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(1.0.4 Compatible) SSP: Space Shuttle Program (On Hold for Internal Reorganization)


Should we split the Shuttle into parts like the CSS?  

168 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we split the Shuttle into parts like the CSS?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't Care
    • What's CSS?

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Thank you

Thank you all who are working so diligently to keep this modification of Kerbal Space Program running. I understand the difficulty and the struggle when juggling work, school, and projects such as this one. I truly am wishing you the best of luck in resolving this issue. To everyone else on this forum, patience is key. CommanderSpock is sorting out the issue and reorganizing the team. Please be patient with him as he gets everything back in order. If you wish to help, wait until the current team members are reorganized into a better working group.




Edited by flightmanmicah
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