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[WIP][1.3] PersistentThrust v1.0.9


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  TotallyNotSatan said:
I'm using the "Dawn" ion engine. The stock one. I do, however, have non-stock parts on my ship(and non-stock ion engines available in the VAB); could that have anything to do with it?
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  TotallyNotSatan said:
Navigator GUI?

Also, the ion engines are producing stock thrust, not 2.5 mN or whatever it's supposed to be with this mod, leading me to believe this mod isn't working at all for me. Hmm.

Yeah, you're missing this rather important part of the mod:


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  TotallyNotSatan said:
So I just stick the SolarSailNavigator and PersistentThrust in the GameData folder along with the rest of my mods?

Yes, that's correct. You also need ModuleManager for the ion engine patch to work. SolarSailNavigator includes a patch to all the command modules to bring up a navigation control window.

Edited: If you install SolarSailNavigator through KSP-CKAN, it should grab all the dependencies (PersistentThrust and ModuleManager).

- - - Updated - - -

  Felger said:
Huh, I didn't get an email notification for this post. Weird.

Anyway, did some testing, it seems to work great, catches the mode switches and everything! The only hangup is that throttling up seems to kill timewarp for ModuleEnginesFX-using engines. You might have to use a separate throttle from the game throttle, since I'll bet that's a feature of the stock engine modules.

Thanks. I have a flag to kill timewarp when the propellant runs dry. Not sure why it would be limited to ModuleEnginesFX. What parts are you testing with?

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  TotallyNotSatan said:
So I downloaded the mod. Now whenever I try to decouple a stage my game crashes.

Hmm... Do you have ModuleManager installed? If so, sometimes I have problems with its cache files, so I delete all the ModuleManager.* files (except the .dll, which is the plugin), which forces it to regenerate them.

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  mrsolarsail said:
Hmm... Do you have ModuleManager installed? If so, sometimes I have problems with its cache files, so I delete all the ModuleManager.* files (except the .dll, which is the plugin), which forces it to regenerate them.

I do not have ModuleManager. And for some reason, this issue started when I downloaded SolarSailNavigator but persists even after I uninstall it. I'm very confused.

EDIT: Decoupling works fine on a new save. I'm just gonna delete that old save and try downloading it again.

Edited by TotallyNotSatan
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  mrsolarsail said:
Yes, that's correct. You also need ModuleManager for the ion engine patch to work. SolarSailNavigator includes a patch to all the command modules to bring up a navigation control window.

Edited: If you install SolarSailNavigator through KSP-CKAN, it should grab all the dependencies (PersistentThrust and ModuleManager).

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks. I have a flag to kill timewarp when the propellant runs dry. Not sure why it would be limited to ModuleEnginesFX. What parts are you testing with?

Hmm, well, I tried it with the VASIMR from Near Future Propulsion. To be fair, I didn't try it with an engine that uses ModuleEngines. When I get some time I'll try to replicate it with some other scenarios.

  TotallyNotSatan said:
I do not have ModuleManager. And for some reason, this issue started when I downloaded SolarSailNavigator but persists even after I uninstall it. I'm very confused.

EDIT: Decoupling works fine on a new save. I'm just gonna delete that old save and try downloading it again.

Module Manager is pretty necessary for this mod to function, without it, the mod won't do anything.

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I am now very confused. I uninstalled the mod and sent a ship into solar orbit. I then reinstalled the mods(SolarSail and PersistentThrust + ModuleManager) and now it doesn't work differently than normal. The Dawn engines turn on but they don't thrust(and consume no fuel.) MechJeb shows a delta-v of 0 now. Electricity on my ship randomly set itself to 0(but it's recharging). And no Navigator GUI appears. I'm perfuzzled.

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  TotallyNotSatan said:
I am now very confused. I uninstalled the mod and sent a ship into solar orbit. I then reinstalled the mods(SolarSail and PersistentThrust + ModuleManager) and now it doesn't work differently than normal. The Dawn engines turn on but they don't thrust(and consume no fuel.) MechJeb shows a delta-v of 0 now. Electricity on my ship randomly set itself to 0(but it's recharging). And no Navigator GUI appears. I'm perfuzzled.

How did you install the mod? If you didn't install via CKAN, double check that you have all the important bits installed. Items you need in your GameData directory for this to work:




If you already have those, we'll have to come up with another troubleshooting step.

  westamastaflash said:
Does this run even when we're at the Space Center or at a different vessel? I like to run many missions at once.

Nope, requires the vessel to be in focus unfortunately.

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  • 1 month later...

It looks like this mod do not contain "control panel".

Everything works after installing SolarSailNavigator.


  mrsolarsail said:
SolarSailNavigator includes a patch to all the command modules to bring up a navigation control window.

Oh, so it is intentional. Do you plan to include it in this mod? I think it would be nice to add it here.

Edited by bartekltg
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[quote name='bartekltg']It looks like this mod do not contain "control panel".
Everything works after installing [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-4-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-4-alpha"]SolarSailNavigator[/URL][COLOR=#333333].
Edit: [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]
Oh, so it is intentional. Do you plan to include it in this mod? I think it would be nice to add it here.[/QUOTE]

At the moment, you need to right click on the command module to bring up the navigation controls. I realize this can be inconvenient, depending on the ship design, and I plan on improving it.
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[quote name='bartekltg']It looks like this mod do not contain "control panel".
Everything works after installing [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-4-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-4-alpha"]SolarSailNavigator[/URL][COLOR=#333333].
Edit: [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]
Oh, so it is intentional. Do you plan to include it in this mod? I think it would be nice to add it here.[/QUOTE]

I had them bundled together, but got requests to separate out the thrust generation from the navigator, because the navigator requires a lot more development and will be changing much more frequently than the thrust model.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Nansuchao']Do you also plan to include a tool for torchships?[/QUOTE]

I've included a patch to the ion engine, but this plugin can be added to any rocket. The [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-4-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-4-alpha"]navigator[/URL] works with them as well, letting you set throttles, attitudes, and times and seeing what the future trajectory and final orbit are.
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[quote name='mrsolarsail']I had them bundled together, but got requests to separate out the thrust generation from the navigator, because the navigator requires a lot more development and will be changing much more frequently than the thrust model.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I've included a patch to the ion engine, but this plugin can be added to any rocket. The [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-4-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-4-alpha"]navigator[/URL] works with them as well, letting you set throttles, attitudes, and times and seeing what the future trajectory and final orbit are.[/QUOTE]

That's beautiful, congratulations! I want to try this with some of the Interstellar engines.
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Let me see if I understood correctly: installing this mod, I'll get a solarsail part, but to use it correctly, I need the other mod?

If I don't want to use solarsails (I think they are COOL, but they seem hard to control...) but still want to have persistent thrust, I have to install THIS mod and delete the solarsail part?
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[quote name='jlcarneiro']Let me see if I understood correctly: installing this mod, I'll get a solarsail part, but to use it correctly, I need the other mod?

If I don't want to use solarsails (I think they are COOL, but they seem hard to control...) but still want to have persistent thrust, I have to install THIS mod and delete the solarsail part?[/QUOTE]

This module adds a solar sail part that thrusts during timewarp, and it patches the existing the ion engine to thrust during timewarp as well. You don't need to use the solar sail in your spacecraft. It will just be a part available in the VAB. The [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-5-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-6-alpha"]Navigator mod[/URL] patches the command modules to let you plan a trajectory for either the solar sail or the ion engine. Other propulsion systems can be added by copying and editing the ion engine (or sail) patch. Does this answer your question?

This mod is part of my attempt to demystify solar sails, which most people outside the discipline don't understand well. The navigator lets you see how changes in sail attitude (or attitude and throttle for the ion engine) affect the future orbit, like KSP's map mode lets you do with rocket thrust maneuvers.
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[quote name='mrsolarsail']This module adds a solar sail part that thrusts during timewarp, and it patches the existing the ion engine to thrust during timewarp as well. You don't need to use the solar sail in your spacecraft. It will just be a part available in the VAB. The [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-5-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-6-alpha"]Navigator mod[/URL] patches the command modules to let you plan a trajectory for either the solar sail or the ion engine. Other propulsion systems can be added by copying and editing the ion engine (or sail) patch. Does this answer your question?

This mod is part of my attempt to demystify solar sails, which most people outside the discipline don't understand well. The navigator lets you see how changes in sail attitude (or attitude and throttle for the ion engine) affect the future orbit, like KSP's map mode lets you do with rocket thrust maneuvers.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I think I'll try it then... FOR SCIENCE! :D
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wrote a patch to add ALL ion engines to PT support. (mainly focused on NF Propulsion)

		@maxThrust *= 0.0005 
			@ratio *= 500   //matching real-life ion engines' electric consumption
		name = PersistentEngine
		@ConstantThrust *= 0.000125
		@Mode?Thrust*,* *= 0.000125
		@EnergyUsage *= 0.0625

			@key,0 = 0 12.5
			@key,1 = 1 25
			@key,0 = 0 6.25
			@key,1 = 1 12.5
			@key,0 = 0 62.5
			@key,1 = 1 125

p.s. Could u please add support to RF engines?

Edited by 01010101lzy
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/11/2015 at 11:15 AM, 01010101lzy said:

Wrote a patch to add ALL ion engines to PT support. (mainly focused on NF Propulsion)

		@maxThrust *= 0.0005 
			@ratio *= 500   //matching real-life ion engines' electric consumption
		name = PersistentEngine
		@ConstantThrust *= 0.000125
		@Mode?Thrust*,* *= 0.000125
		@EnergyUsage *= 0.0625

			@key,0 = 0 12.5
			@key,1 = 1 25
			@key,0 = 0 6.25
			@key,1 = 1 12.5
			@key,0 = 0 62.5
			@key,1 = 1 125

p.s. Could u please add support to RF engines?


Cool, thanks. I'm not familiar with the RF engine. Have tested PT with them? The way I wrote the plugin, it will hopefully work with any reaction engine. It scans for all the resources, finds those that consume mass, and applies the mass consumption to the vessel.

Sorry I've been offline. Starting a new job and moving across a continent.

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  On 12/25/2015 at 3:42 PM, mrsolarsail said:

Cool, thanks. I'm not familiar with the RF engine. Have tested PT with them? The way I wrote the plugin, it will hopefully work with any reaction engine. It scans for all the resources, finds those that consume mass, and applies the mass consumption to the vessel.

Sorry I've been offline. Starting a new job and moving across a continent.


It didn't work in my last test, maybe for not recognizing ModuleEnginesRF.

the engine showed "Air consumption failed" for no reason and refused to work.


p.s. I didn't know if PersistentEngines has any conflict with VariableISPEngine and I didn't test it...

Edited by 01010101lzy
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