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Does anyone know how I can make this handle better?

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I have a small problem here. I apparently suck at spaceplanes, so could someone tell me how to make this more maneuverable?




No mods needed. File attached.

I\'d like to keep the shape of the wings and tail because I like it.

Thanks for any ideas!


Oh, and it can fly with half of one wing and one engine missing. Sort of.


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Okay I have fixed it, I left it looking as close to your original design as I could, here is what I did:

Changed elevators from 1 Standard to 4 Small control surfaces for more power.

Moved rear wheels closer to the center of gravity of the aircraft, this makes taking off easier.

Installed Structural Wings at a small angle underneath the Delta Wings to provide more lift at front of aircraft.

Added Small control surfaces to the new Structural wings for more lift and better pitch control.

Fitted nosewheel to a Small Hardpoint so nose isn\'t dragging on the ground, lifting off is easier as a consequence.

The aircraft is now much more responsive in pitch, and needs very little Up trim to take off, leaving far more travel of the elevators for pulling up, there seemed no need to change the Roll or Yaw ability of this aircraft.

Have fun, I did :D

Edit: Actually I wasn\'t that happy with the craft\'s ability in Yaw, so have adjusted the angle of the winglets to compensate for the V-tail, as it is the tail that is causing the adverse roll when using the rudder.

I also tilted the hidden front control surfaces down another notch, this adds even more lift to the front, I don\'t think I can improve this aircraft any further though.

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Well, two things I can clearly see:

You should have the back end landing gear closer to the fuselage, and the front further from it, so you start out on the landing strip in the perfect angle for takeoff.


Those vertical stabilizers on the main wings don\'t look very promising... if you get too much drag on one side of it, you will flip out of control. They should always be towards the back, so the plane 'drags' it behind it, not being fishtailed.

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