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SSTO Spaceplane flight to orbit


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I find re-entry of a spaceplane the hardest thing in the game, it\'s a very good test of how aerodynamic your plane is.

I normally end up getting into a crazy spin at ~20,000m, which I occasionally come out of, but most of the time it ends with a splat.

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Wow, just wow. .craft file? :) Is that macross/robotech music??? Sounds like it..

As a note, soon rockets wont be able to drink jet fuel, when the new ship resource system comes out.


Here is the craft file, I\'ve since gone to iteration 16 that uses structural decouplers to prevent fuel flow between the jet engines and rockets, going to see how that works out.

Oh and the music is 'Hiroko Kasahara - Promise' from the Macross II OST vol.2

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Nice, I thought it sounded like Macross. :) Also good job on the plane, would like to see the update. :)

Here is the SR-17 Upgrades over the SR-15 are as follows.

-Seperated ramjets and rocket engine fuel systems, landings are much more easy now

-Added RCS system for help with 're-entry tumbling'

-Using Aerospike thrusters for the added fuel efficiency

-Jeb took a look at the bluebrints and turned one wing backwards and muttered something about it making the plane '20% cooler'

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