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Allow adding parts to staging

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I've searched for similar suggestions, but I didn't find any. Does not mean there weren't :)

What I'm proposing is to add an option to add modules like solar panels, antennas, science instruments, ..., to staging. Every part could have an right click menu option "Add to staging" which would add appropriate icon to staging thingy, like currently engines, decouplers and fairings have. Additionally, it might be interesting to be able to add action groups to staging.

This could improve mission planing during vehicle design and avoid silly little mishaps like forgetting to deploy solar panels. Additionally, this would extend staging beyond current "vehicle" stage into "mission" stage.

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I'd love to have more control via staging. I wouldn't want to hit action groups through staging though, I'd rather that the staging could DIRECTLY issue commands to the parts. Like nothingSpecial's comment about closing panels - being able to add the "retract panels" right click command directly to staging would be cool. Having to waste an action group on that would not be cool.

However, this brings up another problem: many parts don't have absolute commands, they're mostly toggles. All parts with commands should always have an "enable" and "disable" command. For example, RCS quads/linear ports can only be toggled, and don't have enable/disable options.

(I also support Stoney3K's concept)

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However, this brings up another problem: many parts don't have absolute commands, they're mostly toggles. All parts with commands should always have an "enable" and "disable" command. For example, RCS quads/linear ports can only be toggled, and don't have enable/disable options.

I think a major part of that issue is that there is no "unified" command interface which allows parts to integrate into KSP like stock parts. Even the stock parts are not consistent in their commands, one set has an Enable/Disable set of separate commands, where the other has a Toggle command that does not change if you trigger it.

So yes, a consistent, and clearly documented set of available commands would be important if you want to do more with staging, or with other 'standard' interactions such as IVA, EVA or docking. Most of those command sets are now just discovered through reverse engineering.

In the meantime, having a specific action group that triggers on a specific stage (as opposed to the "Stage" action group) would be a useful workaround. Even a right-click option on a specific stage that allows you to "Edit Actions" for that stage could already make a big difference.

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So yes, a consistent, and clearly documented set of available commands would be important if you want to do more with staging, or with other 'standard' interactions such as IVA, EVA or docking.


In the meantime, having a specific action group that triggers on a specific stage (as opposed to the "Stage" action group) would be a useful workaround. Even a right-click option on a specific stage that allows you to "Edit Actions" for that stage could already make a big difference.

The latter part ('edit actions') sounds best to me - would be very direct and intuitive I think.

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