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(RSS and RAM) What is this sorcery?


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So I made a separate KSP install to try to play RO and RSS. I used CKAN since that seemed easier.

I booted up the game, crash.

Forced opengl mode and half res textures, HOLY CRAP!

824 mb!!! Is this even possible? I'm not even using ATM and I have most of the mods it recommended, even RVE!

Not sure where I should put this thread but I just needed to share this. Is this normal btw?


Edited by tygoo7
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Are you running windows 10? I've noticed that it does this, but it usually displays full memory usage under details, or with an ingame memory monitor. I've also seen the task manager memory usage monitor jumping around wildly, so I don't know how trustworthy it is.

I am on windows 8, too lazy to upgrade. The Task Manager is usually trustworthy because on my other career mode install I have around 2.7GB.

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