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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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As I promised, here are the pics...

The first screen shows how it looks in default Prometheus Solar Rover.craft. As you can see, the cart has its node in the front and the upper cart (solar panels and so on) has its node in the middle. The direction they are facing is opposite (red arrows show facing of these parts - I suggest that upper cart is facing front where the camera is looking and the cart in facing front where there are headlights)


These two pictures show how it looks when you rotate the cart so that both "parts" would face the same way. The only node of the cart - the front one - attaches to the only bottom node of the upper part - the middle one. As these length arrows show, this rotation creates quite big offset of the cart which really doesn't seem to look right.



And this is what you get when you launch DEFAULT, unchanged Prometheus Solar Rover.craft. Your camera is facing back while the rover goes forward to the opposite direction where headlights face.


I am sorry for amateur looking arrows painted in MS Paint :D I just didn't have enough time to make it better, but I think it serves the purpose.

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Hi, I'd like to have the Portugal and Quebec flags, but couldn't find them. Would it be possible for you to make them?

I'd really appreciate it.

Done, go check on the first page.

The new battle cruser looks cool, but how do you get that to orbit with out over powered parts that send you to murs and back without troble? :P

Battlecruiser is not a realistic ship so it'll probably be overpowered, but it'll use different fuel in order not to be used like a cheat engine.

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@Yogui87: Did you find out what I was reporting about? :)

I think the issue comes from the latest cart plugin you install. May be a compatibility error. My rover uses the previous version. I'll check this way.

A question regarding the battlecruiser, i know i have stated earlier that the "real" cruisers are 1-5km long.

But wouldn't you be able to cut the ship into parts and make every part enormous? That way the ship could be way larger.

I allready cut it into parts to make it as larger as it's possible. The main problem is that the VAB or SPH are just too small to build a larger ship.

For now, I think I can't make it bigger than 30-40m long. May be if we got a large space dock in the future.

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I already cut it into parts to make it as larger as it's possible. The main problem is that the VAB or SPH are just too small to build a larger ship.

For now, I think I can't make it bigger than 30-40m long. May be if we got a large space dock in the future.

Oh, that's too bad.

Well, as you said, maybe in the future. :)

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Yogui, you really should update your plugins, so that we don't have to replace the already existing plugins with a previous version which causes incompatibility.

Also, i tried replacing the existing plugins with yours, now the rover parts are correctly placed, before that, they were in a 180° turn like others have reported.

So in order to get these faults, download the latest cart.dll and mumech.dll and you will have the parts turned around (180°)

Edited by zYnthethicz
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I have the same issue.. The rover is backwards. And the wheels just sink into the launchpad and I'm stuck.

Also I found that the small telescopic antenna is not quite working right. It extends to far so the 3 parts of it hovers above one another with a big gap.

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It's probably just my KSP being dumb, but my rockets start handling really weirdly when I attach the Prometheus pod to the top. Particularly when I make use of the WASD keys, the rocket and camera "jerk", registering as a massive increase in G-forces and whatnot. Point is, mechjeb essentially becomes useless when this happens, and even attempting to manually fly is insanely challenging. I only have this mod and the Novapunch parts installed. Is there some key to disable the rover's maneuvering system until I attempt to crash- I mean land?

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@Yogui87: Did you find out what I was reporting about? :)

Done, the new update is avaible and is fully compatible with the new cart plugin (included in the pack). I didn't see that Tosh has made cfg modification in is new update that cause the issue. He removed the cfg line that allows auto facing the cart.

It's probably just my KSP being dumb, but my rockets start handling really weirdly when I attach the Prometheus pod to the top. Particularly when I make use of the WASD keys, the rocket and camera "jerk", registering as a massive increase in G-forces and whatnot. Point is, mechjeb essentially becomes useless when this happens, and even attempting to manually fly is insanely challenging. I only have this mod and the Novapunch parts installed. Is there some key to disable the rover's maneuvering system until I attempt to crash- I mean land?

Wobling issues are a well known bugs I'm working on. There're due to MechJeb. So for now, my best tip is: only use MechJeb for landing, it works pretty good.

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Well not quite. =) Now the steering is reversed.. And I can't drive up the launchpad ramp either And still same problem with the telescopic antenna .. It's extending too far.

Strange, because I didn't modify anything about that. Did you paste the PluginData file and overwrite the old ones?

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hmmm no.. maybe i should do that... hehe will tell you how it went.

EDIT: The antenna issue is no more. But still steering reversed.. And somthing wrong with the wheel colliders or something.. Can't drive it upp the ramp ether. I know you could with the old version..

Is it only me who have these problems?

Awsome rover pack though!

Edited by Hyperon4
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ye same its going below the ground at start... and wheels looks like uhmm im gonna send picture ; :) btw ''W'' and ''S'' keys also working opposite direction when i press ''w'' it rises its front .... steering is right for me ''J'' is left, ''L'' is right when moving foward... but it cant move when you press j or l first than i its gets stuck.... also antenna is fine...

here it is;





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ye same its going below the ground at start... and wheels looks like uhmm im gonna send picture ; :) btw ''W'' and ''S'' keys also working opposite direction when i press ''w'' it rises its front .... steering is right for me ''J'' is left, ''L'' is right when moving foward... but it cant move when you press j or l first than i its gets stuck.... also antenna is fine...

The rover keys are:

Foward -> "I"

Backward-> "K"

Left -> "J"

Right -> "L"

DO NOT use "W" or "S" to move. Use them to get out the ground or to turn upside down the rover.

Steering is only possible with a minimum of speed, you can't turn before going forward.

The rover is going under the ground on the launch pad because of a mesh issue of the launch pad. To solve this issue, start with your rover over the ground (ie, put a decoupler under it or launch it with a small rocket).

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nope my cart is latest one... i know the movement keys... i just using w s for get out the ground and i saw they are working opposite ways... its a minor bug dont efect rover itself...

another minor visual bug is connection btween chasis and whells gets bugged when you start ride the rover.. (theres a empty space between whells and chasis of rover) dont effect rover itself also

btw editing cfg little fixing Steering issue

this rover is awsome just want to report these for future relases thnx for response :)

Edited by ashrutoraman
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