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For whoever still thinks mining is just a gimmick.


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I have done an extensive amount of mining and I think it is a big time and money investment for very little payoff. At the end of the day, it's easier to focus on building efficient and doing multiple launches if necessary than relying on mining.

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Allow me to ask: what is your computer configuration (CPU, RAM, gfx card)? Also, what kind of framerates you're getting?

i5-4440 @3.1G, 8G ram, GTX750. Do not know my FPS, can only say is runs smoothly.

- - - Updated - - -

KSP is part game, but part simulation. Some people like to design a mission that could actually get funding in real life (yes ISRU *is* something we're developing technologies for in real life). To say your playstyle is superior just because it's easier is... a bit self-indulgent.

Also, and more importantly, not everybody (I'm a prime example) has a computer that can HANDLE a massive, 500-part craft that can carry out something like a Jool grand-tour in a single launch- at least not with KSP's current poorly-optimized program structure. In this regard, for players with weak computers mining is a godsend. Before, I had to launch an entire flotilla of tankers just to refuel a craft in LKO for a large mission, unless I was using a lot of parts mods with 5 meter diameter rocket parts at a bare minimum (or better yet, something like Procedural Parts for 10 meter fuel tanks and Procedural Fairings for multi-engine thrust -plates and interstage-fairings...) Now, I can send ISRU equipment to whatever system I'm headed to, and mine my return-fuel there, massively reducing the size of my vessel in LKO... (I may still have to launch a tanker or two for the largest of missions, where I still can't launch a sufficiently large craft from the ground on Kerbin to make it to Jool or wherever in a single launch without orbital refueling...)

Yes, setting up ISRU systems in the Kerbin system is hardly worth it if you don't have much time to play KSP, though. The example I gave of a simple and efficient LKO refueling-system is still a massive drain on play-time compared to just launching expendable tankers to LKO...



EDIT: Sharpy hit my thought right on the head w.r.t. not all computers being able to handle "glorious examples of excessive indulgence".

This is where you lost me. I never said anything about a superior play style. You're projecting.

OP tries to sway us that mining is more than a gimmick. A superfluous addition used to gain attention. I am stating that, while is argument is sound, mining is indeed a gimmick. It is not a required facet of gameplay. Rockets are NOT a gimmick. Without them the game will not play.

Mining is another feature added to bring depth, complexity, choices, fun, realism, etc to foster individual styles of play. Each will play differently, as you so eloquently pointed out.

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If you are limited to the amount of payload you can deliver to orbit then this is quite important. My own game style is to not upgrade the launchpad past tier two. When limiting yourself to 140t at launch you could spend a huge amount on multiple launches or design infrastructure to cut down on costs.

As said previously, sending tankers from Minmus orbit to LKO is relatively cheap due to aerobraking.


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I do agree with the people touting the benefits of infrastructure. I've realized with frustration that I don't really have the proper infrastructure in place to support my ongoing Jool-5 mission, and as a result the space program is constantly blowing its budget in a rush to finish the ship while the transfer window is already here xP

If I had previously set up a mining operation and a giant orbital fuel depot, things would be different.

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Also, an exercise in overkill and how to run out of funds in the first week. If you are playing career, I'd advise you to watch 5th Horseman's channel instead. Just do the rockets about 50% bigger for a given payload to account for his "expert-flier-but-I-still-run-out-of-dV-becasue-I-cut-things-too-close" syndrome (it's totally a technical term), and you are golden. :)

Subbed. I'll check it out later this weekend. And I never used Bob's ships. Too many lights! :D But the step-by-step explanation of the process is nice...

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I think in most cases for mining to be worth it you have to see setting up a mining system as a goal in itself, not as a step to achieve something else. (unless the "something else is" an reusable transport network or something...)

Unless you play on settings that give you extremely few funds (and that makes it extremely hard and grindy to get the ISRU equipment.) the small fund savings compared to SSTO probably aren't worth the time cost.

The only places where it is really useful are Eve surface and Jool system.

For ISRU to be useful elsewhere it would need to give you something that you can't get without it.

Adding new hard-to-reach or hard-to-return-from places would also make ISRU more useful.

LS system that needs ISRU resources for recycling would also make it more better.

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Every goal in this game boils down to "let's do this for the hell of it." Why do you need to gather Science points? To unlock new tech. Why do you need new tech? To get places more easily. Why do you need to get places? To gather Science points and plant flags. Why plant flags? Because it's fun. Likewise for Funds: You don't do anything with your profits, except launch more missions. There's no tropical island retirement package. It's a game, and if something is fun to do then it's a worthwhile goal. If you want to have the most efficient program possible you launch one pod, take a crew report from the launch pad, and recover 100% funds, gaining science for 0 points and an undefined (arguably infinite) efficiency. But that's not fun, so instead you launch rockets, visit Jool, crash on Eve, etc.

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