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CRAZY BANANA Jool-5 attempt


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This thread shows my Jool-5 challenge attempt,

you can comment if you like...

(Missionalbums in sections further below)



JOOL-5 Challenge

KSP administration admits failure of TYLO landing attempt, insufficient deltaV on planned landercombination discovered. Sad but true.

Crew is about to return to Laythe for further instructions.

"My employees zealously scienced the magnificient kurvature of tasty bananas (and french croissants), and after eating enough of them, they just built this while i was sleeping... The transfervessel with the fruitshaped liquid fueltanks does not pitch or yaw, it just rolls like a orb. We hope it is an advantage during long burns in the Kerbolsystem... And in fact it rolls great, and weight distribution looks quiet easy with different shaped payloads, only minor thrustoffset was experienced, which easely can be balanced with dedicated fueltanks." - KSP CEO Mikki Kerman

"This is not a stupidly overbuilt fruity partyboat, no, we are going there only for the funds." - KSP Finance EO Mortimer Kerman

"Well, we don`t go there for a good nap, there are better places doing this in the Astronautcenter." - KSP Engineer Enemy Kerman

"I am very pleased to have the command in this mission, and the fact that the female crew is larger in comparison to the number of guys makes me really proud. And much more confident." - KSP Missioncommander Valentina Kerman

"Sorry, aber ich kann kein Englisch..." - KSP Scientist Heidi Kerman (mentioning being unable speaking backward spanish)

"I like the fruit shaped fueltanks, looks tasty!" - KSP Engineer Arcie Kerman

"I wonder how and where we can land on Laythe, a seaplane would be usefull there. I hope that Bill`s construction does its job well up there..." - KSP Pilot Bobby Kerman

Bobby Kerman will attempt to perform the ISRU/ Jebediah-Style challenge

Following mods/ settings are used: (KSP Version 1.0.4)

- Module manager (update tool)

- Asteroid Day (official Squad mod)

- Atomic Age (no parts in use)

- Community Tech Tree (does not affect this i think)

- Kerbal Engineer Redux

- Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

- Stock Bug Fix Modules

- Stock Fuel Switch

- Transfer Window Planner

- Careersetting normal difficulty

- All physics settings default

- No shenanigans

- Careerplaystart before 0.9, just in case you think its not real...

After successfull mission i post the craftfiles.

Launched vehicle cost/ contract refunds:

- CRAZY BANANA + giant lifter (forgot M 4435 scanner, 516 Parts): ......................................................................1.039.920.- Kredits

- ISRU BANANA + cheapish station + giant lifter (success, 454 parts): ......................................................................902.032.- Kredits

- Accountstatus:.............................................................MHmA0HL.png

- Lander stages + small landercan + medium lifter (Thomney sneaked in..., 150 parts): .........................................251.580.- Kredits

- RCS tug + large landercan + 2x M 700 sats + medium lifter (success, 206 parts): ..................................................360.176.- Kredits

- Space Shuttle + 2x shield medium + M 4435 scanner (success, 125 parts): ...........................................................182.744.- Kredits

- Space Shuttle + M 700 sat recovery (landed, Thomney back in KSC...): ...............................................................115.376.- Kredits

- Laythe SSTO (docked, Crew transport, 68 parts): ....................................................................................................106.454.- Kredits

- Disposable LFO tank + moar fuel + giant lifter (success, 374 parts): .......................................................................732.456.- Kredits

- Contract Plant flag on Bop: .......................................................................................................................................974.400.- Kredits

- Contract Visual survey on Bop: .................................................................................................................................128.000.- Kredits

- Contract Visual survey on Bop: .................................................................................................................................926.283.- Kredits

- Contract Surface outpost on Bop (The cheap and now also spooky Bop Station): ............................................4.203.790.- Kredits......yessss!!!

- Contract Plant flag on Bop: .......................................................................................................................................928.000.- Kredits

- Contract Rescue Elisie in orbit of Pol (Now KSP member): ......................................................................................118.800.- Kredits

- Contract 2600 Ore from Bop to Jool orbit: .............................................................................................................4.611.264.- Kredits......oh well!

- Contract Explore Laythe: ...........................................................................................................................................120.000.- Kredits

- Contract Orbit around Laythe: ...................................................................................................................................120.000.- Kredits

- Contract Land on Laythe: ..........................................................................................................................................240.000.- Kredits

- Contract Transmit data from surface Laythe: ............................................................................................................120.000.- Kredits

- Contract Explore Laythe completion success: .......................................................................................................1.380.000.- Kredits.....nice

- Accountstatus: .............................................................xMRWqP2.png

- Contract Plant flag on Pol: ........................................................................................................................................974.400.- Kredits

- Contract Gravimetric scans of Pol: ...........................................................................................................................115.200.- Kredits

- Contract Completion scans of Pol: ...........................................................................................................................926.283.- Kredits

- Contract Seismic survey sector XXX alpha: .............................................................................................................211.200.- Kredits

- Contract Seismic survey sector XXX beta: ...............................................................................................................211.200.- Kredits

- Contract Seismic survey sector XXX gamma: ..........................................................................................................211.200.- Kredits

- Contract Completion seismic surveys: ...................................................................................................................1.597.085.- Kredits...omgomg

Bobby landed on Bop! several times, ISRU, also Enemy, Valentina and Arcie


Bobby landed on Laythe! also Enemy and Heidi


Critical mission events on Laythe:

- Lost all gigantor solararrays on Laythe aerobrake, now depending on fuelcells on the transfervessel and the ISRU

- Also abandoned the M 700 satellite due to loss of both gigantor solarpanels

- Enemy became sick due to overheating in the SSTO cargobay seat during flight, needs a good nap and snacks

- Laythe SSTO has insufficient energysupply, transmitting sience back to Kerbin overloads the batteries

- Fuel conversion became a timeconsuming task, both fuelcells are needed to run the converter hardly

Bobby landed on Pol! also Heidi


Tylo landing failed!

- After decoupling and reading the KER tab i immediatly aborted the Tylo landing due to insufficient deltaV of the lander/ ascend combo... Pic at the end of second post.



:P... i come back and retry!

Further Information, albums, mission updates, pictures:

Main crew:

Valentina Kerman (Pilot, * * * * , Missioncommander)

Bobby Kerman (Pilot, * * * * * )

Heidi Kerman (Scientist, * * * * )

Enemy Kerman (Engineer, * * * * * )

Arcie Kerman (Engineer, * * * * )

(Further Crewincrease due to rescuemissions is inavoidable, they will be moved to the "Cheap Bop Station" for later pick-up, simply not enough space on the "CRAZY BANANA".)

The transfervessel loaded with fuel, except ore, inside the SPH. All landers, Laythe SSTO, ISRU lander, some satellites too and other parts needed (About 919.000 Kerbalkredits). Estimated transfersetup, minor changes may happen:


Launched engine setup (may differ from pic above):

- Transfervessel......................................: 12 "Nerva", 24 "Vernor"

- ISRU.....................................................: 3 "Poodle", 18 "Vernor"

- SSTO....................................................: 1 "Whiplash", 2 "R.A.P.I.E.R.", 8 RCS Monoprop

- Landersegment "Tylo Substage"...........: 3 "Aerospike", 3 RCS Monoprop

- Landersegment "Multistage"..................: 3 "Terrier", 3 RCS Monoprop

- Large Landercan ...................................: 3 "Spark", 3 RCS Monoprop

- Small Landercan ...................................: 3 RCS Monoprop, limited propulsion if required

- RCS Tug................................................: 8 RCS Monoprop, propulsion, manouver

- Satellites................................................: 2 "Puff" Monopropengines, no RCS

- Cheap Bop Station.................................: 3 "Twitch", 4 RCS Monoprop, (really cheap, not in picture)

The total deltaV of the transfervessel is estimated at around 4000 to 7000 dV, depending on the loadout of the ISRU and the attached equipment, KER has problems sometimes to give a stable readout, however.

"CRAZY BANANA" on the launchpad, partially depleted from fuel, no landers attached, i managed to do a stable weight distribution.

Bobby (Pilot) and Enemy (Engineer) inside the interplanetary nuclear tug (They are very focussed...):



Space Shuttle Mission for the last equipment delivery, and getting Thomney back to KSC...

Tugging the M 4435 scanner and the reentry shields to their attachmentpoints, returning one obsolete M 700 scanner which will be recovered for funds...


Mission assembly in LKO, rendezvous in HKO, final assembly, done:


Mission equipment delivery, Shuttle start, dockings, crew transfer, done:


ASSEMBLY is finished, progressing challenge to first stop, DRES

I am not native english, please forgive me the funny spell...

Edited by Mikki
... ongoing post..., and typos:), making it flush
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First stop, Dresteroids?

(We need a fuel up at the dresteroids...)

We have a transferwindow in a few days to Dres, the CRAZY BANANA is ready to go. (If its reasonable going there...? Who knows.)

We will start from 5000km HKO directly for an intercept, inclination burn included, somehow... no, not possible.

Further payload and deltaV tests are to be done, the Cheap Bop Station at the rear end is a real piece of scrap... but it pays 4.500.000 Kredits when dropped. And we have too much Oxidizer loaded, a additional tanker must be lifted to make a fuelexchange/ fuelup of LF,... oh no.


Well, i decided to make a last delivery to the CRAZY BANANA

Some pics, did not comment all the pictures anymore, its obvious whats going on.

Resetting transfervessel loadout, orbit to 5000 km:


Lifting additional fuel and a disposable LFO tank:


Valentina takes command, new target for refuel is now

Asteroid NUQ-411 (E size), in Solar orbit

After doing some navigational strategy, Valentina decided to encounter an huge Asteroid in solar orbit which was in perfect constellation for a catchup in our apoapsis behind the orbit of duna... Now my career Jool-5 challenge can begin, no return from this point on.

The deltaV readout of KER on initial burn in Kerbin orbit showed around 5451 m/s for the "CRAZY BANANA", our tasty transfervessel and home for the next years.

The vessel has been outbalanced, 0.0 % thrustoffset is a good thing when it comes to manouvers, SAS can rotate the ship without much force in any case, no LFO needed for additional vernorengine use (they are very thursty)...

Jool-5 fuelrun to Asteroid in Solar orbit:


Jool system transfer:



Transfervessel in close approach to "NUQ-411", detailed navigation in the album above.


Slowly moving towards the Asteroid, preparing for last breakmanouver:


And then, finally burning for the Jool system... look at the burntime... and the album above.


Nice arrival at the Jool-5 challenge arena...


And a first Jool-5 challenge success, Bobby and Enemy Kerman in the ISRU lander with the "Cheap Spooky Bop Station" on top, which will be hovered to the surface when contract parameters are matched. In this case; room for 20 Kerbals, energy, dish, dockingport, viewing cupola and... 5000 units ore on board! No problem for us, we are prepared for stuff like that...


Bop landing, "Cheap Spooky Bop Station" delivery, ISRU:


​Laythe desasters, careerdecisions





Valentina and Bobby decided together to perform a hard aerobrakemaneuver at Laythe, the time is definetly over for petting the transfervessel.

Ever wondered how hard Kerbals can brake? See here:


"Errm... yes... looks like we lost all our solararrays... errm... %*c?£!r°ç&a/>*?$p!?! ... ...okay..."

- KSP Missioncommander Valentina Kerman

Laythe SSTO landing:


During the aerobrakemaneuver of our brave Kerbonauts, all solararrays have been lost. Only the SSTO has still two functional retractable panels, but they will serve not much out here. There are some thermoelectric generators attached, but when it comes to fuel conversion or even mining...? The transfervessel has a large fuelcell attached, aswell as the ISRU lander... I will see how far i can get with them.

Another problem is the heat from the LV-N`s, the radiators survided, though without three gigantors they appear not sufficient enough, i guess i have to throttle down the "NERVA"s... bad thing...

But my Jool-5 attempt is still in good shape, i am very excited about the lucky flight until now!

Bobby made a great touchdown on Laythe today, he is my new hero!



Laythe departure:


Edited by Mikki
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Still on the move, some contracts have to be done at Pol

After loosing all the solararrays, the fuelcells showed their full purpose on this challenge...

Converting 500 units of ore used some 100 units of LFO, i am still not sure how this will turn out by the next miningaction on the surface of Pol...The SSTO has been left in Laythe orbit, together with the Mk3 LFO tank and some fuel inside for my next career mission around here...

Good to know that the plane design works properly, quiet a relief to have some equipment allready here next time.

Laythe to Pol:




Pol landing and contracts:


Tylo landing aborted:

After arrival at Tylo and starting the challenge landing i immediatly realized a huge lack of deltaV on the planned landerassembly...

I consider my Jool-5 attempt as failed.

Crew is moving on to Laythe for further instructions.

Pic of my desasterous engineering mishap, please don`t laugh...:D


Edited by Mikki
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Good looking Ship and nice mission you did, and well presented.

Yep Gigantors don't like aerobraking, i'll use 2x6 retractable 1x6 solar panels to generate power, tests showed it was enough to sustain 3-4 reaction wheels and other basic stuff, while operating in the joolian system.

For my Jool mission, i plan a classic Laythe aerobrake too, i hope the ship won't overheat to much.

And i'd like to have so many contracts for the Jool area. :)

Maybe my next com satellite will unlock more. You made a lot of money with that.

Edited by xebx
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  xebx said:
Good looking Ship and nice mission you did, and well presented. ... You made a lot of money with that.

Thank you and well, i`m getting filthy rich here...:cool:

Good luck with your mission, next time i know it even more better!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice attempt! Your Tylo lander looks like it does have enough delta V. I think that KER is confused because you attached your top and bottom stages with docking ports instead of a decoupler, and you have your engines in the wrong order in the staging sequence. If you have a quicksave, you could try again. Disable Crossfeed on the docking port and decouple your lower stage when you run out of its fuel, finishing on your upper stage.

If you don't have a quicksave, well you learned a lot about how to complete the mission and you made lots of money and had fun doing it.

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