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Fastest to orbit


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Challenge: Get to orbit as fast as possible (Pe must be >70km)


Stock only (information and visual mods allowed)

Take off from launchpad or runway

Fastest time to orbit wins (take a screenshot that shows periapsis >70km)

Also take a screenshot of your ship on launchpad/runway

Additional screenshots are recommended as well

Also obviously no F12 or any other cheats (infinite fuel, kraken drive, anything other stupid...)

Here is my example entry:


1:14 to orbit :D

Two stage lifter

Edited by tseitsei
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i almost got an airbrething plane to go into an orbit before i exploded....

How did you manage to do that?

I thought rapiers have a max speed at little below 1600m/s and are pretty much useless at >23km...

Those numbers dont get you near orbit height or speed. What did you do?

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I'll post pics about the craft and flight profile later when I get to ksp computer. But I can say that with a lot of thrust, heatshields while going up to not blow up and 3 stages.

Now someone else please give this a try. It's quite fun :D and MOAR BOOSTERS! Is usually a viable method here...

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Ok here is my ship with 58s to orbit


Approximate flight instructions (I don't remember the exact angles):

First almost straight up (maybe 70 degrees) and full throttle for 34s (whole first stage and some of the second stage)

Then (still maintaining full throttle) turn almost straight down for awhile (this will lower your apoapsis and start to circularize your orbit)

Then gradually turn more towards the radial direction

Just before the 2nd stage runs out of fuel come out of the map view so you can activate sepratrons as soon as your 2nd stage stops.

Pray that your apo gets >70km

It will probably take a few (a lot) of tries to get it done but it is certainly doable :)

Edited by tseitsei
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