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Very Excited for 1.1!!!


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No, that's absolutely ridiculous.

Once they incorporate a Shakespearian translation, THEN we can talk pirates. But not before.

in the kerbal space program, thou wilt build a space-worthy cautel, capable of flying its crew out into space, without killing them. at thy disposal is a collection of parts, which wilt be assembl'd to create a functional ship. each part hath its own function and will affect the way a ship flies ('r doesn't). so strap yourself in, and get ready to try some rocket philosophy!

the game hath different game modes, thou can play the career mode if thou want to expand and make shift thy own space center, taking on missions and researching new technologies. 'r thou can play sandbox mode if thou're only interest'd in flying and discovering the kerbal universe without restrictions. thither is yea a mid point between these two, natural philosophy mode.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Personally its the thing I'm most excited about, It'll be much easier to build a huge plane to cheaply carry that rocket through the first 20-30km of atmosphere.

That was my thought too. Seems like it might be a fuel-efficient way of getting very heavy cargo spaceplanes off the runway and into their climb. It might mean we need fewer turbojets to get up to where we need the plane to be to start going hypersonic.

- - - Updated - - -

While the Panther is obviously useful for making nimble "fighter" style planes, one application I think it would excel at is as a lifter engine for VTOL craft.

I find that the Wheesley these days is a little too underpowered for lifting most VTOLs unless you go overboard on the number of engines, and the Whiplash is pretty poor at the speed and altitude one generally does vertical takeoff and landing maneuvers at. But the Panther with its higher thrust output than the Wheesley and wide range of thrust vectoring should make it ideal for an aircraft with responsive hovering maneuverability.

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I'm so excited I'm starting to really lose it, actually... lol. I can't focus on my current career game anymore, and I find myself daydreaming all the new stuff I want to do, especially with the new contract system. I absolutely love the idea of contracts for Space Station additions, and stuff like that!!! Time to build 'em big!!!

My big question... what aren't they telling us??? I've noticed there's always a little more to upgrades than what the Dev's let on... so are there any surprises???

I haven't been this anxious about an upgrade in years... and I'm already strategizing how I'm going to play my next career game.

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^ Let's be sure not to take that out of context xD

Sooo by "zero issues", they mean completely bug-free, right? No glue Kraken? No random overheating? ;P

Oh, and on the topic of localizations, can KSP do what Facebook did a while back and have a "Pirate English" version?

"Yar, mateys. Be ye in this here game of Kerbal Pirate Program, ye be a'buildin' us a mighty fleet of space schooners and winged dinghies, and aboard these yer noble Krew will be bidden to hunt the great black yonder for all its golden wealth. There be untold treasures scattered far and wide in this here star system, ripe for the takin'. Arrrrrgh!"

Edited by parameciumkid
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Oh, and on the topic of localizations, can KSP do what Facebook did a while back and have a "Pirate English" version?

"Yar, mateys. Be ye in this here game of Kerbal Pirate Program, ye be a'buildin' us a mighty fleet of space schooners and winged dinghies, and aboard these yer noble Krew will be bidden to hunt the great black yonder for all its golden wealth. There be untold treasures scattered far and wide in this here star system, ripe for the takin'. Arrrrrgh!"

I would totally support this, (and help with the translation if needed :P)

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