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Vehicle Assembly Lawn

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If you have never built a rocket on the lawn give it a try.

Build something simple or build something complicated.

Air/space planes, trains, rockets or anything.

Just assemble it on the lawn and launch it.

Then post your creations here.

Bill has tried assembling space planes on the lawn but disbanded the idea when rockets started to soar.

Bill made a booster train and truck to haul them too the launch pad


Here a rocket built by Bill that reached orbit.

Bill:) has learned plenty about mechanical devices down at the ranch and still has much to learn about building rockets.

For the first time he built a multi stage rocket that sent a probe into orbit.




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Keep in mind this type of rocket assembly is full of dangers. When the Kraken strikes you had better be in the bunker.

I have a video that can illustrate.

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Here is my first craft submission. Let me know if it works.

This is the basic tools to start exploring the idea of building rockets on the lawn.



Craft File

Bob Tow Booster Kit

Just stick these Fleas on whatever using another docking port. Very light weight a kerbal can easily move them.

Easy to line up and can be completed within IVA mode.

This is designed to be two separate launches for a tier zero facility.

Just separate the craft at the truck's docking port then create a subassembly for the boosters.

To launch the boosters reattach the boosters. Rename the vessel and use the root tool on the boosters and separate the truck.


First launch Bob Tow truck, then park it off the runway/launchpad and then launch the boosters and dock with them.

The vessel has RCS for those minor adjustments.

Reverse use the twin Sparks by activating the oxidizer on the centre tank.

While in IVA I use the sparks to reverse and then the RCS to move forward.

Forward cruising use the Wheesley by activating the intake.

To cruise in IVA get to cruising speed and shut down intake. Turn on oxidizer and go IVA.

Use the reverse thrusters to slow down when there is a heavy payload.

Keep both option panels for the oxidizer and intake on screen for rapid forward/reverse selection.

The wheels have been set up for maximum turning radius.

It drives similar to a fork lift pallet truck.

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You too can build a rocket that goes to space!


As pictured on the box.


Some assembly required.


This kit is for the advanced engineer who does not mind getting their hands a little dirty. This means that there is some rocket wrangling required.

This design flaw has been referred to as a feature that allows an engineer to experience the entire environment.

This kit is in three pieces for tier zero facilities.

The rocket carts have probe cores attached to allow control of the parking brake and steering of a Hammer and Flea booster pair.

For stubborn connections separate the booster pair.

Warranty void if booster pairs are separated.

These are updated tow truck and boosters and incompatible with previous designs.

The booster thrust limit is set for a TWR of 1.40 at liftoff.

The Terrier stage is used to steady the vessel when separating spent boosters.

Use additional throttle to increase control.

Reduce throttle until upper atmosphere.

Go for altitude above 50 km before releasing the fairing.

The probe core vessel achieves orbit with around 2500 m/s of delta V left over.

Remember to recharge the probe core batteries using the tow truck.

Get them while supplies are stock!

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Whats the wierd black thing in the third image of the first post?

The kerbal is sitting in the tier 1 bunker, which doesn't have a texture for the inside ceiling, or it's bugged or something. What we're seeing there is the scorch marks on the roof of the bunker from below.

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Build A Topper Taller Rocket

As pictured on the box.


Team work Required and a crane.


Yes a Crane. Light loads of 5 tonne can be lifted 40 cm.


The bunker is extra roomy.


Booster Separation is clean and trouble free.


Build A rocket.

Top a rocket.

Go to space.


This advanced kit is a four step procedure.

Attach three booster pairs to rocket core then top with upper probe core. Simple.

This kit is not recommended to be used with other kits.

Illustrated guide included.

Rocket Topper Taller Kit

Bob Bill Tow Booster Kit Rev3

Topper Crane

Topper Probe

Rocket Booster Core

This build took quite a few hours to get everything just right. The final assembly was two hours.

Illustrated Guide

The inaugural launch of the Topper Taller Rocket was better than most VAL built rockets.

Even though it takes hours to build a toy model rocket and it is over in a flash I am still enthusiastic to do it all over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've started what I'm calling Caveman level 2 and have upgraded my R&D building. (but I'm not using the fuel transfer on Kerbin)

I wanted to do some manned missions to Mimmus and Mun. Here my craft Which I call the Crow.


I could of done this caveman, but I have upgraded some parts with the new tech. The Cart (now names Fox 4) now uses 4 Vernor Engines so I can use RCS controls to go forwards and back, (before I was just using RCS to go back with 6ish Linear RCS Port) and all docking ports now small size (instead of tiny).

The idea is a easy and quick build craft for light payloads. Just 2 modules (3 counting the cart). Jeb has taken this to Mimmus. Now its Val turn to do the harder Mun mission. Would be a good craft for anyone doing caveman missions.

Edit: looks like I don't have the flying skills to do a Mun landing and return with this craft.

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In other news, I was trying to get cross feed working on my Raven Craft I set up cross feed out of one booster to it's docking port, across the docking ports on the core, and from the docking port on the other booster into it's fuel tank. See Pic.


But it's not working. I spent a lot of time trying different thing some times I can get cross feeding into or out of the core but never from one booster to another and even cross feeding into and out of the core (which I don't want) seem random all my fuel ducts are behind decouples so there should be no interaction with the cores fuel tank. I wasted a lot of time trying to get this working, It world be nice to get more payload to orbit with my Raven but it dose not look like it's worth it.

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Cross feeding fuel seems to have a lot of issues.


Here I had three fuel boosters attached and was to supply the inner core booster with fuel.

The problem is that fuel for the core booster was only pulling fuel from one of the attached tanks.

If I can remember correctly, closing fuel valves did reroute the fuel flow and the inner core booster would pull fuel from another tank.


The fuel from the outer tank atop the Flea feeds fuel to the adjacent booster without any issues. The only issue was that the fuel for the core booster was being drawn from only one of the attached tanks.

It could be a coding issue with fuel flow. I have seen issues with fuel flow with vessel that were assembled in the VAB and am hopeful that these will be fixed.

Now when I am investigating a new design I use the Oscar-B fuel tanks and make a small model rocket that can be assembled quickly.

This is from an earlier experiment.


Too bad I did not try this with two or more fuel inlets.

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Cross feeding fuel seems to have a lot of issues.


Here I had three fuel boosters attached and was to supply the inner core booster with fuel.

The problem is that fuel for the core booster was only pulling fuel from one of the attached tanks.

If I can remember correctly, closing fuel valves did reroute the fuel flow and the inner core booster would pull fuel from another tank.


The fuel from the outer tank atop the Flea feeds fuel to the adjacent booster without any issues. The only issue was that the fuel for the core booster was being drawn from only one of the attached tanks.

It could be a coding issue with fuel flow. I have seen issues with fuel flow with vessel that were assembled in the VAB and am hopeful that these will be fixed.

Now when I am investigating a new design I use the Oscar-B fuel tanks and make a small model rocket that can be assembled quickly.

This is from an earlier experiment.


Too bad I did not try this with two or more fuel inlets.

Hey man. I'm not sure why you would use docking ports for that. Separators work much better. And I think they are causing your fuel flow issues. If you send me the craft file and instructions of exactly how you want the fuel to flow (any way you like) and I can make it work for you. You can PM it to me if you like.

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@ Majorjim The docking ports are being used to attach rocket assemblies. I am designing tier zero facility vessels.

Each vessel when completed break the weight and part count limits of the tier zero VAB/SPH and launch pad/runway.

@ LABHOUSE what idea and who stoled it?

@ FleshJeb that is an awesome job that Cupcake completed.

From Cupcake youtube video:

In order to make things a little easier on myself I drained most of the fuel from the rocket stages and used Hyperedit to fill the tanks once the thing was assembled on the launch pad.

I like the idea of filling the tanks once completed but in a tier zero facility there is no fuel transfer until the R&D is upgraded.

What does this vessel resemble?


P_ _ _ _ _ _ M_ _ _ _ _

Here is a sample of the next rocket assembly kit to be released. It is being tested and should be ready soon.

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  • 3 months later...

The new 1.0.5 update gave a very important feature to the docking ports   Docking ports have the ability to be staged.  This means that after a rocket is built it can be easily launched, staged correctly and with predictable logical results.  I plan on updating these designs in the upcoming days.


Loads of thanks goes to the dev team for this bit of magic.


Edit: after fabricating a complex staged vessel I figured all was going to be fine because of the staging function.  Care still must be taken on the order  of assembly otherwise failure will ensue.


The update is still alright because now the need for right click on the docking port is reduced.

The persistence setting for disable/enable crossfeed is also a benefit, before the update the taxi would drain fuel from the boosters if I forgot to reset the crossfeed.


Always remember to take cover in the bunker!



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On 12/21/2015 at 3:35 AM, Foxster said:

You should make this a Challenge. Something like: Build an orbit-capable craft with at least three stages. Each stage to be gathered and assembled outside the VAB.  

Apologies for not responding sooner as I got bitten by the rocket building bug and I am loving every minute of it.


Rocket assembly would make a decent challenge.  I am administrating the caveman challenge and with these new ideas Bill has for assembling rockets the time is so scarce.  I did post about this challenge in the cave and maybe someone will respond.  Otherwise feel free to create it.  You can be certain I will be a participant.


Vehicle Assembly Lawn: The First Rule

The first rule about VAL is: You do not talk about VAL.  Wait that's not right!

The first rule about VAL and building rockets using docking ports is: The last part docked must be the last part to undock. 

Otherwise deal with unpredictable results. 

So to comply with this rocket assemblies are topped with a probe core. 

The probe core is the last part docked and last to undock.





This completed vessel launched successfully and ascended into the upper atmosphere.


When the staging was activated using the new docking port feature.


The vessel separated and continued without interruption.


Delivering the payload into orbit.


And remember Safety first!


Always use the bunker!


Beyond Level Twenty

Currently the scope of Bill's imagination has expanded beyond the 20 metre level.  The height restriction of 20 metres has been always been mocking Bill's building attempts.  The idea for using a skycrane for assembly above 20 metres is something I pursued but seemed, during my attempts, to fail in a big time way. 

Lifting from horizontal to vertical is what I am pursuing now.  Here is an animated gif of some of Bill's research.

Going Vertical



So my latest creation will reach above the twenty metre level.  This vessel has an upper stage with an LV-909 and the payload that will assembled horizontal and then lifted vertical using a Horizontal to Vertical crane or H2Vcrane.  Then the H2Vcrane will transport the upper stage and place it on top of the lower booster stage.  The lower booster uses nine assemblies of around eighteen.tonnes each.  After a test fitting to make certain the docking ports are all aligned the craft takes about an hour to assemble.



After building these rocket assemblies I came to a realization.  All of the frustration/fun during the early experience with KSP with the simple problems and failures of building my first rocket capable of achieving orbit are once again being enjoyed on the Vehicle Assembly Lawn.

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