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NEW SURVEY [WIP] Carcharoth Aeronautics-BDArmory expansion and more-V0.08


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Working on...


SURVEY (Android Tested): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1acNoGsqV_RoJuOQByyf_K8d_vY34YkODPzFkVreuwns/edit?usp=sharing

XLS File (Android Tested): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-4SE_CGTRtYdPhifQYCKKyTnjlo3ZNFMmESbkErxQJU/edit?usp=sharing


Current parts

  • Baker test Bomb
  • Katyusha Rocket
  • M-65 Nuclear cannon
  • Uranprojekt-1 (Heisenberg Gërat)
  • Uranprojekt-3
  • Uranprojekt-4
  • AN-11, First French nuclear bomb
  • Fatman, nuclear bomb
  • Little Boy, nuclear bomb
  • FritzX, Radio guided anti-ship missile
  • Norden bombsight, Targeting Camera
  • Ruhrstahl RX-4, AAMissile
  • Uranprojekt-2, pedant Dirty Nuclear Bomb
  • Thin Man, Dirty Nuclear Bomb
  • Davy Crockett, Tactical Nuclear Rocketcher (wip)
  • Grand Slam Earthquake Bomb
  • Tallboy Earthquake Bomb
  • T-12 Cloudmaker Earthquake Bomb
  • Mark 5 Nuclear Bomb
  • Mk108
  • MK 214 50mm cannon request
  • MG 17
  • MG 151/20
  • Disney Bomb

Projected Parts

  • Pak 40
  • Torpedo
  • Missile turret
  • Karl Mortar request
  • MachineGuns/turrets (WWI, Vickers, Lewis, Villar-Perosa, Becker 20 mm, M1917 Browning, MG14, Fokker-Leimberger, ...)
  • WWI "Special" Early turret
  • Bofors 40mm
  • Getter robo LD: Drill missile, Strong missile, Getter Beam.
  • Cowboy Bebop: WDF Armory M3C Devastator-class heavy plasma cannon.
  • Evangelion: N2 bomb "inline" warhead and missile.
  • Escaflowne: Basram's doomsday weapon.
  • Ghost In The Shell: Fuchikoma cannon, Standard Issue Big Gun (in a turret), Sniper turret
  • Flamethrowers
  • Recoilless rifles
  • Navy cannon a very little one, not a big turret (data taken by me from a real cannon)
  • 1-inch Nordenfelt gun
  • Canister cannon
  • 380 mm RW 61 rocket launcher L/5.4 (Sturmtiger main weapon)
  • Bouncing bomb request (Maybe impossible)
  • Tzar bomb
  • Mirv
  • Castle bravo

Download: Release Thread

Thank you for your attention :wink:

Edited by Carcharoth
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My advice:

- KSP uses a proprietary "KSPParticleEmitter" component based on Unity's old particle system. It's very difficult to get a mushroom cloud out of that, so you're basically doomed to have to write a script that moves the particles as you desire, which means creating your own AddOn.

- nuclear mushroom clouds are often pictured with the "cap" at a certain height and a "stem" connecting it to the ground, but the way they actually move is hard to tell from the pictures (and even a lot of videos). It only looks like that at one point during the discharge; what actually occurs is that a cloud of hot plasma is generated at the explosion site (i.e. basically on the ground), which begins to rise due to its lower density. Since the outside cools faster than the inside, the outer surface of the cloud slows down while the interior continues to rise. As it continues to cool, the outer part shrinks and becomes neutrally buoyant, meaning it stays still and starts to form a trail of smoke along the upward path of the main cloud. Of course, as the cloud rises, it gradually cools and loses mass, growing dim and eventually shrinking away to nothing.

tl;dr: Get a large pot of hot, almost boiling water and drop a teaspoon of salt into the center. Watch how the salt "bounces" off the bottom and forms a little mushroom cloud of its own. Alternately, get a large glass of water and drop a drop of food coloring into it for an upside-down version. Either is a rough approximation of the sort of motion you want.


Edited by parameciumkid
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Yeah, the description above is correct. At the same time bomb creates dust, vapor and depris on the terrain surface underneah.

Also, the plasma ball is generated first, right where bomb explodes, usually in air. At the same time stuff on ground is vaporized, which creates smoke, and immidiately after that the shockwave hits, creating dust and debris. The plasma ball immidiately turns into smoke and starts rising like it is described above.

Basically, this animation is quite correct.

EDIT: apparently same anim,ation was edited into post above. :P

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Also, AtomCentral's channel has lots of useful videos prominently displaying the dynamics of the fireball and mushroom cloud. This one in particular is of the Grable shot, with a yield similar to Fat Man's, which should be especially useful:

There's also this video which should also prove informative:

And this (Russian) video which is very interesting and showcases multiple effects in action:

Edited by mythbusters844
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Interesting how lower part of plasma ball condenses and dissapears after contact with ground.

On a side note, this might eed a plugin to correctly spawn ground effect - it should be separate from air one.

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Interesting how lower part of plasma ball condenses and dissapears after contact with ground.

On a side note, this might eed a plugin to correctly spawn ground effect - it should be separate from air one.

It's actually the shockwave hitting the ground, reflecting back, and pushing the fireball upwards.

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It's actually the shockwave hitting the ground, reflecting back, and pushing the fireball upwards.

Well, probably. Fireball should travel with shockwave at that point, and in such conditions local speed of sound is much greater than normal one.

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Well, probably. Fireball should travel with shockwave at that point, and in such conditions local speed of sound is much greater than normal one.

Erm, no. In that video, you can see the shockwave passing the fireball almost instantly after detonation as a distortion of the smoke and dust behind it. You also easily can see this in most nuclear explosions as a "double flash". In smaller ones, such as that video, the shockwave succeeds the fireball so fast that there is no double flash, but in massive ones such as

, you can easily see how the shockwave exiting the fireball causes complex interactions with the plasma and intermittently dims the fireball's brightness, before illuminating to a blinding white (and then obviously dimming again as the fireball expands and cools).
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The smoke that comes out of the "sphere" is made with "KSPParticleEmitter" and not try to create an explosion 100% real, just the mushroom shape, some light and dust.

I'll try to make mushroom shape with blender as a guide (as the sphere of the current explosion) and "cover" with "KSPParticleEmitter" so that the smoke column has that shape from the beginning. The problem is that still have not been able to use an animation in KSP... I have to keep looking information.

Superb discussion about the convection currents in a nuclear detonation and everything else. We are a bunch of nerds :wink:

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Sorry i was writting this on my phone and accidentaly posted it too quickly. I hope there are going to be more bombs than just Fat Man.

Ok, no problem :wink: , Fat man is the first part of this "mod", something "easy" to start (free fall bomb) I still working in the explosion, once it is done it will be easier to add more parts. Thanks for your interest.

Now I'm working in the M65 280mm Atomic cannon "Atomic Annie".


When I get depressed and tired to work with the old emission system I clear my mind a little bit in Blender. XD

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Ok, no problem :wink: , Fat man is the first part of this "mod", something "easy" to start (free fall bomb) I still working in the explosion, once it is done it will be easier to add more parts. Thanks for your interest.

Now I'm working in the M65 280mm Atomic cannon "Atomic Annie".


When I get depressed and tired to work with the old emission system I clear my mind a little bit in Blender. XD

Looks nice

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Hi, here is the Little Boy model, I use "standard military" green as texture (BDArmory), because it looks like that in some photos, but in others is painted in dark blue, purple, black...

I do not found any color image of original little boy to know his color, any advice? Thanks

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Tomorrow I will publish the new version of the Mod adding the bombs: Mk117 (standard 750lb, requested by MrFancyPL) and AN-11 (first French nuclear bomb), here are the 3D models as a preview :wink:

I highly recommend baking an AO for your textures and then applying the color under the AO layer (set it to multiply) this gives a much better appearance

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I highly recommend baking an AO for your textures and then applying the color under the AO layer (set it to multiply) this gives a much better appearance
Thanks for the info, I will try to do that before the release or after if I not be able to learn it at time.
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Thanks for the info, I will try to do that before the release or after if I not be able to learn it at time.

Today I am recording a start to finish video of me making an RGM-84 harpoon complete with full modeling texturing animating and unity rigging as well as cfg edits so that should be out today or tomorrow and will help a lot.

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Today I am recording a start to finish video of me making an RGM-84 harpoon complete with full modeling texturing animating and unity rigging as well as cfg edits so that should be out today or tomorrow and will help a lot.

Nice! looking forward to checking it out.

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I highly recommend baking an AO for your textures and then applying the color under the AO layer (set it to multiply) this gives a much better appearance

Hi, I just uploaded the new version, thanks for the idea of AO textures:

AN-11 First French Nuclear Bomb 3D Model:

Mk117 750lb GP Bomb 3D Model: (Requested by MrFancyPL )

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