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Modding Monday: Kerbal Planetary Base Systems


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<figure data-orig-width="480" data-orig-height="92" class="tmblr-full">tumblr_inline_ntln3tm8GC1rr2wit_540.jpg</figure><figure data-orig-width="1920" data-orig-height="1080" class="tmblr-full">tumblr_inline_ntln462R4E1rr2wit_540.png</figure>The Kerbal Planetary Base Systems mod adds several new parts to the game. Designed to be used in a planetery base for the Kerbal, they include habitats, a greenhouse, a laboratory, a cupola, a command center and many structural parts to link them all together.

The mod is a ‘stockalike’ design, so it fits in perfectly with the default parts, and it integrates very well with various life support mods, as well as the KIS and KAS mods.

The download link is available in the forum thread!

Edited by KasperVld
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Not sure how I feel about a mod that is in Add-on Development being featured here, as I would assume that means the author doesn't believe the mod is ready for greater public exposure.

That being said, this looks to be fabulous and quite far along - so maybe my concern is moot in this case! Congrats Nils!

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Congrats, Nils! Awesome mod, cool IVAs, as well.

- - - Updated - - -

Not sure how I feel about a mod that is in Add-on Development being featured here, as I would assume that means the author doesn't believe the mod is ready for greater public exposure.

That being said, this looks to be fabulous and quite far along - so maybe my concern is moot in this case! Congrats Nils!

Yeah, he's been through a number of versions at this point, and I've not had even a little trouble with it.

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Not sure how I feel about a mod that is in Add-on Development being featured here, as I would assume that means the author doesn't believe the mod is ready for greater public exposure.

That being said, this looks to be fabulous and quite far along - so maybe my concern is moot in this case! Congrats Nils!

In most cases I would agree with you, but too me at least KPBS is better than some released mods.

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Those parts are amazing, most of them would solve not only planetary bases problem, but also lack of space stations parts, since they have nodes at the bottom :)

Cupola is great for large rovers.

Only one part I would change...


this one large on right, after right click it should allow us to drop/disconnect cargo that is attached to it, so we could reconfigure "cargo" at some point without lots of docking ports.

Those smaller parts could have some kind of magnets that would allow us to connect or disconnect them from cargo bay.

EDIT Also it would be nice to have one part (like this with two engines) with integrated landing legs to decrease part count of bases.

Edited by Darnok
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Wow cool :D

Thanks for the feature in "Modding Monday". I'm really happy that you like this mod. :)

I have no problem with it mentioned here although it is technically still in development.

It will be moved to the normal addon section after the next two or three updates when the things i still wanted to add are done.

@Darnok: The functionality for this would be very similar to the one of KIS. I think you can use KIS to achieve what you want.

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I am not huge fan of mods, I have only few:

- mechjeb

- alarm clock

- asteroid day (I saw antenna is going to be stock, so maybe they will add other parts too)

- and now yours, because concept of making parts like that gives many possibilities

I hope this is going to be stock in 1.2 or 1.3 (for 1.1 is bit too late I guess) :)

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In most cases I would agree with you, but too me at least KPBS is better than some released mods.

Agreed, I'm impressed by how complete the parts set is and the neat categorization makes it a snap to install this and start building a base and rocket to mail it. Hate it when I have to hunt through every tab to find all the parts on a new mod, most likely to custom categorize them anyway.

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