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Texturing question. Need opinions.

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I'm modelling the converter for the OSE Workshop mod and decided to give it's gears some distinctive wear and scratches.

I'm willing to know what you guys think of the result? Too much fine detail?


Another part is the Workshop model itself, I'm not entirely happy how the part looks on the rear side.

It has a glass shield and an animation with gears and emissive. Looking for ideas and inspirations to make it look differently but still busy.


Edited by Enceos
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The wear looks too uniform. I would spend some extra polies to chamfer the cog teeth, then make an edge mask to concentrate the wear on the leading edges of the cog. edge mask is easy to do in PS with the UV guides or other 3d painting software.

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The models look really nice, the animations are superb. Just keep in mind that if you want to keep your parts on a low memory footprint, then your areas of focus should be your collision mesh and your texture. The texture on your part could probably be made a little lower-res without anyone noticing, though as long as it isn't above 128x128 - 256x256 you don't need to worry about your texture being too high detail.

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