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FSS/Celestia Planet Pack- Heavy WIP


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Here's the planet pack I started about 8 hours ago give or take, I've got the gas giant (Celestia) and a single moon (Cyvik) working and in the game, but thats about it so far. No release until I earn to use these "licenses" you speak of.

Long story short, it's meant to provide something more that isin't OPM and dosn't disturb the stock system so you can still do stuff like Jool 5.

As you can see for now it's extremely basic. But it's a start.






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A license is pretty simple.

It basically means what you can and can not do with the work.

The best license in my opinion is CC-BY-NC-SA.


The CC stands for Creative Commons.

BY means that others have to give credit to you if they use your work.

NC means non-commercial, i.e. companies can't use it.

Btw where is this planet located?

SA means ShareAlike, which basically means that everyone who re-uses your work has to keep it under the same license.

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For the really small ones there's less control, at least that's what I think.

I've always wanted a planet with lots of completely flat terrain with lots of near vertical high sided cliffs and valleys. That would be awesome. If you look at the terrain around the Hab in the martian movie trailer, that's what I mean.

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I can't get Encke's ScaledSpace textures to show up, any help?

name = Encke
flightGlobalsIndex = 183
exportBin = false
cacheFile = FSS/KopernicusConfigs/Cache/Encke.bin
name = Gilly
description = A small lump of rock captured by Celestia's gravity.
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 7000 7000 9000 20000 40000 80000 100000
radius = 13000
geeASL = 0.0023
tidallyLocked = True
sphereOfInfluence = 41000
landedDataValue = 11
inSpaceLowDataValue = 10
inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5
recoveryValue = 10
spaceAltitudeThreshold = 5000
biomeMap = FSS/KopernicusConfigs/Moons/Plugins/Encke_biome.png
name = Highlands
value = 1.0
color = 0.65882,0.50980,0.40784,1
name = Outcrop
value = 1.0
color = 0.62333,0.7353,0.62353,1
referenceBody = Celestia
color = 0.941176,0.901961,0.54902,1
inclination = 1
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 10488231
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = FSS/KopernicusConfigs/Moons/Textures/Encke_color
normals = FSS/KopernicusConfigs/Moons/Plugins/Encke_normal
enabled = true
map = FSS/KopernicusConfigs/Moons/Textures/Encke_color.png
enabled = true

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