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What's your Canon?

Sharkman Briton

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I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays KSP has their own unique canon, it could be completely different from others or very similar with only miniscule differences, ranging from Kerbals evolving from turds (okay maybe not) to squad knows what else, so, what is your own Kerbal canon?

For example, with mine I take the stories I read and have them in my canon, like, Minmus Acres is a novel, Kuzzters comics are very popular comic books, and I have RatSquirrelFishes too, and my canon is that Kerbals can die, they're just quite resilient beggars and are very hard to kill, they eat snacks for nothing but entertainment and can live without them.

Whats your canon? Tell us! :cool:

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Thats ingenious, considering they can survive so well in all environments, but considering Tardigrades are from Earth, how did they get to Kerbin? Unless.... *GASP* Tardigrades are a universal species!

Good point. Maybe they're like a keystone species seeding the galaxy with life and thriving on Terran class planets, evolving into intelligent space-faring species...


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Always been a Pentax man myself, though just moved over to a Lumix micro4/3... but anyways, while I think a lot about this sort of thing I find it very difficult to write it down. For me, there is a (hopefully) self-consistent set of rules for my personal Kerbalverse that I try to make come through in the comics. I'd rather reveal it than explain it :)

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Cool, I'm still baffled on this topic, trying to come up with the weirdest canons for this game imaginable, so far I've come up with Kerbals evolving from nicolas cage slugs and inventing space travel after a nicolas cage slug fell out of the sky, oh, and did I mention nicolas cage slugs? Yes. NICOLAS. CAGE. SLUGS.

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I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays KSP has their own unique canon, it could be completely different from others or very similar with only miniscule differences, ranging from Kerbals evolving from turds (okay maybe not) to squad knows what else, so, what is your own Kerbal canon?

For example, with mine I take the stories I read and have them in my canon, like, Minmus Acres is a novel, Kuzzters comics are very popular comic books, and I have RatSquirrelFishes too, and my canon is that Kerbals can die, they're just quite resilient beggars and are very hard to kill, they eat snacks for nothing but entertainment and can live without them.

Whats your canon? Tell us! :cool:

Canon like a religion . Oh please no, that is overthinking the game.

Kerbals are might little minions, they are not to much in demand since I use MechJeb,

They are also my little lab techs, they make science become data and data become science. They also keep my experiments clean. Other than that I stay away from the little buggers, you know a creature that can live for a year in an EVA suit floating around the sun must not care to much about personal hygiene, just an opinion.

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Kerbin is a tiny Dyson shell around a neutron star. You can see this if you crash in fast enough, the camera goes through the thin "skin" and you get a glowing white dot at the middle. Kerbal society exists on the inside surface, and the KSC was created when they broke out and wanted to explore the rest of the system. The entities that left the various anomalies may have been the ancestors of Kerbalkind, or possibly some sort of aliens. Kerbals don't remember how they got on the inside of the sphere, or who constructed it. They explore space partly in search of an answer to that question: Who built Kerbin?

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Once upon a time, the planet Kerbin was split between two factions: those who like bagged snacks, and those who like canned.

Eventually this divide led to war, and The First Great Snack Crisis plunged the world into conflict.

Many technological achievements were made during the war, with the most important being aircraft.

During the inevitable Second Great Snack Crisis, a new discovery was made: the atmosphere ends.

This discovery rocked the world, and both snack cultures united to explore this new place.

Thus, the Kerbal Space Program was born.

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I know whats going on here. I am their supreme decision maker, the leader of the Space Kerbal Program. I am not a Kerbal they know I am human and communicating to them via USB keyboard and mouse lol.

My kerbals are actually fabricated in the Astronaught complex. They are not hired. They dont know I know this & I dont know why they lied to me about that.

They always wear their space suits because the atmosphere is no good for them on Kerbin, even though it would be fine for us humans. I think they are secretly using me to get them to other places, to see if they can live their instead. No proof yet, but i think they have or are planning to make a Kerbal Civilization Program (To which i fully intend on being the supreme leader of).

The space program is at the forefront of Kerbal interest, and so nothing else matters. I decide everything regarding everything on Kerbal interest, which right now is the Space Program. And so whatever I feel like doing, is probably in the best interests of every Kerbal in the game & so is completely dedicated to me.

The snacks cupboard is an inside Joke to the Kerbinaughts, that they think I'm unaware of.

I know they don't eat, poop, sleep, breathe, reproduce, etc

And so they are all expendable. But they dont know that. HOE NO.

I have noticed there is something strange regarding those first 3 Kerbinaughts, they call Jeb, Bob and Bill. I dont yet know what it is, but by some unknown habit of myself - I make sure them 3 do it all first. Then the others can follow. Its like I should have some faith or trust in them, so they should take the furthest new steps.

That about it really, i think.

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Kerbals evolving from turds ... Kerbals evolving from nicolas cage slugs
I believe Kerbals evolved from tardigrades ... evolving into intelligent space-faring species

Well, gentlemen, y'all must feel mighty clever with all that evilootion theory, but we all know, 'cause it says in the holy book of readme that Kerbals were created by the great HarvesteR, praise be upon his keyboard. He made the light and the dark, the planets and moons and Kerbals in just four years. Now if you don't straighten yo'sells up and get to the church of KSC he might about crash and burn yo' rockets. Make sure it ain't yo' ass he Harvestin'.

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I'll do an animation about this one day.. but it follows the actual development of land-trains in KSP for me.. they're the most dangerous horrible machines on kerbin.. dwarfing rockets, space planes.. even purpose built bombs for sheer lethality... having 100s of kerbals met their fate onboard a train before I started numbering them..

A KTP driver is a brave soul indeed... a true pioneer..

but their family is devistated by the annoucement when they said they got a job.. up goes thought clouds of a proud astronaught.. even exploding in glory brings a smile on loved ones faces to think about..

but its all brought back to reality when outside KSC.. in the carpark sits a 44 class locomotive and her train..

Instantly the family of the KTP driver erupts in emotion.. female kerbals faint or cry hysteticly.. male kerbals themselves qualified rocket pilots proudly flying tin cans each day lower their head in respectful sorrow..

Jeb.. he just became a train driver.. there is no hope

Excuse the screenshots.. they serve a purpose to reinforce the above..

Early 2014 - Original Class of Landliners - Jet Propelled

Train 1001 meets her fate.. Train 1003 takes on memorial duty


Mid 2014 - Electric/Battery Recharge Passenger set..

un numbered train takes up memorial duty on her first day of her fallen sister train


Present day - Diesel Monoprop/Electric Locomotive 4004 sets off to resume the elcano challenge.. passing through the wreck of Locomotive 4003


My canon is bloody horrible and depressing... each accident forming a story in official KTP canon.. where the extremely lucky ones survive..

the everyday normal thing is.. no one does..


Edited by Overland
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For me: I'm the lone human on Kerbin. They kidnapped me through a one-use-only wormhole that they found. They did this because they really wanted a space program, and they knew that Earth has several; to them, it was simply inconceivable that a sentient being could grow up on a planet with a space program and not be generally acquainted with the basics of how space travel works.

So I'm doing my best not to disappoint them. This requires a lot of experimentation, because they're way too excited about going into space to listen to my claims of ignorance.

Every year, on the anniversary of this kidnapping, they celebrate the Ten-Fingered Freak Festival, which is a whole lot of fun -- but that's another story. (Yes, there are fireworks.)

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