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Coupla quick question from a returning player

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What is the deal with parts heating up on the launchpad?


Is there any way to tone down the aero effects, my vehicles are constantly shrouded in condensation clouds or a glowing plasma sheath at pretty much all times other than when stationary or in vacuum. I've got capsules in late re-entry (<5000m) falling at terminal velocity trailing Prandtl-Glauert singularities, I've got rockets going UP shrouded in plasma! Is there a config setting somewhere?

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There is a whole new thermal system in the game that heats up parts as you move fast in an atmosphere, or get closer to the sun. It also make aerobraking ridiculous.

Parts heating up on the launchpad...? Are you clipping any parts? This is a strange bug.

Although the new settings are meant to be taken into account when building, you can use the new Debug menu to alter thermal settings; Either toning them down, or just removing them. There's also the "ignore max temperature" cheat which just has every part ignore their maximum thermal tolerance.

This is supposed to be worked around through engine throttling, just like in real life, but with the powers of the Debug menu, you can do anything.

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For the aero effects, I am just looking to tone down the visuals - not remove them entirely - will the Aerodynamic FX quality slider do that? My launches aren't that aggressive, basically 2Gs all the way.

For the anomalous heating, on loading the launchpad, my engine is glowing red and fins at the rear register a temperature spike. There is no part clipping (possibly some clipping with the ground, Im not using clamps yet).

What is the problem with aerobraking? I havn't tried yet, the only problem I have is on reentry, I get swathes of orange flame within seconds of entering the atmosphere, even on minimum energy entries (70kmx70km orbit, de-orbiting to 30km periapsis).

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Yes, the aero FX slider will do that, it'll look rougher but it will contribute less to slowdown of the game.

It's possible you're running KSP with the incorrect physics values, KSP comes with a Physics.cfg in the game folder but if this is deleted it will be replaced by the game, unfortunately with older (and incorrect) values.

Also if KSP is run from a shortcut outside of the game folder it will look for the Physics.cfg where the shortcut is, you can check the shortcuts properties to see if the path to the KSP.exe is in the target box, if it is not there it needs to be added.

Running KSP on the desktop can also cause problems, due to how Windows behaves with programs that were not installed, just unzipped.

If KSP is on the desktop please copy it to C:\Games and run the copy.

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For the aero fx, Im not worried about slowdown, simply aesthetics, I'll try fiddling with the slider later tonight :)

Don't know anything about a physics.cfg, is it possible that a mod has replaced it? The only mod I have that seems relevant is Deadly Reentry (though I have many others installed, would a list help?).

If the game re-writes the physics.cfg incorrectly, where can I find a correct version?

I run KSP from its steam install folder, and I execute via the CKAN interface.

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