As long as Bob is nowhere near any kind of danger. He is going to learn about science, not about how to get hurt.”

    “Of course. I will see to that. Wernher would like to see them again soon to discuss some things, I was thinking tomorrow. Would that be alright?”

    “Sure. Don’t keep him out too late though, please.”

    “Alright. Thanks again, Don. Kids!” Edlie called.

After a few seconds of footsteps, four little kerbals rounded the corner, with hopeful eyes. None more hopeful than poor Bob’s.

    “Good news kids. Donney has agreed to let Bob go back to the space center, as long as he is nowhere near any danger.”

All four let out a sigh of relief, followed by smiles and cheers.

The next day, Bob was ready to go 20 minutes early. He packed himself a little snack, as well as the biggest science book he had. He sat on his porch waiting, watching the road for Edlie’s car. When if finally, appeared, he rushed down the sidewalk and jumped in.

    “Everyone ready?” Asked Edlie. “We’ve just got to get Bill and we’ll be on our way.”

    After picking up Bill, Edlie turned around and started to head out of town. When they crested the last hill before the space center, the kids were a bit disappointed to see that there wasn’t a new rocket waiting to launch today. As they rolled up to the gate, a kerbal’s voice came over a speaker by the window.


    “Edlie Kerman.”

    “I’m sorry sir, I don’t see you on-”

The voice became muffled.

    “Oh. What? Ok sir, sorry sir. Ahem, sorry about that, you’re all set.”

The gate opened slowly, and Edlie pulled into the parking lot by the “RnD” center. Wernher met them outside.

    “Sorry about ze confusion earlier, it von’t happen again. Here, I got you badges to vear around your necks so everyone knows zhat you are allowed here. Now, ve have much to discuss, if you vould please follow me to ze office.”

After the security badges had been passed out, they followed Wernher through the hallways and into his office. After they sat down, Wernher closed the door and sat at his desk.

    “Vell, I am very glad to see you all vere able to make it. Now zhen, onto business. You showed some real interest in vhat ve are doing here the oyher day. As you may know, zhis program is new. Ve are alvays looking for new recruits, especially younger kerbal’s who show potential. Firstly, I vould like each of you to tell me vhat interests you ze most about zhis program.”

    “Flying rockets looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could’ve been in that rocket the other day.” Said Jeb.

    “I suspected as much. Similar story for you Val, no?”

    “Well, yeah. I wanna fly rockets too. But I wanna do it better than Jeb.” replied Val.

    “Oh I see. Sibling rivalry at it’s finest.”

    “I love building things. And I would really like to know how they managed to get the rocket to stay together like it does.” Said Bill.

    “Ah, ze engineer of the group. And you? I haven’t heard much from you at all.”

    “Well. I suppose science is my favorite subject, so maybe I could do something with that?” Bob said, looking with pleading eyes.

    “Of course! Ze scientists are the reason ve are able to do anyzhing at all! Ze scientists came up with ze fuel, ze proper way to launch, ze speeds needed, and all of ze calculations to make sure ze rocket goes vhere it needs to.”

    “Oh. Thats a lot! You mean I could actually do stuff like that?”

    “Vell, vith training and vhen you’ve been taught all you need to know, yes.”

Bob smiled bigger than he had in a long time.

    “So, what now?” Questioned Edlie.

    “Vell, I vas zhinking zhat zhey could be ze first ever cadets in the Kerbal Space Program Academy. All of our current staff, our engineers and scientists and pilots and such, came from different backgrounds. Our pilots vere just airplane pilots before, ve then drafted zhem and trained zhem to fly our rockets. I am one of ze few here who was trained for spaceflight exclusively. Ve vould like our future team to be trained entirely for ze space program. And it could all start vith you four.” Replied Wernher.

    “So you want them to go to school here? And be trained to be a part of the space program in the future?”


    “Well, I’m not sure about anything yet, we would have to discuss things with their parents, as well as my wife. But, I can say, I am very interested in seeing my two kerbals enter the space academy. If they want to of course.”

    “Like that’s a question.” Jeb said, giggling.

    “Very vell, I suspected as much. Can ve arrange another meeting, zhis time with all parents present? Zhat way we can get right into enrollment if, of course, everyone agrees.” Asked Wernher.

    “Sure. I’ll talk it over with the others, but I’m sure tomorrow would work fine.”

    “Alright. See you zhen, my future Kerbonauts!”



If anyone noticed any spelling/grammar mistakes, do let me know. :) (Aside from Wenher's accent of course :P )

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  • 4 months later...
  On 8/30/2016 at 6:41 PM, Andem said:

@Endersmens I'm really loving this so far! I can't wait to read more!


Oh really? 

...p..people actually want more of this? Well. I guess I'll start writing again then! (doubt I'll get credit for this in my college English class though... was good while it lasted :P )

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