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[1.8-1.12] Kethane Plugin and Parts 0.11.0 - Now with background scanning.


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Hey! :)

Thanks for your great work! I like your Mods and Kethane was my first one. (First version that i used was 0.3). :)



Can you do something to update it on CKAN for KSP 1.1.2?

Because there is only the 0.9.4 Version for KSP 1.0.5 on CKAN. :(



Thanks and have fun. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I've been having a problem when trying to put my compiled version of kethane in KSP, can anyone help me? The issue is that the grid around planets is bright pink (screenshot at the bottom), the only way to find kethane spots is by hovering the mouse over scanned cells to see the deposit amount and there's no way to tell which cells have been scanned since they all look the same. KSP.log shows no obvious errors and I've added a couple of log messages to make sure the shader material is being properly loaded just before it's assigned to the overlay renderer but no luck.

Steps I've taken (tried on 32 and 64 bit windows versions):

Start with a vanilla KSP install

Add kethane 0.9.6 downloaded from this thread

Build probe and drill/converter in game, scan kerbin and then place it on a kethane rich spot for future testing

Clone both kethane and geodesic grid from github, open them in VS 2015, setup the 'unityengine', 'assembly' and 'assembly-c-sharp' dependencies as the readme says and compile the grid then kethane (using the compiled grid dll as depedency).

Change the extension of the 0.9.6 geodesicgrid.dll and kethane.dll to .dll.bkp to keep them as backups

Place the compiled dlls in the plugins folder

Start the game

Pink Kerbin!

Load previous game with drill/converter in place

Map view shows the pink grid again.

Delete compiled geodesicgrid.dll, restore the one from 0.9.6 and test. Pink kerbin!

Delete compiled kethane.dll, restore the one from 0.9.6 and test. Grid is back to normal


Here's a piece of the log with the messages I added in bold (for some reason they were printed twice):

[WRN 14:40:28.439] [Kethane] Loading settings
[LOG 14:40:28.450] UIMasterController: ShowUI
[LOG 14:40:29.157] Loading shader
[LOG 14:40:29.159] Shader loaded: Kethane/AlphaUnlitVertexColored (UnityEngine.Material)
[LOG 14:40:29.159] Applying Color: RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.4)
[LOG 14:40:29.269] Loading shader
[LOG 14:40:29.270] Shader loaded: Kethane/AlphaUnlitVertexColored (UnityEngine.Material)
[LOG 14:40:29.270] Applying Color: RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.4)

[WRN 14:40:30.100] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[WRN 14:40:30.101] [ApplicationLauncher] Awake False
[LOG 14:40:30.103] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown

Main menu:


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This is a shader issue. Kethane looks for the shader in its dll (as a resource). I've put (for my own sanity) a Makefile in the top level directory of the Kethane tree, and a few others in strategic places, such that you can do just

make KSPDIR=path/to/ksp install

Note that you will need quotes around the path if it has spaces, and even on windows you need to use / instead of \ as the directory separator (little known fact: Windows and even DOS has always supported / as the directory separator, it's only the UI (including command.com) that insists on \). Also, you will need gnu make and mono to use the Makefile.

Anyway, if you look in Plugin/Kethane/Makefile, you'll see how the dll is built.

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1 hour ago, taniwha said:

This is a shader issue. Kethane looks for the shader in its dll (as a resource). I've put (for my own sanity) a Makefile in the top level directory of the Kethane tree, and a few others in strategic places, such that you can do just

make KSPDIR=path/to/ksp install

Note that you will need quotes around the path if it has spaces, and even on windows you need to use / instead of \ as the directory separator (little known fact: Windows and even DOS has always supported / as the directory separator, it's only the UI (including command.com) that insists on \). Also, you will need gnu make and mono to use the Makefile.

Anyway, if you look in Plugin/Kethane/Makefile, you'll see how the dll is built.

Thanks for the reply, I installed gnuwin for gnu make in windows and mono but running the make file gives me an error. It doesn't seem to care if I put the game's path in quotes, it still thinks the directory name 'Kerbal Space Program' means three separate directories. The command I'm using is this:

make install KSPDIR="D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program"

Using install at the end gives me an error about the syntax of the command being incorrect so I switched to using it after make, for the path I've tried single quotes, double quotes, quotes only in Kerbal Space Program and escaping blank spaces with \ , nothing seems to work. So my workaround was to rename the game's directory to KSP and then the make file builds it like a charm, no more pink kerbin for me. The only issue now is that I can't launch the game through steam but that's a very minor inconvenience. So thanks for the help!


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Why in gods name does anyone still use ckan???? I mean it's so poorly set up. A lot of modder a don't support it and it's usually outdated with it's mods. From day one of me starting ksp way back I always modded manually. Just....easier that way. 

Edited by Yuri kagarin56
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/07/2016 at 10:25 PM, Speedster159 said:

Is this compatible with 1.1.3?

It seems to be.

On 22/07/2016 at 6:39 AM, MKellerBR said:

The download link is not working for me! anyone?

working now.. 5min after the post! :D

Yeah, sorry about that. My ISP was playing router roulette again so I had to update my name server. Nice timing on your part.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to bother you, but what is the purpose of the Kerbal blender (KE-WAITNOSTOP something)? It says in the description that it turns Kerbals into fuel, but I can't find any way of making it work. I've looked in the part cfg file, and it seems that there is no function to the part(unlike drills and whatnot). Is the Kerbal Blender a joke/aesthetic thing? Or am I missing out on something?

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8 hours ago, PotentiallyHabitable578 said:

It says in the description that it turns Kerbals into fuel, but I can't find any way of making it work.

It is activated by a kerbal on EVA. The one who drew the short straw.

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