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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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On 2015/8/17 at 0:38 PM, harpwner said:


Improved Explosion Effect!






Welcome to North Kerbin Dynamics, supplier of modern ordnance and other types of parts to fit your combat needs! This BD armory expansion features modern bombs and missiles (in the future) so you can take out your enemies with precision and style!

I do pretty much all the work, so all I need from you are suggestions! Just don't expect frequent updates until summer... when I'm not dealing with things like projects for school and such.


This pack REQUIRES BDArmory 0.11 or later, earlier versions will NOT work with this mod!

Also Requires C.A.L++ (Thanks Acea and Prometheus!)

Download on Spacedock!


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Awesome video of a Tsar Reentry Glider from SnideMeister:

And an amazing cinematic explosionfest of nukes by SWDennis!:



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+ Stinger Missile
= Reduced burn time of Scud and Nuclear Scud to fix effects
= Got rid of the Scud decouple speed
= Fixed the FAB hitboxes

+ LAV AD Turret (requires P.E.W Stinger missiles for the pods)
+ MLRS Turret (for the artillery missiles!)
+ Remodeled the M-26, and Added the M-31 artillery missiles (M-26 unguided, M-31 GPS)
+ Nuclear Scud Variant
+ Scud Launcher
+ Paladin Turret
+ Chaparral Turret
+ FAB-100, 250, and 5000 (all made by @Quabbo)
+ Anti Ballistic Missile  (Testing, not final model or texture)
= Fixed the Scud's guidance (can now go over 100km!)
= Improved some explosion FX

Honestly I don't remember much of what I did but here's the gist of it:
+ Added explosion shockwaves officially
+ Some plguin additions I forgot
= Replaced MIRV model and texture again
= 1.1 compatability
= Various effect improvments

+ Added Karl Gerat
+ Added M198 Howitzer
+ Added M1 8-inch Howitzer
+ Added 2A3 Kompensator 2P Nuclear Howitzer
+ Added Ohka
+ Added Exocet
+ Added V-1
+ Added KBW (Kinetic Bombardment Weapon)
+ Re-Added MIRV
+ Added first part module! Kinetic Bombarder
- Withheld a few things that you haven't even seen, just thought I'd tell you
- Decided to wait a bit longer to add parachutes to Tsar and MOAB
= Fixed Ammo Types
= Included C.A.L in the download
= Fixed multiple explosion effects
= Repaired woes with the MIRV (hence it being readded)
= fixed up some other stuff I already forgot about
= Some retexturing (Exocet, Tomahawk, 12k bomb, Ohka, V-1, Tsar, MIRV)
= Began search for RGBPeter (he's disappeared)

+Added Castle Bravo
+Added B61 Nuclear Bomb
+Added AK230 CIWS
+Added GSh Helicopter Turret
+Added Modular Gunpod (seperate guns to be inserted)
+Added M26 Artillery Missile (with rocket tube)
+Added MGM140 Artillery Missile (with MGM tube)
+Added Scud Missile
-Removed MIRV, will be replaced soon
-Removed the old GSh gunpod
=Replaced ALL the explosions, now new and improved
=Replaced all the nuclear statistics with more accurate ones

+Added Atomic Annie (or Nuclear Valentina)
+Added Railgun (Designed loosely based on the BAE Railgun)
+Added Mk45 127mm Naval Gun (probably my best texturing job yet!)
+Added Radial variants of the Railgun and Atomic Annie
+Added GSh 23l gun pod
+Added 12,000lb dumb bomb
=Fixed up the Genie's explosion based on video footage
=Tweaked the textures of all parts, now with specular mapping, shiny!
=Tweaked the size of the slim flare dispenser, now it's slightly bigger
-Removed the Brimstone missile (until I have missiles down)

+Added Genie Nuclear Air to Air Missile
+Added Tomahawk Conventional Cruise Missile
+Added AGM-158 Cruise Missile
+Added Flare and Chaff refill boxes (No Crossfeed, mainly for KAS/KIS)
=Major changes to nuclear explosion effects, minor tweaks to the rest.
=Gave existing missiles exhaust effects

+Added FOAB
+Added B-83 Nuclear Bomb
=Tweaked a few effects

=Fixed MOAB's blast radius being wayyyyy OP
=Tweaked MOAB's explosion effect, looks way better now



Licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Keep an eye out on my YouTube channel for a full overview of the mod (coming at some point soon):


Hello guys weapon cooling can be displayed in the form of time?Not no show

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I apologise if this sounds repetitive, but the nuclear weapons in this mod are not working (for me). The Tsar Bomba, B-61 and B-83 detonate with the normal Kerbal explosion, but do not "go nuclear". The nuclear SCUD and Genie work perfectly however. I have checked inside, NKD/Plugins, and confirmed that NorthKerbinMod.dll is there. There is not another copy of this mod outside of my KSP GameData folder, and I don't believe that this mod is conflicting with any others I have installed. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, LordDilip said:

i have a problem.

The weapons are visible in the hanger BUT, when i launch the spacecraft, it just shows me the sun. the time and date is Y99 99 99:99. IDK TF whats going on pls help

You have a corrupt game


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9 hours ago, Vonnmillard said:

Here's a Request: Make 2x 88MM Guns, 1 with the M60 Patton's Turret and 1 with M1 Abrams's Turret, Please...Please...

The issue I see with this is you are asking me to make turrets with guns that aren't historically accurate. I believe there was a German rendition of the Patton with an 88 but the Abrams never had it.... I don't like to make things that have no reference for me to model off of.

5 hours ago, StereotypicalBrit said:

I apologise if this sounds repetitive, but the nuclear weapons in this mod are not working (for me). The Tsar Bomba, B-61 and B-83 detonate with the normal Kerbal explosion, but do not "go nuclear". The nuclear SCUD and Genie work perfectly however. I have checked inside, NKD/Plugins, and confirmed that NorthKerbinMod.dll is there. There is not another copy of this mod outside of my KSP GameData folder, and I don't believe that this mod is conflicting with any others I have installed. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And you read the previous pages to make sure that solution didn't work? post a screenshot of your gamedata and your bdarmory folders.

1 hour ago, LordDilip said:

what do i do then??? That only happened when after i installed the mod

See if it happens in a new save, if it does then you need to reinstall the game. This is NOT an issue with North Kerbin Dynamics.

14 hours ago, iBomb Mk2 said:

For some reasons, nukes ( all nuke bombs) stopped working for me. Only genie nuke missile works

This was addressed already, make sure you've read the previous 5 pages to be sure what has been said there isn't solving your issue.

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1 hour ago, harpwner said:

The issue I see with this is you are asking me to make turrets with guns that aren't historically accurate. I believe there was a German rendition of the Patton with an 88 but the Abrams never had it.... I don't like to make things that have no reference for me to model off of.

And you read the previous pages to make sure that solution didn't work? post a screenshot of your gamedata and your bdarmory folders.

See if it happens in a new save, if it does then you need to reinstall the game. This is NOT an issue with North Kerbin Dynamics.

This was addressed already, make sure you've read the previous 5 pages to be sure what has been said there isn't solving your issue.



I use a MacBook, but I'm not sure that it matters.

Edited by StereotypicalBrit
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9 minutes ago, LordDilip said:

i havent checked in a new ssave but i have reinstalled the game. i have it on steam and just deleted the local content but kept the world should i reinstall again but delete everything?

If a save corrupts it corrupts, this is clear to me as a save issue. Reinstalling ksp won't solve that kind of issue.

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ok so i went through all the mods one by one and its the BD Armoury that is corrupting my game!!! why is that? is it possible if u can find out? And this mod does work but i do not know why only the missiles show? there are no turrets in my game but in the mod folder. And can u tell me how to work these missiles?

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If BDA is truly "corrupting" your game then I would suggest starting over with a fresh install, including re-downloading all mods. While you're at it make sure you've put all the files in the right places. The BDA folder should be under \KSP_win\GameData\BDArmory. All files that came in the BDA folder must remain in the BDA folder (eg. the plugins folder in the BDA folder must stay in the BDA folder, not get moved to the plugins folder in the main KSP folder), 99% of these game-breaking issues from BDA come from incorrect installation. Similarly the NKD folder must also be under the GameData folder - \KSP_win\GameData\North Kerbin Weaponry.

Otherwise if none of that works/is your problem and if it is BDA that is breaking your game and not NKD then I would suggest taking it up on the main BDAC thread here. You're much more likely to get answers there.

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On 10 August 2016 at 0:16 PM, StereotypicalBrit said:

I apologise if this sounds repetitive, but the nuclear weapons in this mod are not working (for me). The Tsar Bomba, B-61 and B-83 detonate with the normal Kerbal explosion, but do not "go nuclear". The nuclear SCUD and Genie work perfectly however. I have checked inside, NKD/Plugins, and confirmed that NorthKerbinMod.dll is there. There is not another copy of this mod outside of my KSP GameData folder, and I don't believe that this mod is conflicting with any others I have installed. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have managed to get NKD fully working. Turns out it was BD Armoury itself causing the issue. Just required a re-download and voilà. 

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3 hours ago, StereotypicalBrit said:

I have managed to get NKD fully working. Turns out it was BD Armoury itself causing the issue. Just required a re-download and voilà. 

Huh, well ain't that something.

Of all the issues that has never really been one, and I woula never figured it out!

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On 8/11/2016 at 0:24 AM, harpwner said:

The issue I see with this is you are asking me to make turrets with guns that aren't historically accurate. I believe there was a German rendition of the Patton with an 88 but the Abrams never had it.... I don't like to make things that have no reference for me to model off of.

It's just for my personal request(So I can make a Edit of it for my personal stuff, okay?)...but you can make a M60A3 (105mm(Default) and 120mm(Raytheon)) Cannon with a turret(It's a real thing)

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