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Replica Delta II 7925 with Pathfinder Mission

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I made this for The Dunatian but I have not seen many around and the one I did find was not good. So I am releasing it here.

Enjoy, it is 1:1 scale, 40m high, around 230t and lofts a 12.5+t payload to Duna.

6 SRB's fire at Launch, the last 3 on seperation from the first 6, the last stage is a PAM-D for Duna Injection. There is a dummy payload, when replacing it do not make it too light or you might experience flippiness. Now also is a Pathfinder Lander and Sojourner Rover.

Launch at full throttle, ease over till 45 degrees at 10km, seperate SRB's when they empty, keep pitching till horizontal after 30km, gain speed until apoapsis of above 100km.

Update: Now also including Pathfinder and Sojourner

Download with Dummy Payload

Download with Pathfinder and Sojourner




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Edited by selfish_meme
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