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Fjord Motor Company "Excelsior" Sports Rover [Low CG!]

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Fjord Motor Company – "Excelsior"

"Astounding!" -- Jebediah's blog

"Thre- (OW, ow, okay)... five out of five!" -- New recruit

"I still like rockets better, but this one's a close second." -- Rockomax employee


The FMC Excelsior, a top-of-the-line vehicle, has an incredibly low center of gravity. Some claim it is black magic. Some say it has something to do with "wiirdjetconfiigs". Others, well, others simply don't care.

Just try to flip this thing! (Don't. FMC is not responsible for responsible or irresponsible driving on behalf of responsible or irresponsible drivers, whether or not the other person or object was responsible for the accident, or if they or it were/was acting responsibly or irresponsibly. Don't ask us how inanimate objects can be irresponsible, or for that matter, responsible, because we're not responsible for telling you that.) It can turn at over 20 m/s without losing control, or bleeding off speed.


"The spoiler and drooping front make the car go faster," say FMC engineers. "Even the scientists here say they do, and we totally didn't pay them to say that!"

The Excelsior comes in three editions. The first is the standard model. At 75,022 funds, everything one can love about a wonderful vehicle that can enter a cartwheel of death at any moment comes by default. (And no, not because we don't have any extra options. And no, don't ask us about any extra options.) Detailed interior and underside. Mirrors you can pretend to look at. Taking up two parking spots at the office! Working headlights, working brakelights, an engine status light. Actually looking banged-up when you crash it. Cutting-edge steering technology lets you turn the car without even turning the wheel!




Don't ask. Even I don't know how it got up here.


The second model, Excelsior BST, comes with thirty six seconds of high-end explosive liquid we found in the lake. You can tell when you're using this when the four exhaust pipes start spewing white smoke. We still don't know what that stuff is, so don't put your face in it, all we know is it makes you go way faster! (Yes, you can make the fuel last longer by not opening the valve all the way, but that's for losers. Also, you didn't hear that from us.) Only 76,522 funds for this one, a great deal!


(NONONO not that picture! Change it! Change it!)


The third, Excelsior NUK, is completely self-sustaining. No need to refuel this one! It can accelerate much faster than the standard model because it doesn't haul around a heavy fuel tank. Don't take this through populated areas. There's a high risk that you'll contaminate the residents. Also, don't look in the trunk. Customers haven't reported any ill effects from doing so, even though we told them not to, and testing is inconclusive, but we speculate that it could shorten your lifespan by approximately twenty years. 280,098 funds. (Look, we can't tell you why it costs so much, but if you buy this one you can feel great about yourself! It's so much better than the other ones! Just look at the difference!)


(Yeah, you see? We knew you'd like it the best.) When compared to the standard Excelsior, after 19.5 “Human†years (Whatever those are. And you have to run the standard version continuously), the NUK edition would finally pay itself off! Yeeehaaw!

(The first individual to normally use any of these three vehicles for 19.5 years without stopping and without breaking anything should immediately turn themselves in to FMC for questioning. We’re serious. We’ll find you.)

The FMC Excelsior has been voted the top sports car of the year (Year 0) by the residents of the FMC.


Get yours today!


All versions of the craft are under 150 parts. Enjoy!

Press "1" to turn on fuel cell. Status light will activate. "2" turns off fuel cell and status light. On the NUK version, status light still works, but there's no fuel cell.

Edited by Starwhip
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Nice! What's the top speed of the non-rocket one? Did you use a basic jet, turboramjet, or RAPIER?

~24 m/s. I've done full 360 degree turns and never dropped below 23. :)

Basic jet. Are the others better? (I didn't check. :/)

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I'm in love with this one Starwhip. The dash is a perfect touch with the added controls. Had all sorts of fun driving this one around the KSC as well as the Mun. Are you or Endersmens going to do a nice render of this?

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I'm in love with this one Starwhip. The dash is a perfect touch with the added controls. Had all sorts of fun driving this one around the KSC as well as the Mun. Are you or Endersmens going to do a nice render of this?

I did this one yesterday, just for fun. :)


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Hey Starwhip,

I tested your rover. I think I have a problem... The first thing I did was clean up all the angles that where off and the panels that didn't quite line up..

Anyway, it is a good rover dude. It feels a little too heavy with that jet engine in there. I know it lowers the center of mass, just feels a little heavy for what it is.

I love the look of it, very original. The light telling you the cell is on is genius. I fiddled with the rear spoiler and moving it actually helped keep it planted on the road. I even removed the heavy jet and dude it handles so much better. It is still very stable indeed and will only flip if you are trying to. Like a real vehicle.

The highest speed I could get out of them with the heavy jet removed was 21.5m/s I didn't try the one with the ant engines.

I really think they where improved by removing the heavy jet engine. It felt more alive and not a brick with wheels. I really liked it dude it's a great little car, good job yep for ye.

EDIT, I need to spread around my rep before repping you again.

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Huh... that's interesting. I'm curious to see how the lighter version handles in comparison to the jet-laden version. Obviously the first would accelerate faster but it would also have less normal force and thus less traction leading to a lower top speed, if KSP works that way. (It seems to based on what you posted above)

Perhaps a new craft with this philosophy in mind is due? :wink:

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Huh... that's interesting. I'm curious to see how the lighter version handles in comparison to the jet-laden version. Obviously the first would accelerate faster but it would also have less normal force and thus less traction leading to a lower top speed, if KSP works that way. (It seems to based on what you posted above)

Perhaps a new craft with this philosophy in mind is due? :wink:

Thanks for replying dude, Give it a test! Try also fiddling with the rear spoiler as it really does affect the handling. Maybe a front splitter would also help. The drag 'bugs'/ issues aside I love that spoilers actually work now!

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Thanks for replying dude, Give it a test! Try also fiddling with the rear spoiler as it really does affect the handling. Maybe a front splitter would also help. The drag 'bugs'/ issues aside I love that spoilers actually work now!

Front splitter? You mean the one it's already got? :P


Just tested the NUK without the jet. Wow. It's still a good craft. (Less rock-solid turning but still hard to flip)

I'll be working on a new one today.

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Front splitter? You mean the one it's already got? :P


Just tested the NUK without the jet. Wow. It's still a good craft. (Less rock-solid turning but still hard to flip)

I'll be working on a new one today.

Yeah I saw the one you had there already but moving it made it ugly so I was thinking of adding another. Yeah it's still super stable and feels more alive for it.

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