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Basic Help: Close / Open all solar panels / Radiators

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I've got this idea to help me start understanding how to mod, can anyone give me any ideas how to open and close all solar panels and radiators?



Scenario 1:


I am on the ground


I am stationary and my solar panels are not open


I open all solar panels and radiators

Scenario 2:


I am on the ground


My speed is > 0 and my solar panels are open


I close all solar panels and radiators

Scenario 3:


I am not on the ground


Atmosphere Pressure > 0 and my solar panels are open


I close all solar panels and radiators

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In this case, I will point you to the classic KSP modding trick of looking at another person's code.

One of the biggest benefits of the requirement that all mods post their source, just be aware of the license the mod is released under as you have to respect that when copying code.

In this case, The solar panel action group mod extends and retracts all solar panels with the P key.

Note my comment about the license earlier, this mod is licensed All Rights Reserved so you can't copy it's code. What you can do however is use it to figure out how to interface with the Solar Panels.

As there is no API documentation, looking at other peoples work is one of the few ways we have of figuring out the API and what different commands actually do.

While you want to make conditional triggers, the extending and retracting part should be pretty similar and that should get you going.


Edited by Diazo
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