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Come hear about KSP 1.1, straight from Squad!


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also, i don't think mk2 part fits mk3 ssto well.


Seriously, it's not that hard. Unless you want to use a MK3 SSTO to lift another MK3 SSTO.

Edited by Veeltch
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I think gemini was 1.875m kerbal helmets are too big for you to have more than 1 kerbal in a 1.25m part.

also i gotta say it: this is kerbal SPACE program whats with learjet parts?

Tiberions right. If thats a replacement for the other mk1 cockpit this will kill a ton of aircraft and anger (too weak a word) A LOT of ppl

I too don't get all the attention being paid to the aero/plane parts. The 1.25m cockpit was always a bit weird, but no one was really complaining about it that badly.

Higher priorities would have been:

Vernor Engines: Yuck.

Linear RCS Ports: Yuck.

Tiny MonoProp Engines: These have been broken and ugly since day one.

ALL the 2.5m Tanks: I think we've all gotten over the idea that Kerbals build spacecraft out of 55 Gallon drums.

Original landing gear bay: Doesn't match with any of the nicer stuff that PorkJet made.

Mk1 Parachute: Doesn't match the other chutes.

Rover Body: Just try using symmetry on it... Try. It's a square circle.

Rover Wheels: It's more of a Unity issue, so I let it slide. Just like the current wheels. Sorry not sorry.

All the docking ports: They just look bad compared to the stuff the community is putting out.


Mk1 Pod's top isn't actually 0.625m and drives me crazy.

Mk2 Pod is ugly, has bad proportions, and has a weird top too.

Mk2 Lander Can also has weird dimensions and makes building frustrating.

I'd really like Squad to make design guidelines for what the stock look looks like so mod authors know what to aim for when making parts that are supposed to look stock. PorkJet and Roverdude have really nailed the "simple and slightly cartoonish, but not childish or junky" look that a lot of us think best represents how the parts should look. The core parts of the game aren't getting the same treatment that all the aero and resource parts are getting, and it's feels really backwards in terms of priorities.

As far as the 1.25m cockpit goes, I don't get the Lear Jet styling. A Bell X-1 look would have made MUCH more sense really.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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I don't really use plane parts they are too late in the tree I only buy them cause they put fairings in the same node... Not saying we need planes before rockets no no no I want to hit orbit as fast as possible but if squad wants me to care about planes they'd make it so I can make one as a pleasant optional distraction on my speed run to orbit

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why not bugfixing instead of parts?

Has anyone said there weren't any bug fixes?

I bet squad has smashed many bugs for 1.1

The old mk1 cockpit looked very.. Outdated compared to new plane parts. It pleases me that it is replaced.

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Let's not forget: The LearJet was originally designed as a fighter jet. But I like the style for the currenct Mk1 jet pod. Please update and keep. It's a good base for nice and fast planes!

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I may be in the minority here, but I actually really like the cosmetic improvement of the new Mk 1 cockpit. The old one was kinda ugly.

I like it too, but it's not an "improvement," it's an entirely different style of cockpit.

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Let's not forget: The LearJet was originally designed as a fighter jet. But I like the style for the currenct Mk1 jet pod. Please update and keep. It's a good base for nice and fast planes!

Not with that cockpit though. Pretty much the only design element retained from the fighter was the wing.

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Love, love, love the new cockpit and 1.25m crew tank, the latter has been one of my most desired parts for quite some time. If only for the fact that it will fit in a Mk2 bay and have a 1.25m node on either end.

Small basic jets do nothing for me. My planes are usually meant to go to space, a basic jet won't cut it (which is too bad, two 0.625m turbojet equivalents around a single rocket would be an interesting option). I feel the lack of bigger jets when making Mk3 stuff is more significant.

I have to agree that the rocket parts are looking a bit neglected. We haven't had much in the way of new rocket parts since the ARM stuff was added in 0.23.5, there are some niches that need filling and the existing parts should be brought up to the standard of the spaceplane parts, IMO.

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The Crew Cabin is nice, but updating the Mk1 cockpit seems unnecessary. It was revamped only a couple of versions ago. While the game would benefit from some common artistic elements, we don't need everything looking exactly the same, and there are other parts (and planets) much more deserving of an art pass.

The situation isn't the same as with the Round-8 though. Squad proposed making the Round-8 not an LFO tank, that's what got people up in arms. The Mk1 cockpit will still be a cockpit.

And there's still a void for a two-Kerbal command module. In fact, maybe the new cockpit could be made two-Kerbal, and keep the old one as well? It would look a little goofy on rockets, but hey, players can make it work.

As for the mini-jet, neat enough, but for plane engines I think the game really wants two things: A 2.5m airliner engine for big subsonic stuff, and an electric propeller for Eve and Duna.

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Love, love, love the new cockpit and 1.25m crew tank, the latter has been one of my most desired parts for quite some time. If only for the fact that it will fit in a Mk2 bay and have a 1.25m node on either end.

Small basic jets do nothing for me. My planes are usually meant to go to space, a basic jet won't cut it (which is too bad, two 0.625m turbojet equivalents around a single rocket would be an interesting option). I feel the lack of bigger jets when making Mk3 stuff is more significant.

I have to agree that the rocket parts are looking a bit neglected. We haven't had much in the way of new rocket parts since the ARM stuff was added in 0.23.5, there are some niches that need filling and the existing parts should be brought up to the standard of the spaceplane parts, IMO.

I also love the idea of the 1.25m crew tank, if for the opposite reason, I like designing SSTOs with Mk1 parts and I have such a problem getting the crew capacity above 1 since I need the front of the spaceplane to either intake air or have it's space reserved for an LV-N. I don't like MK2 parts cause they cause uncontrolled pitching and Mk3 parts are too sluggish for my taste. Stacking Mk1 inline cockpits looks really ugly so I don't even bother with that. Boy I sound picky, don't I?

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Honestly, rather than more parts, I'd like performance and graphical improvements.

You're assuming that dev team members are interchangeable. They aren't. Somebody who knows how to make meshes and skin them does not necessarily know how to write code to integrate KSP with the game engine, or vice versa. Having Porkjet sit around twiddling his thumbs isn't going to make the engine upgrade go any faster.

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