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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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I cant figure out how to make the rover move. is there a manual online for it?

You can find the controls on the part description (VAB):

Controls: I / K -- forward/backward, J / L -- left/right, U headlights and N / B brakes/handbrake

There's a video manual in the first page too. Here the video:

Edited by Yogui87
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Maybe I'm doing this wrong. But I downloaded the Munar Module and when I unzip it, there's two folders. A Parts folder and a ship folder. I copy the files from parts to the parts folder in KSP and ships to ships, under VAB. When I try to load it in the game it says it's incompatible. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Love this mod, planning on setting up some sort of planetary transfer with the rover, which orbits the sun and then comes straight in on Kerbin for a re-entry on SoI switch, going to be fun with this mod and lots of others. Thanks for this great mod! Can't want for the new planets for this to land on them!

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You can find the controls on the part description (VAB):

Controls: I / K -- forward/backward, J / L -- left/right, U headlights and N / B brakes/handbrake

ok. i did manage to figure it out. having the controls posted in the forum as text ought to help. im not big into watching videos.

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Please update your MJP plugin to use the one linked in this post. I believe that should fix the problems people are having with KSP version 0.16.

Edit: Nope, not the problem...

Edit again: Users, make sure that the PluginData folder is extracted as well; that's where the MJP plugin checks for the configuration of the moving parts.

Edited by semininja
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Where do I have to install the PluginData Folder?

Paste the PluginData folder in the main KSP_win folder.

How do you get the folding solar panels on the rover? When i try to put it on the triangle, it never lines up with the edge. i got the rear panel on, but the two side panels have me frustrated. ive tied E and Q but the thing doesnt seem to align right.

You have to attach the left and right solar panel to the edges of the rover pod.

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You have to attach the left and right solar panel to the edges of the rover pod.

took me a while to get it lined up,. switch off the "snap to", and you need to attach to the thin side elevation ...not the top (zoom in for a better view- hold middle mouse wheel down and push mouse forward if you didnt know)



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Hey, I had that problem, too... At first i connected the Pod with struts, but I couldn't fly it with SAS then - In the Decals section are adapters for 1-3m parts. Have fun!

Btw, thanks for the help, I landed a Rover on minmus now, the skycrane is so awesome, I can't wait for new planets

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