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This aplication has reqested the Runtime to terminate in an usual way. Please contact the applicatio


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"This aplication has reqested the Runtime to terminate in an usual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information"

What the heck is this?!

I have this when i try to run of my games namely Europa Universals 4 :D

I just wonder does anybody have similar issue, i using Windows 10

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basically an unhandled exception in the program. An exception is a problem that comes from the program that can be caused by a TON of different things. an "Unhandled" exception is an exception that the programmers didn't foresee could happen.

very simple example in vb.net:

you do a simple program that asks you for two numbers, X and Y, and will display the result of the following operation: x/y.

If you enter x:10 and y:0, and you don't do something to handle this, you will get an unhandled exception. More precisely a "Divided by 0 error". As the programmer you have 2 options to handle this. option1: do something like this:

If y <> 0 Then
msgBox("The value of y cannot be Zero(0)")
End If

option2: let the division run but catch any exception:

Catch(ex as Exception)
End Try

That's more than you were asking but that gives you an idea of what can cause those problems. Thats just one example, there are thousands of reasons why an exception can happen. Its basically errors that makes your program unable to continue to run.

There are usually not much you can do about it, other than try it again and hope you don't get the error again. in the case of my example, just dont try to use 0 for y lol. in the case of a real program, it gets way more complex, there may be hundreds or thousands of variables in the program, and those exceptions might occur only when a bunch of those variables get in a very precise state. I'm trying not to get into too much useless details here, but yeah. Those are mostly out of your control...

Edited by Thunder_86
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Yeah, searching Google is a better option if you want to find a solution for your problem, as it pertains to a very specific example (Europa Universalis 4). But if you wanna know what that language says to me, is that there was an exception, as explained by Thunder, but it was technically caught. The program probably just instructed it's runtime that it needed to close. This is basically just a debugging feature, A generic error handler that encompasses the entire program and is there really to just provide some kind of error reporting (such as dumping to a log file) before closing out. When there's an error unaccounted for in a program it's almost always better to close it out than to try and plough ahead without knowing what kind of state it's actually in.

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You need to make a bootable windows 10 USB drive.

But you shouldn't need to do a clean install. What problems are you having? The only problems that I've seen people have are related to video drivers. Just reinstall the drivers and you should be ok.

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You need to make a bootable windows 10 USB drive.

But you shouldn't need to do a clean install. What problems are you having? The only problems that I've seen people have are related to video drivers. Just reinstall the drivers and you should be ok.

I try to run game Europa Universals 4 but i have "Runtime error"

"This aplication has reqested the Runtime to terminate in an usual way. Please contact the application's support team for more informationThis aplication has reqested the Runtime to terminate in an usual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information"

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An exception is a problem that comes from the program that can be caused by a TON of different things. an "Unhandled" exception is an exception that the programmers didn't foresee could happen.

Or just the opposite. It could be a situation we have foreseen, and we simply don't have a good exit strategy, so we crash the program on purpose. Often because we are relying on exception handling to generate error reports before the whole thing crashes through to OS error message and program termination.

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Or just the opposite. It could be a situation we have foreseen, and we simply don't have a good exit strategy, so we crash the program on purpose. Often because we are relying on exception handling to generate error reports before the whole thing crashes through to OS error message and program termination.

yeah but then again, I'm trying not to get too confusing, he clearly knows very little about how programs work on a computer lol.

The application we make here at my job sometimes ends unexpectedly like that, but we have a big exception handling around everything. We still try to catch everything we can think of, but when we do get an unhandled exception, it actually gets handled by the application which logs as much info as we can before we crash the program. We also automatically receive the exception message along with the stack trace by email in the IT mailbox so we get EVERY error that was return by our application, from all 4 of our locations. Works pretty well for us!

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