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How to stop bases exploding?

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So I spent ages building a surface base on Duna, literally took me hours to design, assemble in orbit and get it all landed and connected etc. Then I switched to the Space Centre to do something else. Upon returning to my base, in the first few seconds when the game turns on physics, it made my base explode. This is not the first time this has happened, but it was definitely the most painful.

Is there a way to stop the game physics moving objects in this manner?

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This has been around a while and I've not seen a confirmed fix. Some parts, like Service Bays, are major culprits but docking ports and some reaction wheels etc can cause problems too.

The dev's have not released any patch fixes since 1.0.4 despite a number of major bugs, putting their effort into the next feature release instead. So it seems likely that you will have to wait for that for a hope of a fix. Maybe a month or so.

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Welcome to KSP physics. This has been an issue since well forever. The larger the base the greater the chance of a kraken visit. Best thing you can do honestly is take a little extra time and make a save before switching focus to your ground base. In these cases I have been able to try reloading the save a few times and get one where my base doesn't explode.

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I have this problem when the base clips into the ground. It depends on the parts and orientation, e.g. structural panels lying on the ground are almost guaranteed to explode, as are Mk3 passenger modules lying horizontally. Passenger modules standing vertically on their attachment node seem to be better.

The house on page 9 exploded every time because of the structural panels under the chairs. The tower on page 16 is fine despite weighing 700t.

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A temporary workaround is to edit the persistence file "KSP\saves\<savename>\persistent.sfs" or "quicksave.sfs" in the text editor of your choice. Search for "name = <base name>" and then slightly increase either "alt =" or "hgt =", e.g. change "hgt = -1" to "hgt = 1". You want your base to appear 1m above the ground and settle down as if landing again.

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Stuff overheats in cargo bays under time warp.

If you open the debug menu (alt+f12), you can toggle the "ignore max temperature" and "unbreakable joints" cheats.

Service bays are rather bugged. If you're going to use them, avoid clipping parts and avoid putting parts near the borders of the bay, either inside or outside (say, a part that's next to the bay)

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Eh, I've had exactly one incident of spontaneous overheating not caused by predictable physics in 410 hours, and I solved it by alt-f4 before persistent file updated and reloading. Problem never repeated itself. Wasn't a service bay either, but a mod hydrogen tank, and no time warp was used. I wrote it off as just another friendly visit from the neighborhood kraken.

Not to say some folks aren't obviously having problems. If you are, do whatever it takes, but I've actually been enjoying some new (intended) heat management engineering problems - with mod parts of course, even stock nukes produce so little heat under typical use that you'd never need radiators except for truly epic burns.

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There are 2 major bugs that ive come across (not necessarily base related but in general when loading or using time warp. one, temperature can spike rapidly when you say go from X1 to X4 very rapidly (i usually go X2, wait some, then X3, wait, then X4, never exploded a craft this way sofar). Two, anything clipped anywhere near a service bay will very often cause explosions. if you have any clipping make sure nothing is clipped between teh service bay and other components. Part clippiung inside teh service bay is ok, but not part clipping that has a part somewhat in teh bay and then sticking into say fuselage as well, thats a near guaranteed problem.

There is another bug that ive found (its not consistent and sometimes it happens sometimes not), but it seems that attaching stuff to the inner nodes on service bays, cargo bays, ect can cause random separation of bay and parts bay is connected to when time warp goes above X2 (and even sometimes when u hit X2). In egenral avoid using those two nodes as they juist cause alot of bugs and issues. if you must use those nodes, make sure absolutely nothing is clipping into the part u connect to internal cargo bay node, otherwise its a 90% chance of problems sooner or later.

Finally, service bays seem problematic in general, cargo bays dont cause as much spontaneous explosions, so i tend to use those moreso then the service bays (they are too small to fit missiles inside so its not liek i have any use for them in the 1st place). That said, what id do for a MK1 sized cargo bay that can fit 1 missile, thatd allow me to make Mk1 fuselage fighters without strapping insanely draggy ibeam+sepatron missiles to the outseide.

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If it does overheat, then it would be visible in a savefile. Please examine. If it doesn't, then it's a kraken, that happens for anything getting below the surface level. Since it is bug, u can just load a save or just copy the exploded ship info from earlier savefile to the latest one. My mobile Mun base disappeared this way. Thank god for my savefile archieves.

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If it does overheat, then it would be visible in a savefile. Please examine. If it doesn't, then it's a kraken, that happens for anything getting below the surface level. Since it is bug, u can just load a save or just copy the exploded ship info from earlier savefile to the latest one. My mobile Mun base disappeared this way. Thank god for my savefile archieves.

These kinda of situations are when i use Hedit and do not consider it a cheat.

i really enoy making legit missions, so i dont really warp anything to where i want ti unless im trying to replace something that game ate through no fault of my own, Hedit is really a essential mod, if only for cutting down time when you spent a hor getting something to say eeloo, only to have it eaten by the kraken or some other stupid bug.

Actually these days the only other thing i use Hedit for aside from bugfixes are warping pirate colonies and warships to random places in the kerbol system as im too lazy to make launchers for lots of small vessels that realistically didnt come from kerbin anyways.

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The more parts has your base, the more differently directed forces effect it.

At some moment, at some place, the local tension between some parts exceeds their hardness, and you get a rain of parts flying around.

Even "elastic" KAS struts are not the remedy.

Due to such problem, Roverdude created "proxy logistics" mechanism in his "USI Kolonization System".

Station buildings are not connected, but resources are being "teleported" from one module to another one.

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  • 2 years later...

I'd like to renew this thread a bit, since i'm building a minmus station out of basetubes and modules. I now have 2 modules connected with a base tube but while trying to land the next tube near the base, the base explodes. According to the logs an adapter collides into an attached part.

Is this bug still not solved, or can it be solved at this moment?

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14 hours ago, TygeR said:

I'd like to renew this thread a bit, since i'm building a minmus station out of basetubes and modules. I now have 2 modules connected with a base tube but while trying to land the next tube near the base, the base explodes. According to the logs an adapter collides into an attached part.

Is this bug still not solved, or can it be solved at this moment?

That sounds like autostruts,  could you edit them out of the save?

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20 hours ago, TygeR said:

I'd like to renew this thread a bit, since i'm building a minmus station out of basetubes and modules. I now have 2 modules connected with a base tube but while trying to land the next tube near the base, the base explodes. According to the logs an adapter collides into an attached part.

Is this bug still not solved, or can it be solved at this moment?

This thread is 2 years old. It refer to instantaneous overheating bug, apparently gone ages ago. 

I think you should start a new thread about your issue to avoid confusion and let this one fade.  

In any case, 'phantom forces' upon loading is still a thing.  There's some way to manage the risk but not eliminate it.



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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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