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27 bizare Aircraft designs that actually fly


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As I suspected, it's an engine test rig. "The fifth engine, Pratt & Whitney’s new Pure Power® PW1200G series, was mounted on a specially designed stub wing. Normally, the test engine replaces one of the inner (#2 or #3) engines, but because of the smaller size of the tested engine, it could not be mounted to the under wing pylon."

It's the real life version of a part test contract :D

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There have been so many bizarroplanes throughout history, from the unthinkable to the unflyable to the unsurvivable.

The Christmas Bullet, widely considered the worst designed airplane in the history of flight


Mignet HM.14, perhaps the one design that first spurred on the demand for wind tunnel tests before designs would be deemed airworthy.


A contender for the worst designed aircraft in history, the ME-210 which had all the flight characteristics of a disintegrating grand piano but despite its tendency of entering unrecoverable spins and despite being scrapped by the German airforce, was produced in Hungary under licenceall while the new aircrafts kept increasing the absurdly high fatality count. Not as much a bizarre airplane as bizarre business decisions.


My favourite and one straight out of KSP, the Sack AS-6, a round winged frankenplane made out of parts from various other airplanes, parts that were prone to falling off during demanding maneuvers such as taxiing.


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