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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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[quote name='Kagame']Found a bug whenever I'm using the ATAMCS: My framerate drops about a gazillion percent and I keep getting spam of "Error: The hull has more than 255 polygons. Invalid." in my debug log.[/QUOTE]

While I was searching around I found that error was actually from Kerbinside, if you have it. That mod is currently very broken in 1.0.5 and all the hitboxes are wonky. As far as I know, nothing to do with the ATACMS
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[quote name='Angstinator']Far as I heard, the Battlefront port is a massive turd, anyway. I don't know, myself, I'm still stuck with II.

Information is thread-relevant because it helps me gauge when you'll be back.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong, I love II
it's not really a port, more of a remake for modern consoles. Yeah there's less content, but that's actually because EA keeps pressing the devs... of course
I love the game, I don't believe it should be called battlefront

Anywho I have been working on the howitzer models (last thing I need) in school for a while. I have the M1 203mm done, untextured but done

I'm working on a few others... and then there's texturing which I'm going to have to do on my own if I can't get a hold of RGBPeter
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[quote name='Angstinator']You might wanna take a hard look at the gun pod, by the way, selecting it in the editor is a pain.[/QUOTE]

It needs a general remodel, it's based on a sphere and retexturing is a bit wonky... so I'm going to keep the port size while remaking the body
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[quote name='Angstinator']Let me rephrase, selecting it in the editor seems downright impossible, whether attached or loose.[/QUOTE]

oh seriously? that must mean I forgot to give it a hitbox... oops
no worries though! I'll have that patched up as soon as I get home, it may have to wait for 0.6 so...
don't make any mistakes!

I'm still going to give it a remodel anyway, it really needs it! Edited by harpwner
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finished the 203mm gun yesterday, with awesome sounds and everything. I'm going to have to cut back on turrets (probably just gonna do a 155mm and save the others for a different update)
I'm also leaving for the mountains tomorrow, and there's no internet there so... expect progress to resume next week
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[quote name='ATRealMaster']For me there are no Mushroom Clouds when I drop a nuclear bomb or even the Tsar, I have BD, I also have P.E.W, but even that doesn't have any special explosion effects.
Heres the mods I have: [url]http://imgur.com/cfXlIhx[/url][/QUOTE]

North Kerbin Dynamics folder should be right under GameData directory, not in BDArmory

And btw you have too many ModuleManager just keeping the latest version would be okay
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The Tsar is already here and I think the weakest nuke is already more powerfull that the Fat Man.

(the Air 2 is around 2Kt I think, so a bit less but compared to the size of the explosion a convetionnal bomb could have the power you would expect for something around 10Kt)
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  On 11/30/2015 at 11:48 PM, sashan said:

What about dropping MOAB's in a proper way?


On a side note - they don't explode in 1.0.5 like before, just blow up and spawn a very weird arch of smoke


I saw this post and tested it... I'm going to try and see what's wrong, my MOAB didn't even have an effect. Expect a fix in 0.6 (unless I say otherwise)

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So, as we know, the next update (0.6) is coming soonTM

while all of you are waiting, I can say safely that it will be probably less than a week now... though only a few re-textures got finished before RGBPeter disappeared, I did get almost all the modelling done, re-textures will have to wait for another update.

So even though that's a bit of a bummer, huge steps are being taken. The first introduction of large caliber guns is coming (with fixes of course) and large caliber is no joke

I have one or two more to do, but here's a list of said large caliber guns

- M1 8-inch Howitzer - DONE

- Karl Gerät 041 (540mm siege mortar) - DONE

- 105mm Turret - DONE

- 155mm M198 Howitzer - MODELLING


Don't expect amazing textures for these, but until RGBPeter gets back it's only me, so appreciate the models and functionality :)

'Course, this isn't all that's coming in the update, after I finish the last few parts, I'm going to fixes and adding a few things to existing parts, like probably giving the MOAB and Tsar a parachute variant... and for later updates, when BD releases the new SAM turret module I'm going to have fun with missile launching turrets, and even a dedicated MLRS mount now that it would be possible.

Thank you all so much for being so patient while I've been busy... I wanted this update to be big but Peter's unexpected absence made the project extend larger than expected, so thank you so much for not giving up on me.... See ya around!

PS: HELP ME! How do I embed a video on these new forums :mad:

Nevermind... trial and error works best

Edited by harpwner
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  On 12/4/2015 at 11:58 AM, ostrich said:

Could you a rod from god thats damages scales with the speed?


Well, damage scaling isn't a part of BDArmory at the moment, however I am tackling plugins soon... what I can do until then is make a rod that will explode (and has a rather high impact tolerance) with a small blast radius (like 10-20m) but a hugely powerful blast that will annihilate basically anything.


when I do tackle plugins, I have a vague but promising idea on how it could work... so there's that and the other plans I have

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  On 12/4/2015 at 12:45 PM, harpwner said:

Well, damage scaling isn't a part of BDArmory at the moment, however I am tackling plugins soon... what I can do until then is make a rod that will explode (and has a rather high impact tolerance) with a small blast radius (like 10-20m) but a hugely powerful blast that will annihilate basically anything.


when I do tackle plugins, I have a vague but promising idea on how it could work... so there's that and the other plans I have


keep me posted on what sort of plugins you are considering if they look good i would love to be able to tap into them.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 4:45 AM, Voyager2 said:

Just out of curiosity, with the state the BD Armory is in right now, would it be plausible to weaponize an asteroid that could provide an extremely large blast radius possibly 5 times the size of the Tsar in North Kerbin Dynamics right now?




ya know, that's been on my mind for a while... and now that I'm doing velocity scaled damage... I may do it

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  On 12/7/2015 at 4:55 AM, harpwner said:

ya know, that's been on my mind for a while... and now that I'm doing velocity scaled damage... I may do it


Is it possible that you could actually edit asteroids and base their explosion blast radius on their size? (Type A being something like a 15kt nuclear weapon and Type E being something greater than Tsar)

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