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Ramp/Door Animation Slider

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Am loving the look of the new ramp, have always loved the cargo bays. What I DON'T like about the bays is that they always open 180 degrees each side, clipping into wings and whatnot that are installed on the Mk2/M3 body centerline.

What I'd really like is a slider bar in the VAB/SPH that selects how far the door or ramp can open. You could set it for, say, 120 degrees instead of the 180 degree default so it doesn't clip wings. Or have it open wider. Or set it to zero and have a hollow bay.

Wondering how hard that would be to code--am imagining it would require no change to the animation, just have the animation stop when it reaches the maximum pre-set value. But I really don't know.

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This belongs in Suggestions and Development discussion.

Good point. I'm sure... [ETA: And there's Red. Thanks!]

Am really curious to hear from someone who's played with the animation modules how easy that would be, and whether stopping the door or ramp midway would cause problems with the collision modeling.

Edited by Kuzzter
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