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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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I'm really enjoying this mod, but there seems to be something slightly amiss with the weight distribution - with the ASAS set, the skycrane+rover falls slightly onto its back, and if you remove the rover wheels it falls slightly onto its front...? It looks symmetrical though, is this intentional? Thanks.

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I'm really enjoying this mod, but there seems to be something slightly amiss with the weight distribution - with the ASAS set, the skycrane+rover falls slightly onto its back, and if you remove the rover wheels it falls slightly onto its front...? It looks symmetrical though, is this intentional? Thanks.

It's not intentinal, I'll check where it can come from but I think this is due to the triangle-shape of the rover. I'll reduce the panels weight, perhaps it will help to be more balanced.

May be, with more thurst, the slight tild will desappear.

Edited by Yogui87
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I found a temporary fix by changing the attachment offsets in the .cfg files. The following values make it track straight and as steady as a rock with the existing component masses:

LH_RoverPod - part.cfg:

node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.0, -0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_front = 0.0, 0.0, -8.8, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_right = 7.6, 0.0, 4.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_left = -7.6, 0.0, 4.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

LH_Roverwheels - part.cfg:

node_attach = 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 0

node_stack_top = 0, 0.03, 0.04, 0, 1, 0

node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.4, 0, 0, 1, 0

NB if you remove and re-attach the wheels and decoupler (four white dots) in the VAB they are offset slightly to the rear, but the pre-built skycrane .craft works fine as-is using these values. If you want to try them, make sure to back up your original settings first.

p.s. what a fab mod, I love it!

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I'm back form holidays and I started to update the mods.


I upscaled the MEM to a 2m wide size to fit with the new stock parts. I need to add a hatch for EVA (I still have trouble to add it).

I downscaled the rover to a 1m wide size to be more easy to send to orbit and beyond. The rover is now un-maned. I need to fix some little issues due to downscaling but it's in good way. Main wobling issues seems to have been fixed.

The modeling of the Overlord spacecruiser is 90% done. Need to model guns, need to texture the whole ship and create the .cfg files.

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Could you do something with a rover that the kerbals can ride in, or at least on? I always seem to be closing the solar panels and tossing a kerbal in so he can move faster that a crawl

EDIT: Also, when I land with the skycrane, if the engines on it are above 20 or 25 %, then the skycrane becomes uncontrollable, and I end up unable to land.

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Could you do something with a rover that the kerbals can ride in, or at least on? I always seem to be closing the solar panels and tossing a kerbal in so he can move faster that a crawl

EDIT: Also, when I land with the skycrane, if the engines on it are above 20 or 25 %, then the skycrane becomes uncontrollable, and I end up unable to land.

I'm interested in making a crew-able rover. If I find the inspiration I think I'll do it. About the skycrane, did you trun on the RCS to stabilise the skycrane before turning on the engines? Have you got the same issue using MechJeb landing system? I'm trying to fix this kind of issues in the coming update.

@Yogui. An off-topic question. What font do you use for your logo and texts?

I find the font on dafont.com, it's the vorpal font: http://www.dafont.com/fr/search.php?q=vorpal

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Today is a great day for me because my first mod is very close now from what I expected when I start it.

In this update you'll find an upscaled MEM with a crew of 2 Kerbals, an hatch for EVA, a flag you can deploy playing your anthem (differents flags and anthems are downloadable and I'll make others on demand), and a new MemCam (press F7).

You can download it on the first page.

The battle spacecruiser is almost done, need to do textures. It will be quite big (watch the Kerbal size), see it by yourself:

Edited by Yogui87
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I know this tutorial but I don't want to animate these parts like a landing leg (using "g" key).

I want to animate them using another key or at least right clicking on it like for using ladder or hatch.

I don't know how to do it. I'll search how to do it.

How do you feel the new features? What about the flag?

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The "real" battlecruisers are like.. 1-5km. :(

Yes... but it's too big for the SPH. I make it as big as possible (around 30-40m long).

Perhaps you can modify the cfg files once it's in orbit to make it bigger.

Edited by Yogui87
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The flag "sticked" with the craft

Is it a bug or enviromental-friendly design? @.@

It's supposed to be deploy once the MEM is landed, then decouple the MEM pod and use RCS to go back to Kerbin: leaving the MEM tank AND the flag.

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