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science from multiple "a vessel return from....." situations

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I was doing yet another playthru this week and I noticed something odd. When you recover a vessel you only get science from one type of situation under the heading "a vessel returned from..." I think you should get it from each situation the vessel has been in on it's trip.

In the particular situation I experienced I was doing a flyby of Eve, I recovered the vessel, and the on science listed was ~ 3 science for "a vessel returned from orbit of the sun". I had previously sent 1 flight just out of kerbins SOI and back. So I sent another trip, and I got 0.1 science for "a vessel returned from orbit of the sun". I haven't done a 3rd eve flyby yet, I am hoping now that I collected all the "orbit of the sun" science I can return science from a flyby, or orbit of other planets and moons.

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I've done 5 flybys of Eve now, and still no science for returning a vessel from there, always "0 science for a vessel returned from orbit of the sun" Maybe this situation isn't implemented yet? I'm going to try an orbit tonight and see if I can get Science for that.

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I think it always returns whatever is worth the most science TO START WITH, regardless of whether or not you've gotten any.

I know with my Jool 5 mission - in which the mothership went in orbit around Tylo and everybody left from there to go everywhere else - a lot of the ships had "a vessel returned from orbit of Tylo" instead of what they did.

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