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Stock Kerbal Flying... Apartments?

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This shouldn\'t fly but does.

Why did I even attempt this?!

It\'s A bird, it\'s a plane, it\'s............ an apartment complex?

I wonder if this is the first time A building was flown?

qjOOT.jpg this will never work bsuEO.jpg odd it spawned in without a grand fireworks display ngCXB.jpg lets get jeb for this one, its going to be a bumpy ride 2iJhz.jpg do a barrel roll fox. side note, 13,000 at 370ms


There is a slight chance that it may explode into several pieces at launch, killing not only the pilot kermans but everyone living in said apartment building. if it survives yaw right. Do your best to yaw left and set throttle to around half. pull back gently around 30mps and enjoy flying an apartment building (that was fun to type out). set trim using ALT+ q or e as needed *this is kinda random and depends on how the parts rest after generation/spawn*.

well i had my fun and I\'d really like to see what other engineers can create.

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