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kerbal scarecrow glitch


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you must have clicked on him with the "blocker" icon instead of the climber or umbrella..

sadly as you cant send a basher to dig under him youll have to just double click the nuke once all the lemmings..err kerbals go home :)

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you must have clicked on him with the "blocker" icon instead of the climber or umbrella..

sadly as you cant send a basher to dig under him youll have to just double click the nuke once all the lemmings..err kerbals go home :)

The only problem here is that Kerbals are free to move about the 3rd dimension.

I still have/play Lemmings for Gameboy Color :cool:

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I've had that happen a few times while I've had multiple Kerbals on EVA. They can move around and hold onto ladders and climb, it's just that the movement animations don't work so not a huge issue.

ETA- it makes for some powerful BO when they're on EVA. :)


Edited by Reactordrone
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