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Lost Cosmonauts


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It's possible they were silenced*. "They" being the people you mention.

*killed, or bribed, threatened, something like that

So why do have records of the Nedelin disaster, Bondarenko, and Soyuz 1 and 11, as well as various other industrial and nuclear mishaps ?

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No evidence is not evidence of nothing.

Yes, it is very unlikely. But there is a possibility. Maybe they grabbed some people with no families, and didn't tell anyone. There is a possibility, despite it being very low.

If there is no evidence, then it is pure conjecture with zero substance. By that standard, there is also the possibility of pink unicorns on the Moon.

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... If there is no evidence, then it is pure conjecture with zero substance. By that standard, there is also the possibility of pink unicorns on the Moon.

Agreed, unreasonable guesswork. BTW, any Soviet pilots that entered a vessel have been aware of the possible consequences, no need to blame anyone in this business. Adults use to be uninterested for their own live/ future, whatever, and this is a fact.

Edited by Mikki
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