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[WIP][0.1] Red vs Blue!A BDArmory expansion pack... now with 100% more stealth!


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Red vs Blue is an expansion to BahamutoD's BDArmory inspired by RED FLAG and TOPGUN programmes, where dissimilar aircraft battle each other in aggressor/defender scenarios. Neither Red nor Blue represent specific sovereign actors, but are abstracted by whatever ideas tickle my fancy.


Since people have been bugging me to release the parts I have done so far, I am putting out RvB version because people apparently just have to have their pylons!

More gratuitous pictures:



COMING SOON: An album of all the new parts (once I get the time).






Drag the KerbalDynamics folder into your gamedata folder. If an older version of RvB exists, delete it first before installing the latest version. RvB requires the latest version of BDArmory to be installed to function.


[*]Added K4A missile
[*]Added K4E missile
[*]Added K4G missile
[*]Added K26 missile
[*]Added K60 missile
[*]Added K77 missile
[*]Added K132 missile
[*]Added KKe-25-5 low observable cannon
[*]Added 25x137mm low observable magazine
[*]Added Low observable weapons bay, Small
[*]Added Low observable weapons bay, Large
[*]Added Low observable nose cone
[*]Added AN/APG-77 inline radar
[*]Added Auxiliary Power Unit
[*]Added Large TER/Fuel Tank combo
[*]Added Small Missile Rail
[*]Added Dual Missile Rack
[*]Also added BRU-61/A rack to Blue... just because!
[*]All components are listed under BDA category; they are still double-listed due to debugging issues - once those are sorted out they'll be BDA exclusives until RvB gets its own categories set up
[*]Preview featuring pylons, ejector racks and missile launchers


This pack is distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 4.0.


Both BDArmory and RvB are works in progress. As such they may not function properly due to mod conflicts or bugs. As RvB is only a parts expansion, and out of consideration of BahamutoD, non-RvB part related issues should be reported on his BDArmory thread. RvB part or balance issues should be reported here.

Thank you for your consideration.

Edited by Scoundrel
Wooo! Getting there...
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  Feni said:
I love the triple bomb wing pylon!

Thanks! I'll probably have to post a how-to for them, but I think most people can figure it out on their own. :wink:

  sashan said:
I recommend you using FSTexture Switch. I often use same planes for both sides, and rebuilding them each time is a pain.

I'm not sure how to set up the mod to use FSTexture Switch, and right now my focus is on getting parts out. Also, the mod is about parts for dissimilar aircraft, which means the parts are supposed to be deliberately different. I'll eventually have a set of tabs, one for blue, the other for red, to make it easy to build for either side, which should hopefully make it painless to tweak your planes for either side. :)

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Scoundrel, First off I just downloaded this mod and I love the racks you've made! Really going to add to those scale builds. One suggestion though. Could you either add Tweakscale (I know a lot of people are torn on TW) or could you add a larger triple rack? Reason being is for the triple AGM mounts on say a B-52. Currently the triple rack is too small for the AGM


I know this isn't the exact picture but you get the idea

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  V8jester said:
Could you either add Tweakscale (I know a lot of people are torn on TW) or could you add a larger triple rack? Reason being is for the triple AGM mounts on say a B-52. Currently the triple rack is too small for the AGM

Heh. Just when I was second guessing myself about whether or not I should bother with bomber-sized racks... of course I'll make 'em! As for tweakscale, I haven't even considered it at the moment as I'm knee deep in Unity making weaponry and radar systems. I suppose down the road I can make them compatible (shouldn't be hard, right?), but as I've only just learned to model and play with unity this last week or so, my focus is on generating content first - a slow process, but it's getting easier as I go.

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  Scoundrel said:
Heh. Just when I was second guessing myself about whether or not I should bother with bomber-sized racks... of course I'll make 'em! As for tweakscale, I haven't even considered it at the moment as I'm knee deep in Unity making weaponry and radar systems. I suppose down the road I can make them compatible (shouldn't be hard, right?), but as I've only just learned to model and play with unity this last week or so, my focus is on generating content first - a slow process, but it's getting easier as I go.

Well as far as tweakscale. I wrote an MM patch for now. That way I could leave everything in the kerbal dynamics folder alone. Would you like me to toss it up here for those interested as a stop gap measure? Until you have everything exactly how you'd like it?

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  V8jester said:
Would you like me to toss it up here for those interested as a stop gap measure?

That works for me! Maybe we can edit one of your posts so it'll always be on the front page, and you won't be dependent on me for updating links. :)

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Hey Scoundrel. Sorry for the late response. Been dealing with a metric ton of system upgrade woes... I'm back up and running now and here is the patch I had written to add tweakscale to everything.

//RVB Tweakscale Patch

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type = free

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  ironsatan said:
i have been having some trouble with this mod i reinstalled it twice but none of the parts so up for me i tried clean install and still nothing if anyone could help me out i would be very thankful

Are you looking under "Structural" I was looking under the BD folder at first my self.

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  ironsatan said:
i have been having some trouble with this mod i reinstalled it twice but none of the parts so up for me i tried clean install and still nothing if anyone could help me out i would be very thankful

Right now RvB only consists of racks and missile rails, all of which will be found under structural. Once I have more parts (beyond pylons and racks) I'll be publishing an update, which will likely be sometime at the end of this week or early next week - barring unforeseen bugs or glitches, that is.

  V8jester said:
...could you add a larger triple rack?...Currently the triple rack is too small for the AGM.

Almost done... just have to redo the main pylon portion of the model so it can double as both an inboard and outboard pylon... which is easier said than done.


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  V8jester said:
Are you looking under "Structural" I was looking under the BD folder at first my self.

i will comb said catagory will post results

- - - Updated - - -

  ironsatan said:
i will comb said catagory will post results

i comb every inch of structal and got nothing i even checked surface attach crosssection area and nothing there i might just cleanout all mods i have and devote KSP into a war sim game

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  ironsatan said:
i comb every inch of structal and got nothing i even checked surface attach crosssection area and nothing there i might just cleanout all mods i have and devote KSP into a war sim game

If you dragged the KerbalDynamics folder (and all of its contents) directly into the gamedata folder, the parts should appear. The only reason I could think of that they wouldn't show up is that you dragged the RvB folder into it rather than the KerbalDynamics folder, in which case the filepaths for the parts would be altered and they wouldn't show up.

Could you verify that KerbalDynamics is in the game data folder, followed by RvB folder, and finally the Red and Blue folders are there?

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  Scoundrel said:
If you dragged the KerbalDynamics folder (and all of its contents) directly into the gamedata folder, the parts should appear. The only reason I could think of that they wouldn't show up is that you dragged the RvB folder into it rather than the KerbalDynamics folder, in which case the filepaths for the parts would be altered and they wouldn't show up.

Could you verify that KerbalDynamics is in the game data folder, followed by RvB folder, and finally the Red and Blue folders are there?

huzzah thanks very much i can arm my planes with more bombs/rockets now *toddles off to go build planes*

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Initial release of RvB will be pushed back a week or two due to the safety and familiarization course I have this upcoming weekend and the subsequent six day weapons training and qualifications course that follows, but its a tough course so I'm not sure how productive I'm going to feel during/afterward as I'm not in my 20s anymore.

Lest people think I have been slacking...




Yes, those are "stealth" weapons bays... and because I'm sure a few people were wondering about those R-77 looking missiles...


Yup! The fins deploy!

*Whew!* Still have a ways to go yet, but we're getting there!

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Ooo!!! That's cool! But hey man RL always need to come first. KSP will be here waiting for you when you return :)


Just saw those triple racks. Its all looking great Scoundrel.

Edited by V8jester
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Scoundrel I saw the latest GIF of the weapons bays you are working on. Very cool stuff! I don't mean to try and be a yutz so I'm not going to post my video here (I tend to do that too much as it is) but if you go to my channel linked in my sig. And look for V-280. I built a weapon bay similar to what you are trying to model. You only see it for like 2-3 seconds but I'm sure you can figure out how I built it. What I am getting at is you may be able to build it either using existing IR components or you could look into making a couple moving parts of your own. (IR is some complex stuff I unfortunately am not much help there)

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Got a little bit done... not too sure how productive I'm going to be this week as I'm fighting off a nasty flu while doing my training and qualifications - which I naturally caught because I spent 18 hours in a classroom with sick people all last weekend :mad: - but here are a few pre-texure WIP previews of some new parts that I've been working on (the colours are to make polygon selection easy for UVW mapping):


This is the Red Team "stealth" cockpit, based on the F-22 canopy. Though it is around 25% longer than the Mk.1 inline cockpit (because I didn't want to spoil the lines while trying to make it Mk1 length), it will use stock internals so it's easy to replace them with mods that add functionality to stock parts - like RPM! :cool:

It will also have the weapons manager and AI autopilot module built in, the reaction wheel removed, and a few other tweaks to make that ridiculously long menu more manageable (I wish I could fix that UI, it drives me nuts!). Here's the Blue Team cockpit, which won't be stealthy, but will also have the AI and weapons manager built in:


And I've been fiddling with a 1960s missile for Red Team to better hone my skills - learning lots of tricks, but a long, long way to go before I'm anywhere near Porkjet or Bac9. :(<-- envy face.


I'll post more when I have more worth sharing.

  V8jester said:
Scoundrel I saw the latest GIF of the weapons bays you are working on. Very cool stuff! ...look for V-280... What I am getting at is you may be able to build it either using existing IR components or you could look into making a couple moving parts of your own.

Thanks. I have in fact seen your V-280 - I've seen most of your vids. It's people with bays like yours that I've seen around the forums that made me wonder if I could make this into a working part:


This is actually my third iteration of the launcher, weighing in at a respectable 360 polygons. The original was pretty much an exact functioning replica of the LAU-142/A - down to the bolts and wiring - but at 20000+ polygons (roughly equivalent to a 60 part ship), it went a little bit higher than my polygon budget of 500. Yeah, I got a little carried away. Ooops! :rolleyes:

As for using IR (which I am loathe to do because I only want 1 dependency for this add-on), my intent is to see if there's some part of that code I can use with BDA to activate the launcher when the weapon is selected so the AI can use it. Then all that would need to happen after that is to rig it so the doors open just before the launcher/missile combo is activated. I have denialed* myself into believing that I might be able to bundle it with RvB, and all it would take is the IR guys to let me steal a snippet of their hard work, and a little bit of coding by an inspired clever coder type. I should set up a candybar and mountain dew (Irn Bru?) trap and see if I can catch one! :wink:

Of course, with all the recent 1.1 hype, I think maybe the LAU-142 needs to wait until after Unity 5.0 version of KSP is released, as that will probably break a lot of plugins. :huh:

  TheHypaaa said:
I can't wait for these weapon bays!

Me neither! Still a work in progress (discovered a few glitches in testing -sigh-), but they're getting there... the good news is that they'll be part of the first official release** of RvB! :cool:

* Denialed is a word! Anyone who says it isn't is lying!

** Which is nicely on track for release sometime after the 2nd week of September, barring moar Great Ideasâ„¢, illness, excessive part requests, KSP updates, BDA updates, and Real Lifeâ„¢.

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Dude!! The moving missile rail looks outstanding! I'm a sucker for scale looking builds of just about anything. And that will definitely add the scale appearance. Also might make for a cool part to use for other things. I'm deffinitly looking forward to what's to come. Keep up the great work Scoundrel.

Oh, and get well soon man.

Edited by V8jester
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