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Adjustable Landing Gear

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Yes, I love the new landing gears, introduced in 1.0... and yes, I realise they're not quite done yet. They still need animation and lights done, and the medium landing gear will also require a steering option to be enabled/disabled. I am however missing one major feature... and that's adjustable height. The landing gear actually mixes and matches in a great way! Except for that it usually doesn't fit.

For example, small nose gear + medium main gear would look great... where it not that in most MK2 designs, the main (medium) gear would be WAY too tall, and the nose would be aimed very much to the ground. Same with large landing gear and medium gear. This is less of an issue, but one needs a lot of fiddling to get it to look right...

What happens, especially on my Mk2 planes, I usually end up just sticking to the old landing gear... which is a shame. In some cases, I want to use the large bogey-style landing gear underneath the belly of the plane (especially in Mk3 designs). A part of the gear is below the wings, and I'd like some part of the gears below the belly of the plane as well... where it not that I would require incredibly low landing gears, where the bogey-style main gears are VERY tall.

Especially with the new wheel-system, it would be great to have more options for landing gears. I still wish we could have a landing gear that sits flush to the hull/wing when retracted and closed, but is a visible wheel-well (not occluded by the hull below it) when deployed.

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I fail to see how pointing me to a mod helps me in my quest for getting this into vanilla KSP. But thanks anyway :)

I only use two mods. I have tried some part-mods, but I was careless and forgot to back up my saves. Now they're all corrupt. No, I am not a big fan of mods.

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@Bloody_looser Yes, quite. Also, any similarities with the same name mod is non-intentional, I was aware of the mod, but not looking at it's implementation (though I certainly won't resist it :P). Mainly looking at the massive lack of flexibility the gears have. The main thing really is the adjustable height. Even for relatively simple designs I sometimes have to fight the gears to get the craft in the right orientation. Going as far as having to put the gears on hard-points.

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