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this is MY brain on "MechJeb" HELP!?


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My first impression of mechjeb: instant gratification, easy as pie

24 hours later...

Now im pulling my hair out wondering what the F@#% I'm doing wrong.

Let me set the scene for you.

yesterday i installed the latest version of mechjeb and thought id test it out.

1. I launched a SS Core into 100km orbit with ascent guidance. SUCCESS!

2. I next launched my next piece of the ss into orbit and using rendezvous autopilot. SUCCESS!!

3. docked using docking autopilot. SUCCESS!!!

4. repeated steps 2,3. SUPER SUCCESS!!!!

all of this was done with no prior planning. (not taking into account the location of the ss at liftoff, 100% autopilot)

content with the success of my new wonderful autopilot, I called it a night and dreampt about my future endeavors in space. only to awaken to a seamingly unresponsive mechjeb. i spent nearly 10 hours trying to recreate the events that transpired the day before. after dozens of failed rendezvous attempts (each time the rendezvous autopilot just doesnt do the maneuvers that it plans) eventually i tried just to launch into an orbit using ascent guidance, something "simple" for mechjeb, and again it skips the maneouver it plans for orbit! :confused: KSP is driving me insane, i dwell on my failures all day long wondering what im doing wrong, and the autopilot/mechjeb issues are no different. it was sooooo easy the night before and now i dont know what to do, ive watched tutorials over and over and it appears it just isnt behaving like it should. if anyone can offer their advice or oppinions on what may be going on (even behind the scenes) i would greatly appreciate it, and so would jeb who is floating on my spacestation with limited life support resources.

im running:

ksp v. 1.0.2



seti greenhouse-0.9.1

station science 1.5

tac life support

stationpartsexpansion 0_3_3

kustom kerbals

procedural fairings 3.15


kw release package v2.7

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:D thank you for the very quick reply i will try that now, however i installed mechjeb with 2 or 3 other mods simultaneously. also in the time since my initial post i did quick flight log of what is happening.

Ascent guidance config:

orbit alt 75km

orbit inclin 0'

(*)prevent overheats

(*)limit terminal velocity

() limit accel

()limit throttle

()force roll

()limit AoA 5'

(*)corrective steering


()auto deploy solar

(*)auto warp

verticle ascent

500m begin gravity turn

40km throttle down/fine tuning

49km coasting to the edge of atmosphere

(slowly drifting towards pointing back towards kerbin <light blue circle>)

70km maneouvernode created (but ignored)

74950 begins descent pointed downwards

I hope this helps paint a good picture of what I'm going through.

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Soundsmith, maybe try posting some screenshots of the problem. Maybe someone will pick up on a clue or something as to what is going wrong. Personally, I have found the ascent guidance feature of mechjeb to be somewhat of a PITA. I usually just use the smart a.s.s. to control my rocket while keeping an eye on the orbit info window.

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Still no luck

I can send you mybmechjeb folder. I don't have that bug. Maybe if you delete your mechjeb folder and replace with mine it'll fix it? AND you mechjeb is outdated. Mine is But that maybe because your KSP is outdated. Whatever the reason for that, it is noted in release notes they have fixed bug with procedural fairings, that was in 2.5.1.

Also if this only one craft that has this problem you can send me the craft file and I'll see.

Also try disabling auto warp and warp and stop warping manually. I suspect mechjeb just doesn't stop warping for spme reason.

Otherwise it's either compatibility issue or a broken game. Either can be cured by your KSP folder backup before installing new mods.

Edited by tbarcello
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