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Surface Vs. Terrain

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I don't know, but it might be because the actual collision mess (terrain) differs from the rendered surface. Or terrain could be KSC buildings and such.

But I have no idea so don't quote me on it.

Even the crawler way has a special F3 title. There might not be a difference at all and it's just random. I have no idea either TBH.

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My own speculation was about the different kind of flight you could fly and then impact. Kinda like if it is an orbit it is gonna be surface, if it is a plane crash it is gonna be terrain.

EDIT: I did experiment a few and it seems that "collided into the surface" implies a direct destructive hit while the destroyed part is still in contact somehow with the root part while "crashed into terrain" refers to a destroyed part that was already severed from root before impact.

Might as well be totally random...

Can anybody confirm this?

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