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Need people to make models for a mod.

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Okay, I've decided to just give up on making models for my mod as UV Unwrapping in Blender doesn't work for me and the steps I have been told of to make it work seem to exist, plus, I am the WORST at drawing. Ever, especially with GIMP, last time I tried I got so angry I ended up writing multiple obscenities and doing what's probably my best drawing ever, a middle finger, before putting the program into a folder whose name was riddled with obscenities.

So I can't deal with the stress and rage of figuring this rubbish out, and don't even get me started on collision meshes, I have no clue where to start.

So I need some people to do some modelling and texturing for my mod, PM me and I'll give details, thank you, as I can't deal with this rubbish.

Thank you for any offers to help, I appreciate it and am very grateful.

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Eh, I might give it a go, my main problem though is the texturing, modelling I'm kind of okay with, but I cannot UV unwrap and am a terrible artist.

I was the same when I first started. I started and abandoned a few mods I originally started due to frustrations with texturing and UV unwrapping. Nothing happens overnight, you need to just mess around with the programs, read/watch tutorials, and do lots of practicing and experiments.

Just look at a bunch of add-on dev threads and even add-on release threads. You'll notice that many started with a pretty simple model and texture. but as they kept working on it, the models have made huge upgrades in textures and models.

An easy way to get reasonable initial textures is just to apply an Ambient Occlusion and then overlay some base colors. From there start messing around with a single piece of detail ( a screwhead, rivet, a seam for a panel) and just experiment with effects for those. I use Photoshop, but see if GIMP has options for adding layer styles in the stock program or via a plugin. I would say the majority of effects I have used and have seen in other textures are Outer Glow,Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Stroke.

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I would say the majority of effects I have used and have seen in other textures are Outer Glow,Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, and Stroke.

Very much, this. I do almost all of my textures with Photoshop effects. Inner glow, outer glow, gradient, pattern, etc.

I'll often also add a layer that just has random noise, and set it to "Multiply" (so it darkens the image via the random noise), and use masks to apply it where I want.

It's almost stupidly simple, once you know where to find these tricks. ;)

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Just look at a bunch of add-on dev threads and even add-on release threads. You'll notice that many started with a pretty simple model and texture. but as they kept working on it, the models have made huge upgrades in textures and models.

Seriously agree!

Less than a year of difference between left and right, if you practice things improve.


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Well...I also had a hard time first. I ended up UV unwrapping everything in the top-left corner, everything very small...yeah, very efficient. But I know better now! :) BTW, I'm still making my textures mostly using paint.net. OK, normal maps and some small adjustments sometimes with gimp, but you should give it a try. It's not that bad actually. :D

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