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Ford Hovervee Model X -- Now with new HOVER Feature!

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The NEW Ford Hovervee Model X !!!

As depicted in this picture, Jebediah Kerman is pleased with the KSC's new invention. "Its like my jeep but it hovers and is more likely to flip over! I like it :D" proudly shouts Jeb.


This car features:

  1. Hover!
  2. Hover Suspension!
  3. Hover Wheels!
  4. Hover Chassis!



Low part count, nice Ford style with a pickup design, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU ASK FOR


And if your skeptical about this just look at our MLG youtube video!

Download it here!

Thank you for viewing folks! Happy Hovering!

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Yeah but I ran into the bug when making this craft so Im like :) Idea! Why not make it "hover". Glad you like it. It brings back so many memories of other things that hover.... :D

It's an amazing bug, i will be interested to see if its there after the rover wheels update.

Ohh ohh! Try to make a hover rover with the big wheels!

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It's an amazing bug, i will be interested to see if its there after the rover wheels update.

Ohh ohh! Try to make a hover rover with the big wheels!

I can give that a go! Begs on floor* "SQUAD, plz some bugs are meant to stay!"

Update: Nope. Doesnt work for the giant rover wheels ;(

Edited by ghostbuzzer7
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